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She sat in a hut in Kaede's village, the painful memory flowing through her mind.
'How could he do this to me?' She thought to herself. It was getting dark out, but she didn't bother to light a candle.
'He said he'd never leave me, always be there to protect me...How could he be gone?'
It was too hard for her to think of. She tried to forget the memory, but couldn't.
"Kagome? Are you hungry, child?" Asked Kaede as she entered the hut.
All she said was a dull, but harsh, "No."
Kaede got the clue and left the hut, but left one thing behind, Inuyasha's Fire-rat kimono.
Kagome looked up and noticed what Kaede had left, which made her sob more.
She jumped up and grabbed it, and sat down with it in her hands, not wanting to look at it because it was blood stained.
The scene kept playing over and over in her mind.
"But first I'll kill the wench!" Said Naraku as he turned towards Kagome, who was only yards away.
"No you won't!" Yelled Inuyasha as he ran in front of her.
Naraku, who had turned into an incredibly large red demon, with amazing powers, thanks to the Shikon Jewel, threw a large ball that looked like blue and white fire at Inuyasha and Kagome.
Inuyasha, thinking only of Kagome's safety, blindly jumped into the fire, ready for the Backlash Wave.
"No Inuyasha! You'll be killed!! DON'T DO IT!!!" Yelled Kagome.
"You fool, that's exactly what I've been waiting for! I'll no longer have to deal with you and the rest of the pests!! Now, decease by my power!"
There was a blinding flash, and Kagome was blown backwards, "NO!! INUYASHA!!!!"
All was quiet, all was calm, all was stopped. All but the yelling and running by Kagome, franticly searching for Inuyasha.
Seeing no sign of him, her knees gave in, and she collapsed.

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.: News Updates :.
.: 7/22/04 :. "New Theme"
Well, I've decided, since I don't have much bandwith, I'm only going to have this be an Inuyasha and Kagome shrine, no other characters will be included, sorry, i've been accused of "stealing bandwith" so, well, no mire "inuyasha site" now its an inuyasha and kagome "shrine", ok well thats all for now! ^-^
.: 7/22/04 :. "Gallery"s""
 Well, the "gallerys" has been turned into "gallery" only 1 gallery, but its Kagome and Inuyasha, i think i have alot there, but i dont have that much bandwith (but, u no wat? i think 101 pictures is enough, dont u?! ;-D)-SaNgO
.: 7/22/04 :. "Bio"s""
 Well, along with the gallerys, i needed to change the bios cause i dont want any shippo, sango, miroku...(etc.) in my site, sorry!


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