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"Kagome-sama!?" "Kagome!?" Kagome was kneeling, and sobing into her hands, until she gave way, and she colapsed. She woke up the next day, thinking over all that had happened that last night. End Flashback. She lay there, alone, on her bed whispering "Why?" She had broken her arm, but it wasn't enough to run into the forest, and up to the God Tree. She studied it for a while, still teary-eyed, looking at the hole from the miko's arrow, to the branch he always sat in. With all her might, she climbed up the tree, to the branch Inuyasha always used to seem to always be in. A few hours later, she heard Shippo yell from the outer-skirts of the forest, in the village. She just ignored him. Kagome heard the leaves rustle, and just as she opened one eye, she hear the farmiliar voice of which she so missed. "Hey, whacha doing up here?" she loked right infront of her and on the same branch, saw the man she thought was dead. She had the strangest look of shock, happiness, and amazement on her face, which made Inuyasha raise an eyebrow. "Inuyasha!" she lunged at him and embraced him, which made them almost fall out of the tree. "Inuyasha, your alive? Are you hurt? Are you ok? Is this real?" she kept rambling on and with each word the embrace got tighter. he just embraced her tightly, kissed her neck and said,"Ya, I'm here, this is real, I'm ok, I'm here." she sobbed into his shoulder, and after a few minuited, wep't herself to sleep. Noticing this, he layed down in the tree, (mind you, it's a pretty big branch)put Kagome ontop of him, and the Kimono ontop of them both. She sleeps so soundless he thought Probably has to do with not ever being this close to her. He watched her chest rise and fall as she slept, until he finally fell asleep. Little did he know, they were not alone. He awoke a few hours later to the sound of a twig snap. Kikyo walked along the forest hoping to find Inuyasha in the God tree, but what she saw didn't make her happy. No, thats not...It is!!! She grabbed her bow and arrow, and was about to shoot, when Miroku walked into the forest. "K-Kikyo? What are you doing?" Miroku looked up into the tree and saw Inuyasha and Kagome, " that?" Miroku stepped on a twig and snapped it. Inuyasha awoke and looked around. Kikyo pulled him behind a tree before Inuyasha saw, "Well well, Kikyo..." "Shut up hoshi! If you say one word, I'll shoot you!" Kikyo whispered, which made Miroku gulp.

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.: News Updates :.
.: 7/22/04 :. "New Theme"
Well, I've decided, since I don't have much bandwith, I'm only going to have this be an Inuyasha and Kagome shrine, no other characters will be included, sorry, i've been accused of "stealing bandwith" so, well, no mire "inuyasha site" now its an inuyasha and kagome "shrine", ok well thats all for now! ^-^
.: 7/22/04 :. "Gallery"s""
 Well, the "gallerys" has been turned into "gallery" only 1 gallery, but its Kagome and Inuyasha, i think i have alot there, but i dont have that much bandwith (but, u no wat? i think 101 pictures is enough, dont u?! ;-D)-SaNgO
.: 7/22/04 :. "Bio"s""
 Well, along with the gallerys, i needed to change the bios cause i dont want any shippo, sango, miroku...(etc.) in my site, sorry!


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