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Kagome awoke to Inuyasha moving in his sleep.
"Huh...wait, what happened?" She thought about all that happened the day before. She looked into his face and he woke up, smelling more than Kagome. Inuyasha sniffed the air.
"What is it?" She asked.
"...Kikyo's scent..." Kagome gave him the most horrible look that he almost jumped in suprise.
"What? It's not like I invited her!" He was desperately trying to make her happy again, it was working, but only because she thought it was cute of him.
"I know...Inuyasha?"
"Does this mean..."
"That I love you? Yes. I always have."
"Oh, Inuyasha! I lo..."
She was stopped by his lips. 'My 1st kiss!' Kagome thought. She felt like the happiest person alive, to be kissed by the man she loved for the 1st time.
But this didn't make Kikyo too happy...
"You...You...Traitor! I thought you loved me!" Yelled Kikyo.
She shot an arrow a split second after Miroku trampled her. The arrow would've hit Kagome had Inuyasha not pulled her away, just missing him and it hit the tree.
"K-Kikyo!?! MIROKU! Why are you spying on us?!?!
"I wasn't I...I saw Kikyo run into the forest and so i followed her, knowing you and Kagome had gone in there!"
"I thought you said you never thought of anything but me!"
"That doesn't mean I still do!"
"Why do you still want Inuyasha, even though he's obviously taken?" She said as they made their way down the tree, Inuyasha turning red from what Kagome said.
"Because we were meant to be! You know this Inuyasha, you just don't want to hurt Kagome..."
"What bull are you talking about?? I don't love you anymore Kikyo!"
Kikyo's body started to glow, and disapate..."NOO!!! Inuyasha how could you!?!"
"I'm sorry Kikyo..." He said in a low voice. Knowing what was now happening, Kikyo said in a low voice, "Never forget, Inuyasha, there was no lie in my kiss..."
She was now gone, except her spirits, which floated off into the clouds.
"...That was a long time ago...she still remembered exactly what she said..."
"Come on Kagome, let's go back to Kaede's village so everyone can know that I'm alive."
"Yeah," They left the forest to Kaede's village, leaving Miroku in shock of what just happened.
"...Well, that was...interesting...Kagome? What are we having for lunch?" asked Miroku, who had practically no idea of what just happened. He looked around, not knowing the forest,
"I-Inuyasha? Lady Kagome?? Anyone?!? Where do I go?" Kagome ran up to him and pulled him out of the forest, smiling, until he saw the look on Inuyasha's face...

Setting...The shore of a lake
"Ahhh...It's soooo nice to have a vacation once in awhile!" Said Kagome as she got onto a floatie raft, to sunbathe.
Within 5 minutes of sunbathing, Inuyasha swam under the raft Kagome was on and flipped it.
"Hm? Ahh!" yelled a freaked out Kagome.
"Haha, I got you!"
"You little...!" She caught him off guard, in his laughing, and pushed him under the water. Inuyasha swam up to the surface, Kagome on his shoulders.
"Hey! Let...Me...Down!" yelled a struggling Kagome.
"Hold your breath!" Kagome had just enough time to gasp for air as he went under and swam under a bunch if rocks, and entered an underwater cavern, full of shiny fools gold walls.
"Wow...Golden walls!"
"I thought you'd like it more than the sun!" Said Inuyasha as the swam towards the underwater shore.
"This is awesome!" Inuyasha smiled. Kagome looked at him, and he leaned in for another kiss...

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.: News Updates :.
.: 7/22/04 :. "New Theme"
Well, I've decided, since I don't have much bandwith, I'm only going to have this be an Inuyasha and Kagome shrine, no other characters will be included, sorry, i've been accused of "stealing bandwith" so, well, no mire "inuyasha site" now its an inuyasha and kagome "shrine", ok well thats all for now! ^-^
.: 7/22/04 :. "Gallery"s""
 Well, the "gallerys" has been turned into "gallery" only 1 gallery, but its Kagome and Inuyasha, i think i have alot there, but i dont have that much bandwith (but, u no wat? i think 101 pictures is enough, dont u?! ;-D)-SaNgO
.: 7/22/04 :. "Bio"s""
 Well, along with the gallerys, i needed to change the bios cause i dont want any shippo, sango, miroku...(etc.) in my site, sorry!


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