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To Date or not to Date?

Author's Note: This is a silly nonsense fic written by me and my friends Kenshin, Bakura, and Trissie. If you can't stand silly nonsense and stupid, sort of perverted (at times) humor, then don't read this. We don't want any criticism from someone who doesn't like these kinds of fics. It was meant to be funny, random, and POINTLESS, so just have fun! ^.^


Part I

Pegasus walked out of Victoria's Secret really, really, really mad, he had been thrown in there again by Kaiba and Inuyasha and everyone else. Only this time instead of ending up in a bathrobe, he ended up in a pink lace bra and matching panties.

Kaiba gave Inuyasha a high five and they both sank to the ground laughing. Bakura and Tristan tried to look as if nothing was happening and Sesshoumaru smacked Pegasus for being a cross-dresser.

Bakura ran into Abercrombie and Fitch and bought a really hott outfit. He put it on and came out of the store. Tea's mouth dropped and she started to drool, while Bakura just walked by with a cool look on his face.

Tristan laughed his head off when Bakura came out of the store. He grabbed Joey's shoe and hopped on his motorcycle, before he heads off he throws the shoe to Kaiba saying, "Go long!" Then, as he headed off into the sunset he sang their "friendship song".

Inuyasha snorted and went off to find his own outfit.

He came back 5 minutes later in baggy black pants, an unzipped black vest with no shirt underneath, showing off his perfect chest and arms, a black bandana on his head, holding back his silver hair and black biker's gloves on his hands.

Kagome started drooling and thinking, "He's such a BISHIE!!!!!!!!!!"

Kaiba rolled his eyes and turned around, his overcoat billowing out behind him. But unfortunately he ran smack dab into Mai, who hugged and kissed him saying "Kaiba!"

Kaiba turned on his heel and walked into the arcade, Mai close behind. "Kaiba!!!" Mai called, "Wait!" Kaiba spun around and rolled his eyes. "Come here," Mai said softly. Kaiba approached her unwillingly. Suddenly Mai grabbed Kaiba's shoulders, pulled him into a corner, and sats on top of his legs. "Bring it on Kaiba" she whispered.

Mai started rapidly kissing him. He shoved her onto the floor and she screamed. "Get away Mai!" he told her.

Pegasus suddenly jumped up to help Mai. "Hey babe," he said. "EW! Get away!" Mai screamed. She snaped the strap of the lacy bra he was wearing and ran after Kaiba.

Inuyasha stood there laughing until Kagome walked up to him and looked deeply into his golden eyes. Inuyasha's ears perked up and he closed his eyes and brushed his lips against Kagome's. She sighed and deepened the kiss as they put their arms around each other.

In the spur of the moment, Mai put her arms around Kaiba and kissed him. "Ok, I give up!" he thought and returned the kiss, grudgingly.

A girl walked up to Tristan (who by this time had come back) and said, "Hi! My name's Sango. You're REALLY cute!" Tristan gawked at her black hair and deep brown eyes. He was mesmerized by her body.

Joey walked out of Victoria's Secret at that moment and says, "I don't get it, why are there so many types?! A's, B's, C's, under wire, sports, what's up with that?!?!?!?!" Everyone turned around and stared.

All of a sudden, Yugi and Serenity come and join them, walking arm in arm.

Meanwhile Tristan was shocked that a girl thought he was cute! He would have done a back flip, but he didn't know how. So he said, "Hi Sango, I'm Tristan. Wanna hang out?" "Sure," she replied.

Meanwhile Kaiba looked up from kissing Mai and gawked at Serenity. "She's sooo pretty!!!" he thought. Mai noticed his distraction and looked over at Serenity. She gasped and glared at Kaiba, who didn't notice or care. Then *CRACK*, she smacked him as hard as she could. He fell over, holding his cheek, while stars dancing above his head. Mai glared down at him some more as he looked up at her and said, "PAY ATTENTION TO ME, KAIBA!!!" But, he just stood up and proceeded to drool over Serenity.

"Chunk" 2