Sugar Miroku

Welcome to Miroku candyland!

Lots of sweets are waiting for you! What are you waiting for? Who said you can't have dessert before dinner?

This is Miroku's domain of fame! But, not to let all the other Inuyasha fans down, I've added the rest of the gang too!

This is my Miroku Chibi. Isn't he cute? I spent alot of time drawing him and the other chibi's on the puter, so please, if you take 'em, link to me. Gee my hand hurts, I hate drawing with a mouse.Grumble...

My Inuyasha Chibi!                                              Sessy!        




               Kagome!                                                 Cute little Shippo! ^-^ 



Sango. I hated drawing her the most. It took me three hours just to get her boomerang right. How utterly exhausting. *.* 


Kouga, This was actually one of my better ones. Web Counter
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