Title: VR Nightmare
Author: Emerald Star
Series: Yugioh
Rating: R/NC-17 for those really conservative people.
Pairing: ???/Seto
Summary: Just how far did Kaiba Corp’s executives go when they turned off the VR safety’s? Seto’s about to find out...
Disclaimer: If I got money off of these stories, I wouldn’t be posting them on the net. I don’t own the characters, because if I did, Seto and Yami would be making out almost every episode.
Warnings: Rape, yaoi.


The sound of a rapidly bubbling liquid burned through my mind, forcing me to wake. My eyes slited open, and the sight that met me puzzled me to no end. This wasn’t my office, nor my room, and I had never been to a sleepover, so it couldn’t be that. "Where am I?" I whispered under my breath to myself.

"You’re with me, Seto Kaiba." An elven-like monster literally rose out of a black vortex that appeared on the ground. My head snapped up from where it was laying against my chest and my eyes widened momentarily. The blonde hair, the glowing green eyes, their angular set, the pointed ears, the cocky smirk, the purple suit, the actor-like movements.

"Witty Phantom!" The memories flooded back, the executives, my game, the Dragon Jar, the electricity that had coursed through me.

My body jerked reflexively at the memory of the pain, and it was only then I realized the position I was in. I was pressed against a cold stone tablet vertically, my arms restrained at the wrist and pulled out to my sides and my calves and below were incased in stone.

All that was fine, part of the program I knew. It was the other realization that caused my stomach to clench in apprehension. There was a very good reason I could tell the stone I was against was cold.

Both my trench-coat and shirt were absent. Shivering at the uncomfortable difference between the cold stone and the heated air from the lava pools around me, I kept my eyes on the Witty Phantom. Almost everything about this situation was making the mental alarms in my head go from silent rest to screaming bloody murder faster than you could say ‘Kuriboh’.

"You took me prisoner in my own game?!" I couldn’t afford to be confused or scared now. Those were weaknesses, and right now I had to be strong. Especially since the Phantom was entering my personal space and- What the fuck was he doing?!

"Well," the Witty Phantom breathed in my ear as he ran a gloved hand down my bare chest, "you're not just a prisoner. No, no, no," he said in a tsking manner, waving an index finger back and forth in front of my face. "You’re going to be my pleasure slave until the other offering for the Mythic Dragon is brought."

My eyes widened and my hips jerked back as I felt him grope me briefly. "Enough of this!" I cried out in a panicked voice. "Computer, override simulation!"

I watched with a sinking feeling as his smile widened and something I couldn’t identify passed through those green eyes of his. "Hmm, that’s not going to work. Your program’s been rewritten. Now all those safeties are but a thing of the past. You’re late to the party, Kaiba."

I swallowed hard, not taking my eyes off of him. It had taken but a few seconds for this being to completely unbalance me. "Funny, I never liked parties."

"Sarcasm, huh? Well, at least I’ll know when I break you. And I will, you know. After all, you programmed me to torture my captives, and what better way then to gain pleasure from their pain?"

I shivered against the stone. Crap, why the hell was it that I always attracted the insane pedophiles? I tried to sink into the stone as he leaned up against me, thrusting his hips into mine. Grinding his obvious, even through the layers of clothes, excitement into my pelvic area.

I turned my head away from his seeking kisses, but yelped as his hand gripped my chin hard and jerked my head back around into a position were he pillaged my mouth violently.

Even as I gagged on his tongue, I could feel and hear the click of my belt buckle being dispatched and the slow draw of the supporting leather being pulled out of the loops. The Witty Phantom drew back, allowing me to gasp in the oxygen he had deprived me of. I looked down, trying not to look at him.

"Mmm," the monster hummed as he drew my pants down with one hand and trailed his other over my chest, tracing one of the recent knife wounds I had acquired during my forced stay with Maximillion Pegasus. "What’s this? No stinging words?" He chuckled at my lack of response as he snapped his fingers. The stone that had encased my legs seemed to turn into a liquid of some kind and released me, turning solid again once my legs were free.

I immediately used it to my advantage, curling up and planting my boots against his chest. "Baka," I ground out, uncoiling and shoving him away.

The Witty Phantom was unbalanced enough to fall backwards and tumble a bit. His hat was knocked off and rolled on its rim right off the edge of one of the paths.

I smiled in amusement as he watched the material catch fire and go up in a puff of smoke. I’d had a feeling he was attached to it. He turned his attention back to me and I couldn’t hide the smirk on my face at seeing his anger. I hope it meant a hell of a lot to him, the bastard.

The anger smoothed back into his regular cocky attitude, he stood up and came towards me. When he was in range, I tried to kick out, but he grabbed both legs and forced them apart until I cried out against the unnatural angle. He let them go after holding them there a little more to hear me scream some more. He reached, grabbed my hair hard and slammed my head backwards, sending me into the darkness of unconsciousness once more.


I awoke with a scream as I felt something large and hard thrust into me from behind. I was face down on a bed, on my knees with my hands tied to the head board. I continued screaming as he pulled my hips to meet his thrusts, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Took you long enough to wake up, sleeping beauty."

I wracked my mind for a suitable response. "Fuck off!" Ah shit, that was NOT the right thing to say in this situation.

The chuckle next to my ear confirmed my opinion. "Hai, I think I will," and I started screaming again as he slammed into me, practically pounding me into the bed.

It felt like forever as not even half-healed tissues were torn again until the Witty Phantom tensed and released, creating a sharp stinging pain in my torn channel. He disengaged and rolled to the side still riding the waves of pleasure from his orgasm, as I lay there holding tightly to the last thread that stopped me from sobbing at this twist in fate.

"Sa, that was good, but you weren’t nearly as tight as I thought you’d be. Pity I wasn’t the one to take your virginity."

I laughed hysterically at that. "You’re a couple years late in that department, bastard."

He only fisted my hair and pulled me into another harsh kiss. "That doesn’t matter, little slave, for you’re mine to play with now."

Seto: ... What the fuck was that?!

ES: *Reads back through it, and looks sick.* Damn, you’re right! I think this is the worst thing I’ve ever written! Neat! ^_^

Seto: *Smirks.* You really don’t have a significant other. The length of the actual sex scene wasn’t even half a page! However, that ending leaves many possibilities.

ES: I know, I’m already writing a sequel and a prequel to this fic. Though I seem to be having more of an easier time writing the prequel.

Seto: *Shakes head.*You would not believe the amount of revisions and strike outs she had on this piece, and it’s still crap.

ES: Shut up! This is the first lemon I’ve ever finished, so I guess I can only improve. Please review, and try not to flame. Though I’m actually expecting two or more on this.

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