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Fitcon 2003

Fitcon 2003

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On the weekend of April 4th, 5th, and 6th, my two best friends and I drove three hours to an Anime Convention in Melbourne, Florida. Eve, Leah, and myself cosplayed and met many other cosplayers there. I took many pictures on my digital camera, so click on any of the descriptions to see the full picture. ^_^
We cosplayed as Lime(Eve), Cherry(Leah) and Bloodberry(me) from Saber Marionette J, and entered a cosplay contest, among other things. Enjoy!

The first picture of the three of us(Eve, Leah, and myself) outside our hotel in our costumes. Eve is in the middle, as Lime; Leah is to the right, as Cherry, and I am to the left, as Bloodberry.
This was the first cosplayer that we saw. He's dressed as Sesshomaru from Inu Yasha.
We saw quite a few cross-players, too. This guy was very in-character, and he was very nice, too. ^_^ He cross-played as Belldandy from Oh My Goddess!
This girl cosplayed as Yuna from Final Fantasy.
Just a bunch of random cosplayers. The girl in the middle won the cosplay competition for best costume. I can't remember what anime it was from...
This girl's name was Heidi. She was dressed as a character from Magic Knight Rayearth, and she gave us some tips on cosplay.
There was a Kimono booth there, and this girl bought a pretty kimono. So I took a picture of her. Yay!
I honestly thought that this woman was some random catgirl- I found out later that she was Julia from Cowboy Bebop. She and her troupe won for best skit at the Cosplay Competition.
Sigh... we are such geeks. ^^;; We found this guy dressed as Otaru from Saber Marionette J, and so we demanded that we have a picture with him. I look a bit too excited. And a bit too fat. ><
Two cosplayers as the White mage and the Dark mage from Final Fantasy tactics. They looked solemn.
Leah(Cherry) and her "Kimono boy." His name was Allen. He was nice. He used his kimono to capture people. That was spooky. He gave me a copy of the Cowboy Bebop movie(Knockin' on Heavens Door) on a CD. *worship*
This woman cosplayed as the Big Shot Judy from Cowboy Bebop. She was in the troupe with the Julia cosplayer. I'm still trying to fathom how she ever kept her shirt on...
Eve and our "Mr. Hentai." His name was Jason. You can't really see in the picture, but he's wearing a black leather skirt. He was very naughty. He had yaoi hentai. *grin*
She had pink hair. And a whip. She was a comrade of Mr. Hentai, if you couldn't tell.
This girl was one of the vendors. She had a really kick-ass shirt, which had a picture of Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin on the back. So I had to take a picture. ^_^
These two cosplayers were Big Shot Punch & Judy from Cowboy Bebop. They were both in the Julia troupe.
*laughs* This picture will need some explaining. The guy on the far right is cosplaying as Gendo Ikari. At the beginning of the day at the Con, there was this, "Win Gendo Ikari's Money" thing. Apparently, once everyone had won Gendo Ikari's money, he had lost everything. ^^;; So he was broke. And shoeless. And a bum. The two others there were in his cosplay troupe. They all were in the cosplay competition, and they were absolutely hilarious, especially since they all stayed in character throughout the entire Con. The cardboard stuff was their "house." I think the sign says, "Will work for dominatrix" or something like that. They had their own little corner of the room, where they set up their little house. It was incredibly funny, and people actually threw money at them. ^^
This guy did a really cool comedy sketch all by himself in the cosplay competition. I can't remember what character he was.
This girl was probably the youngest person at the entire convention. She was also the only other Inu Yasha cosplayer. She's dressed up as Sango, and I really liked her giant boomerang. ^_^
Eve(Lime) made Allen("Kimono boy") a paper hat. So I took a picture of him. He's probably smacking himself by now for letting me.
It's the box!! *cheers* This guy actually entered the cosplay competition. He didn't win anything, but the audience loved it. ^_^
This girl cosplayed in a Lupin III troupe. They won something, but I can't remember what...
Jason("Mr. Hentai") and Eve(Lime) having a staring contest. He dressed up in his full costume, which mostly consisted of tight black leather. W00T!
Jason dressed up in his full outfit, posing for me. Oh yeah. Sexy! XD
Jason posing for me again. You can't really see it in the picture, but he had a little badge that said SLUT in big white letters. I love that look he's giving the camera.
This was a picture of Leah back at the hotel. I bought a stuffed animal of Ein from Cowboy Bebop, so that's what she's holding.
This picture was also taken back at the hotel. The mirror in the bathroom was fogged up, so Eve(Lime) wrote a little message for Otaru-sama. ^^
On Sunday, before we left, we stopped by the Con to say goodbye to everybody. Jason crossplayed as a different character this time(I believe he was Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena) and this is a picture of him playing a battle royale game with a friend.
Jason posing again, this time with a peace sign. ^_^
This was the last picture I took at the Con before we left. It's definitely a good pic to go out on. ^_~
Check out my pictures from Jacon 2003!