The most powerful terrorist organization in the East, the Freedom's Angels seek to overthrow the Japanese government, as well as the governments of other countries, and establish an anarchist system in which pure economic and personal power will reign, without the interference of laws or regulation. Naturally, the ranks are rife with corruption and power-thirsty madmen, which has only helped to establish the terror instilled by the organization's symbol, a cobra entwined in barbed wire. The Freedom's Angels have sleeper cells (weapons stores and men willing to take up arms) in 8 different countries, including China, Korea, and Russia. Always on the lookout for more money and troops, the FA's swell their ranks with both the lowest and the highest levels of society, promising economic freedom to the rich and personal freedom to the poor.
Role: President of Wraith Laboratories, Head of FA's Technological Warfare Division, and Master Strategist
Aliases: None as of yet
Combat Ability: Good. Alex is surprisingly skilled in the martial arts and an excellent sharpshooter, but always prefers to make her attacks when the victim doesn't know what's coming.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Heading up the biological development division of the Freedom's Angels (a perfect job, as she owns her own genetics firm), Alexandra has access to the most dangerous and experimental resources that the FA's have to offer. Skilled in management, motivation, espionage, negotiation, and above all, seduction, Alexandra truly believes in the FA's cause and is fully willing to crush anyone or anything that gets in her way. A ruthless and formidible opponent in every sense of the word, Alex is unquestionably most adept at manipulation, and doesn't like to hear the word "no".
Role: Assistant to Alexandra Tokima, Laboratory Supervisor, and Trained Bodyguard
Aliases: Neko-san (nickname; obscure origins)
Combat Ability: Fair. Though less adept than her boss, she can down a large street thug with ease.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Alexandra Tokima's most trusted assistant, Bei Takana is fanatically loyal to her boss, even more so than to the Freedom's Angels themselves, or their ultimate goal. Acting as a bodyguard and #1 henchwoman, Bei never questions her orders. Alex has often remarked that the girl is almost too loyal, as she takes any failure to succeed up to Alexandra's expectations very hard.
Role: Head Biologist and Geneticist, Head Science Technician and Engineer
Aliases: Dr. Jekyl, The Butcher, The Creator
Combat Ability: ???
Hair: None
Eyes: Green
Head scientist at Wraith Labs, Yoshi is a masterful geneticist, having personally developed the genetic grafting techniques and modules used in the FA's biological soldiers. Truly a genius, he continues to make discovery after discovery while others are left trying to understand the fundamental technology of his designs. It is to Yoshi Konta alone that the Freedom's Angels owe their army of genetic monstrosities. Recently though, some have begun to question his motives, as the man already has access to far more money and power than he uses, and blatantly neglects to pursue more. Though he has proven faithful to his employers in the past, Alexandra in particular can't help but feel he's working toward a different goal.
Role: Field Commander, Head Armor Developer and Ballistics Engineer
Aliases: The Red Death
Combat Ability: Cybernetic augments allow for titanic strength, while weapon modules on his arms provide excellent ranged firepower that can shatter conventional troops with ease. Armor implants make Igov impervious to conventional small arms, and he also possesses significant combat and tactical experience that makes him that much more lethal on the battlefield.
Hair: White
Eye: Gray
A rogue military general that fled to Japan from Russia, Igov is an enigma to most that meet him. Besides the obvious questions that arise from the heavy cybernetic augmentation of his body, his motives are vague in their reasoning and obscure in their origins. He seeks out war, and has thus come to Japan to assist the Freedom's Angels in their battle. He is a master of armor and weapons design, and spent many years of his life trapped in Russia planning montrous war machines. Having lost his wife to the Russian government, he feels no pity for the political hierarchy that looks down upon the people of Japan, and has gladly donated his formidable abilities to the FA's cause.
The primary bounty of Wraith's pillaging of Umbrella Corporation's assets. Though many of Umbrella's more exotic bio-organic weapons escaped acquisition or were destroyed, the T-virus found its way back to Wraith's labs where it was refined for deployment by Professor Konta. The strain primarily used by the Angels is more a terror weapon and less a military one; to that end, communicability has been considerably reduced, its ability to circumvent the immune system has been improved, and its incubation time has been hurried. The Angels' T-virus strain has a painfully limited ability to survive outside of an infected host and can normally be transmitted only through direct injection into the bloodstream, which most usually occurs through zombie bites or creep wounds. In exceptionally high concentrations, however, the virus can infect people through other body cavities such as the mouth or nose; the Angels' plan to spread the T-virus in part of Tokyo's water supply was only feasible with a purpose-built concentration of virus. The modifications to the original strain also seem to have toned down its mutation capacity in humans, while increasing its capacity in certain other creatures that don't have a complex immune system, though this may have been unintentional. The Angels' strain was modified specifically so that when an outbreak occurred, it wouldn't spread too far and could be militarily contained without much trouble (the exact opposite of Umbrella's intentions), as the Freedom's Angels always intended to use the weapon within their own territory.
Vamps are one the earliest terror weapons of the Freedom's Angels, and remain one of the staple "annoyances" in their increasingly lethal arsenal of weapons. These mutated slugs latch onto victims, paralyze them, and then feed mind-altering chemicals into their minds, all while feeding on the human body's electrical pulse. Humans in this state are reduced to brutal, unthinking zombies, but can be returned to normal with removal of the vamp.
Carriers were developed as a means to transport and deploy the vamps without teams of terrorists transporting them into the field and risking contamination by the parasites. Hideous to behold, but relatively weak, the carrier possesses no armor or significant agility, and is easily shot down.
Developed by Yoshi Konta on a whim, the creeps feature much better agility and armor than their cousin E-types, though they still cannot sustain direct gunfire. While results against armed soldiers have been mixed, releasing the monsters among civilians creates a much more deadly and violent zombie horde than that generated by the carriers. It should be noted that the T-virus carried by the creeps is not airborne, and can only be transmitted through direct insertion into the bloodstream, most commonly through an open wound.
Created as the first of the true "warbeasts" of the Angels' army, the maulers are the first generation of mutants capable of engaging multiple hostiles by itself and sustain significant damage from firearms without its body failing. Resembling gigantic, faceless, muscle-bound humanoids, these monsters' hides are nearly impervious to normal small arms fire. Anti-armor weapons and armor-piercing munitions are its weaknesses.
Umbrella Corporation's ambitions with the T-virus had always been to find some way to control it to make it into a proper weapon. Doctor Yamiko Nova addressed the problem of the inevitable breakdown of intelligence from T-virus exposure not by trying to prevent the problem, but by fixing the results. She created a unique, low-mutation strain of T-virus to use in a process that she called the Mortem Override to both return the deceased back to life and meld their deteriorated brain to an electronic computer uplink. These units were not only cured of their rampant psychotic tendencies, but through the computer uplink, could follow complex commands and were completely loyal to the controller. Unfortunately, there were several problems: the most major one is the considerable time lag between the computer receiving data and the organic brain's processing the information and translating it to action, making the cyborgs slow and easily outwitted, much like their mindless zombie counterparts. Also, the Mortem Override rarely preserves proper muscle function in all limbs of the host, which is a curioius and vexing problem that was overcome by attaching cybernetic limbs and linking them to the computer uplink. This led to every unit being eventually embellished with cybernetic upgrades, from sensor arrays and dermal armor to tool kits and built-in weapon modules. Though these modifications only improve their combat performance, it makes production of the cyborgs very inefficient.
Being mobile, well-armored, and exceptionally well-equipped, the Devastator has set a rather high bar on the battlefield for others to reach. Possessing superior firepower for its size and a jet pack, the Devastator can move to the best firing positions on the field and lay down impressive cover fire. Despite this advantage, its constant deployment in urban combat has exposed what few flaws the design has; despite being a humanoid form, it suffers from limited mobility in tight or damaged quarters, and an outdated sensor suite means that it is vulnerable to ambushes. The only other drawbacks of the design is its cost and its poor ammo and fuel capacity, which is again compounded by the Freedom's Angels poor supply lines.
Designed to be the ultimate weapon for the Freedom's Angels, the mighty Prometheus mecha were unfortunately laid low, despite their incredible size, power, and armor, due to their lack of effective anti-infantry weapons. Plans to make more of the metal giants were immediately scaled back after the destruction of the prototypes.