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Malice Mizer's History

Malice Mizer was formed in 1992 by Mana and Kozi after the breakup of a band they were in. "Malice Mizer" stands for Malicious Misery (thus Mizer should be pronounced Mee-ser, not Mai-ser), which Mana defines as human nature. The third member of Mizer, Yu~ki, was recruited after Mana saw the final performance of his former band. Mana asked Yu~ki to join Malice Mizer, and he agreed. The band's former drummer, Gaz, left the band after barely 6 months, and Kami was recruited as their new permanent drummer. Tetsu, the band's first vocalist, left the band in 1993 over arguments about the band's direction. It took nearly a year for the band to find their next vocalist, Gackt. He didn't actually audition, but went to karaoke with Mana and Kami. In 1997, Malice Mizer moved from their indies record label(Midi:Nette) to a major label(Nippon Columbia). Gackt left the band in 1999 to persue a solo career. Soon after Gackt's departure, the drummer Kami unexpectedly died of a subanachroid hemmorage. The band never hired a replacement drummer, instead having temporary ones. In 2000, Klaha became the vocalist. In 2001, the band unfortunatly dissolved. Klaha, Kozi, and Mana have all persued other musical careers. The best of luck to them.