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Yu Yu Hakusho Page


Hi! And welcome to my Yu Yu Hakusho Page!well, Yu Yu Hakusho is an anime about a guy that gets ran over and gets a second chance at life. He makes it back somehow and becomes a spirit detective. While fighting monsters he finds Hiei and Kurama. They are the strongest fighters he encounters, but he gets past them. He retrieves his task and then he must go to an old lady to trian. He fights a big monster named Rando and wins. He trains with the old lady and gets stronger. Then he must go to this other land and fight the five saint beasts. He wins and then has to go rescue Hiei’s SISTER! He rescues her, but doesn’t quite defeat the bad guy. They then have to go to the ternament of,…um I forget, but he fights all the others and wins ( I like JIN!YAY YAY he has a right cause!) Then the old lady passes down her ultimate power and dies. He then has to fight the bad bad guy, who was the one holding Hiei’s sister captive! I think he wins….CARTOON NETWORK never finished it!

Miy: *appears outta no where* how many episodes is that?

Chibi: you got me!

Miy: well,…um,..lesse what am I suppposed to say? : looks at a piece of paper that has the story and stuff on it:

Chibi: T_T you really aren’t cut out to do this are you? Well, the thing that is so KAWAII! Is about Hiei. You remember he has all those eyes over him? ( well you better if you want to understand .) He had the eye put in him! You wanna know why?! ^_^ so he could watch over his sister! AWWWW~ and she knows she has a brother,. But she doesn’t know it is Hiei! She finds out I bet! KAWAII! And Kurama loves his human parents! He has then because he saved himself by being reborn, and it turned out to be the parents he has now! *_* they are both so nice. However, they are gay. They like each other! --_-- and Kurama and Hiei were the cutest there..darn! but they are just pictures so hey!

Chibi:do you know Milantha thinks they are kawaii together? I agree, but she sends me PICTURES of them! I am afraid of seeing them KISSING!~ O)_(O that would disturb me….MILANTHA DON’t GET ANY IDEAS!,…

Notice: this page will be ran by some of my characters! ( I will get different characters for each page~yay! ) will take some time!

hee hee isn't thie pic weird?yuske looks ugly!
