Manacle of Ra
Chapter 3 - Rebirth
By: Emerald Star

Saturday was spent in brotherly bonding with Mokuba. They played a few games of duel monsters, Seto using the new deck he had created for the next day to test out new strategies. Interestingly enough, Mokuba actually won a game, but that was only because he had asked his brother to try a couple games without the Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards.

Another night of weird dreams came upon the slightly rejuvenated multi-billionaire.


An eighteen-year-old Seto smirked down at the game board as he moved his knight into position. "Checkmate," he declared as he looked up into the intense stare of his seventeen-year-old pharaoh. When Yami didn't avert his stare after awhile, Seto lost his smirk and shifted uneasily. He had caught Yami doing exactly this multiple times in the last month. Quite frankly, it made him uneasy.

Glancing out a window and seeing torches lighting the darkness, he felt a small wave of relief mixed with regret as he stood from his seat. "It’s late, I should be getting back to the temple now," he said, waving his dragons over (the adults had been doing naughty things again in one of the side fountains) and picking up his sennen rod.

"Wait," Yami whispered in his ear from behind him as two strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled Seto so his back was against a warm chest. Seto’s breathing hitched as warm kisses started to trail up his neck.


"Mmm, it is late, why don’t you stay the night? I think Jisante and Kiinori had a good idea..."

Seto bit his lip. He wasn’t innocent, he knew what Yami was suggesting. Thing was, Yami was suggesting something Seto really wouldn’t mind doing. Lately he himself had been noticing how beautiful the young pharaoh was, how gorgeous his multi-colored hair looked in the light, and how pretty his ruby red eyes were...

However, Yami was Seto’s only friend. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk that friendship by going further. But then again, when the person of your wettest dreams, a person that could have anyone in the kingdom that they wanted, asked you to sleep with them, how can you refuse?

Relaxing when he found that he had unconsciously stiffened his back, he leaned slightly back in consent.

"Great, let’s go to my room, ne?"


Seto woke up hyperventilating, staring at his ceiling, but in a way not seeing it. Oh, gods, he had had sex with Yami?! Or was that not a memory from his past life? No, it had been to sharply detailed not to be. Did Yami remember?

No, Seto didn’t think so. If Yami had remembered, he would have told Yugi, and knowing that boy he would have tried to hook the two of them up again, the little angel. The past didn’t mater, only the present, and in the present the two of them were fierce rivals and nothing else, even if one of them wanted to be more.

Hopefully he wouldn’t have any graphic dreams in a bedroom that would make him regret the situation more. It was bad enough Yami and Yugi were on his mind almost twenty-four/seven. Sighing as he reached the conclusion that he wasn’t going to get back to sleep any time soon, Seto got up and dressed, going down to the kitchen. Once there, he turned on the coffee maker and started fixing up a homemade breakfast from scratch for him and Mokuba, figuring his little brother deserved a treat.

"Morning, Onii-sama!" A smile tugged at Seto’s lips as his brother hugged his waist.

"Morning, Mokuba. Get yourself some milk and set the table. This will only take another five minutes tops," Seto said, bending down slightly to give his little brother a swift kiss on the forehead.

After breakfast, Seto was on his way to one of his offices to work some more on his new holo-emitter design when he heard the door-bell ring two rooms away from the front door. Blinking in confusion and slight irritation, he went to the front door, ready to kick any telemarketer’s ass off his property and fire his chief of security for letting them get this close.

Opening the door and being met with two crimson red eyes, Seto suddenly remembered what he had planned for today. Cursing lightly in his mind, he waved Yami in and closed the door. "You’re a bit earlier than I expected, you’ll have to wait a bit as I get my deck together," he said, walking past Yami and back towards his room.

Yami followed and looked at Seto’s back questioningly. "You dismantled your deck?"

"Slightly, Mokuba and I were dueling yesterday and he asked me to play a few rounds without the Blue-Eyes. So of course I have to shuffle through and find the cards I inserted in their spot. Shouldn’t take to long," he said while shrugging and opening the door to his room.

Walking over to his bed and sitting down, Seto opened a drawer in a nightstand and took out his deck, flipping through it and taking out three cards. Placing those on the nightstand, he crawled over to the nightstand on the opposite side and opened that drawer. A few seconds after his right hand had disappeared into its depth, both boys cried out in startled alarm as a bright golden light emitted from the manacle on Seto’s wrist as he jerked his hand back reflexively, holding the three Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards.

With three distinct slightly loud popping sounds, three foot-long Blue-Eyes White Dragons appeared in mid-air, circling around the room and emitting little joyous bell-like sounds. Staring wide-eyed at the sight of little dragons flying around the room, Yami was startled when he heard a light moan coming from the bed area and the creak of springs as they were suddenly compressed. Jogging over, Yami looked down into the slightly paler then usual face of his rival and for the first time noticed the slight bags under his eyes.

Seto’s ice blue eyes cracked open and looked up at Yami. "’Fraid it will take a little longer than I thought," he whispered, "I think I need a little rest. Yugi can play with Mokuba ’till I wake up, that is, if you still want to duel."

"Sounds like a plan," Yami agreed as he spotted the dragons settling down on Seto’s chest and lap, curling up to fall asleep themselves.

Seto closed his eyes then reopened them, shifting over to the nightstand next to Yami. "Put those cards in my deck, will ya? I’m not sure how my holo-emitter would deal with these cards," holds up the blank Blue-Eyes cards, "now and I really don’t want to chance it."

Yami took the cards and does as he was asked and looked at the blank cards in puzzlement. Opening his mouth to ask something, he closed it as he noticed that Seto was fast asleep already. Eyeing the sleeping dragons and their master one last time, he walked out and closed the door. Relinquishing hold over to Yugi, Yami retreated back into his soul room to think over the events that had just happened and to worry slightly for the young multi-billionaire’s health as Yugi went off in search of Mokuba.


ES: Next chapter’s being a bitch to write by giving me writer’s block in the middle of one of the scenes. Hopefully I’ll have it up before a whole year goes by between updates. (According to my account, the last time I updated this story was 05-26-02 @_@)

Chapter 2-Game

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