
These are the people who started it all. And they got away with it, too.

Black Dragon

The director of Studio 5, Black Dragon is my ruthless and admittedly kind of lame alter ego. Sporting a tasteless style of clothes, his oversized megaphone, and an unhealthy love of root beer, this violent maniac will only do half of what it takes to win (and that's on a good day!). Prone to leaving a trail of confusion and disorder wherever he goes, Black Dragon lords over his set, laying down commands at any whim. His only real power is his apparent domination of Max Nova, his assistant, as well as the ownership of his mysterious remote control...

Max Nova

Black Dragon's assistant and enforcer, it's totally unknown just who Max is, where he came from, and why he's so pathetically loyal to the author. Most theorize that he's actually an over-powered rip-off of Rayden Shikodan, a hypothesis that's supported by the versatile muscleman's appearance in Nexus with the exact same hair color. But no matter what his derivatives are, Max follows Black Dragon's orders unquestioningly, though he occasionally grumbles a bit. Sporting two gauntlets charged with mysterious quantum energies, he's well equipped for the tasks he is so often given.

Prism Knight

Prism Knight is the mysterious brother of Black Dragon, who's legendary dull wit and displeasure at being dispatched a single chapter after being introduced really haven't established any sort of strong character for him at all. It is not known whether he believes the KotTF charter that he upholds, and it's widely believed that nobody cares.

Ranma Saotome, Alternate #318

A dashing young martial artist with all of Canon Ranma's looks and skills, plus a few extra "moves". Frequently seduces female co-workers and occasionally female bystanders. It's unknown how he keeps up his martial arts practice or manages to memorize his lines with all the time he takes dealing with his "harem".

Ranko, Alternate #32

A beautiful young maiden who has inexplicably pledged her heart to Ranma, and remains faithful despite how often and blatantly he cheats on her. Ranko apparently has all the skills that Ranma has, and has mentioned her origins as having something to do with a magic mirror and a ruptured storyboard.

LuxDragon, Dragon of the Light

Black Dragon's rather friendly rival (sort of), LuxDragon runs his own filming of Breath of Fire: The Movie a few studios over from BD's set. Though he never actually SAW Black Dragon until the end of the series, LuxDragon remained fairly cordial toward the Lord of Chaos up until the end, whereupon he complained frequently about being cast in a role that mostly involved getting killed a lot and keeping the other guest stars under control.


Mysterious cybernetic sorcerer and beloved prereader, CyMage runs Magi Inc. from the comfort of a small isolated island without any direct cable access. Because of this, he has been forced to watch public access shows for several weeks, and has become fluent in Uruguayan. Skilled with magic and the art of barging into places destructively, this hardy sorcerer proved vital in the effort to free Black Dragon. In addition, he was the only guest star completely satisfied in his role as the #1 cool guy.


"The man in the plastic mask", Mantech1 was kicked out of the Jason Vorhee fanclub for upstaging their idol, and has been a studious practitioner of explosive chemistry and precision gardening ever since he was made immortal. Other than the parts of his life that he'll readily divulge (like all of it), Mantech is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Some say he might actually be Vash in disguise, but this was disproved with a sketchy picture, taken completely out of context, of Captain Umezeki Tylor and a whole lot of cheesecake.

Aaron Darwithe

Another immortal, Aaron jumped onto the rescue squad at the last moment, bringing an end to his life of obscurity in the shadows and putting his new one-shot career on the road to glory and fame. Too bad he chose this story to start with. Being killed constantly just for fun, and occasionally getting to use his flintlock pistol that shoots magic crystals, wasn't exactly his dream role, and he sued as soon as the series was concluded. His lawyers, mysteriously, all perished when their houses caught fire, and Ranko found their wives the next morning participating in Ranma's typical Saturday night orgy.