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Inuyasha held Kagome's hand the whole run to the other cabin, and hasn't let go since.
"Guys! Wake up!" Once evryone was awake, Kagome began to explain what happened just a few minuites before.
Inuyasha was looking really skiddish. Kagome gave him a kiss on the cheek for encouragement. He blushed.
"Inuyasha, are you ok? Calm down a little, he's gone now."Kagome said, worried about the paraniod hanyou.
"Yea, I'm fine. I just don't want you hurt again," he said, referring to the cut in her neck.
"I'm fine, but I'm not so sure about you," Kagome giggled as he calmed down when she rubbed his sensitive doggie ear. "Alright..." the hanyou said, uncertain.
Sango inturrupted,"I think we should go, then, just to be safe."
"Yes," Miroku agreed,"I agree with Lady Sango, we sould leave."
Ignorant that it was the middle of the night, the 6 left their vacation cabin and headed to Mushashi (is that the name of the village, I kinda toook a wild guess....) village. Kagome soon fell asleep on Inuyasha's back, and the others, lucky that Kirara was stronger now, all fell asleep on Kirara's back.
When Inuyasha finally saw the village he almost yelled out in joy becasue he was so tired, but realized Kagome was asleep, and, even though he didn't care weather anyone else woke up, that it was still the middle of the night.
Finally finding the cabin they usually used empty, he carefully layed Kagome down in a bed, lead Kirara in, and fell right asleep next to Kagome.
Darkness was all around. The only thing telling her she was still alive was a warm body laying next to her, sleeping, tired, arms wrapped protectively around her.
She heard nothing except breathing in her ears. She opened her eyes. A....wall? Where was she? Birds. Singing birds. Breathing. Water trickling somewhere outside. Breathing.
She looked sown to see a red kimono wrapped around her. Breathing, but now she noticed, it was tired, worn out breathing. Something told her that the loving hanyou whos arms were wrapped aound her was tired. Inuyasha, you shouldn't push yourself so hard. He moved in his sleep, rolling on his back, bringing her with him. Now, warmth on he back, she went back to sleep, not wanting to disturb the tired hanyou who slept beneath her.
She was oblivious to the fact that they were being watched.
************************************************** Even in your sleep, Inuyasha, you should be aware that there is an unkown presence around you, you lived a life of fear, you should've learned by now.
Gonkuro quietly sat ouside the window, waiting for that hanyou to wake up so they could continue their fight. **************************************************

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.: News Updates :.
.: 7/22/04 :. "New Theme"
Well, I've decided, since I don't have much bandwith, I'm only going to have this be an Inuyasha and Kagome shrine, no other characters will be included, sorry, i've been accused of "stealing bandwith" so, well, no mire "inuyasha site" now its an inuyasha and kagome "shrine", ok well thats all for now! ^-^
.: 7/22/04 :. "Gallery"s""
 Well, the "gallerys" has been turned into "gallery" only 1 gallery, but its Kagome and Inuyasha, i think i have alot there, but i dont have that much bandwith (but, u no wat? i think 101 pictures is enough, dont u?! ;-D)-SaNgO
.: 7/22/04 :. "Bio"s""
 Well, along with the gallerys, i needed to change the bios cause i dont want any shippo, sango, miroku...(etc.) in my site, sorry!


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