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My Sagara Shrine!

Welcome to my Captain Souzou Sagara Shrine!!

Here is a little info on sagara~


Blood Type: most likely A




Age: unknown, he might be 30!! WAH! that is old! that is more than double my age! (=U-U=) :sniff: but thats okay,...HE IS KAWAII!




Weight: hey, what kinda person wants to know how much he weighs? ( 165lbs)




height: like sano, about 6'0".




Personality: serious, kind, caring, and a overall good person!!!!! (=^-^=)




Info: Sagara was the leader of the Sekihoutai army. He was a hero to others, however he was betrayed by the goverment...and-...and [scary sad face}BEHEADED! WAHHHHHH! and DISPLAYED! WHAT KINDA SICKOS DO THAT?! [smiles] but he is alive here, at least to mwa.

He is skilled in militarism (that's a word?)and national studies. (i got this info from several diff sites) When he was 20 he had 100 students. (gosh he was way older than me back then too.) He left his home to join the Ishin movement. His dream was to abolish the 4 classes; bushi ( shi ), farmers (no), artisans(ko0 and merchants (shou). Once joined, he served as the captain of the first Patrol.


Souzou used to create disturbances, setting fires in Edo to disrupt the Bakufu's administrations (=@-@=). That is, to make sure of the situation and reactions of the clans along the way before the Ishin army reached that particular place. Also, the Sekihoutai acted as a kind of side-kick to the Ishin army, announcing that under the new government, the annual tax would be reduced to half. Actually this was the government's political ploy to gain more support among farmers. The Ishin government really did not have that much money to sustain the country. Therefore, once the Sekihoutai was of no more use to them, they announced the troupe to be 'false armies' on 10/2/1868 and attacked them, which comprised mostly of peasant farmers and merchants. The Sekihoutai was finally defeated in Shitasuwa (where Sanosuke first met Anji and was reunited with Sagara Taichou's spirit), and Sagara was captured on 2/3 the same year, and decapitated the second day, 3/3, at the age of 30.




What kinda monsters would kill the kawaiiest person!?!?! anyway, he is cool! i got this info from this place, there was nothing saying i couldn't so i took it. IF i got this from your site i am sorry, but it had nothing saying i couldn't! (=^-^=)Back Home(=*-*=)SAGARA...