Title: When Dreams Turn to Nightmares
By: Emerald Star
Series: Yugioh
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Pegasus/Seto + Gozaburo/Seto
Summary: Part 1 of the Nightmare Arc. The prequel fic to VR Nightmare, detailing the events alluded to in that fic.
Disclaimer: If I got money off of these stories, I wouldn’t be posting them on the net. I don’t own the characters, because if I did, Seto and Yami would be making out almost every episode. Not to mention Seth would be around in the present time...
WARNING: Graphic rape, yaoi, and general physical, emotional and psychological torture.
Note: First off, I’d like to credit the three things that inspired me to do this. First, the yaoi doujinshi Alucatraz II by Ryo Fuzuki and Shiori Tokiwa, where in one of the pages set the scene quite nicely for the vague idea that was in my head. I believe the page was a flash back to the first doujinshi, which I unfortunately don’t own. I figured then that since I don’t know the events leading up to, or after the events in the page, as long as I give credit where credit’s due I could use that scene. Now, second, I’d like to credit Animom’s fic KP Duty, which reinforced my conviction to write a rape fic between Pegasus and Seto. Lastly, but actually the most important, Kaiba Katmon’s fic Seto’s Pain, which reminded me about a certain abusive adoptive father. Thanks to all these people, and keep up the great works!


Shock immobilized me at the sudden tangle of sensations that I had been cut off from for so long reentered my conscious. Touch, sound, sight, taste, smell, all came back at once, the sensations overwhelming. I shook my head, trying to get it all straightened out.

"Wakey-wakey, Kaiba-boy," a sickeningly sweet mocking voice called out from in front of me.

Looking up, for it seemed I had been staring down at my lap, I looked into the face of my tormentor. "Pegasus," I hissed out, narrowing my eyes at the red suited cartoon obsessed businessman. Dang it, when the hell did he get time to indulge himself in that kind of stuff anyway?! Oh yeah, forgot he doesn’t have to go to school as well. Bastard.

"Ah, the trademark holier-than-thou-yet-pissed-off look. You know, I have to say you looked much better with out a soul, Kaiba-boy."

"Shut up and piss off, old man," I grunted, trying to shift position only to let out an involuntary hiss as the feel of cold constraining steel bit sharply into my wrists became acutely noticeable instead of the steady firm pressure I had been mildly aware of since coming to.

That annoying smile of his (fake/real?) crossed his face as his eyes closed and he bent down, waving his pointer finger back and forth in front of my face, tsking in the back of his throat. "Uh, uh, uh! You know Kaiba-boy, this is exactly the reason I had to handcuff you to the bars in the first place! You can’t just instigate a fight and then walk off still mad! There has to be a," his motions stopped all at once, as he leaned down closer, breathing into my ear, "… make up session." Pegasus lightly kissed my neck as he pulled back, making it impossible for me to stop the shiver of intense fear from tingling through my entire body. My eyes are no doubt dilated as I lock gazes with him, hoping, praying that this is all but another of his cruel, sick jokes.

However, the dark shade of Pegasus’ eyes reveal to me that he’s totally serious and drunk on lust. This realization is further supported when he leisurely takes advantage of my scared petrified position and drapes himself on me, straddling my hips and bracing himself on my shoulders, effectively pinning me between him and the bars of this, assumedly, cell of many in the dungeons of his castle. When this still fails to snap me out of the shocked position I’m in he frowns in impatience and immediately backhands me, causing me to cry out as my head is violently introduced to the metal bars.

"Now, now, Kaiba-boy," he mocks, a slight note of hostility underlining his tone as he forcefully takes my chin between forefinger and thumb and swings my head into a position of his liking. "Making up requires two participants, you know." With that last illogical conclusion, he takes my mouth in a fast, passionate kiss, plunging his tongue uninvited into my mouth deftly.

"Strip," the hoarse gravelly voice of my adoptive father called out from the darkness around me, light sealed away by the blindfold bound tightly across my eyes. Trembling in anxiety, fear, and near panic and hysteria, I did as I was told, slowly and jerkily, trying for the smooth movements I had been taught in previous ‘lessons’ with this dangerous man.

A few minutes later I was once again trembling upright in the darkness, waiting in trepidation for the unexpected next move. The sound of leather snapping on leather made me flinch, causing the immediate repercussion of the feel of that same material licking the flesh just below my ribs. This again caused me to flinch as I tried to keep my whimper in check and blink back the tears forming in my eyes from the trail of fire on my skin.

The feel of rough, large hands seized me by the shoulders, jerking me forward to meet the harsh crush of the man’s mouth against mine, the large mass of muscle of my adoptive fathers tongue surging forward and into my mouth, nearly choking me with its rampant enthusiasm to taste my cavity while leaving the bitter taste of beer in its wake.

A deep moan is issued by the man on top of me as he retreats from his newly tasted territory, biting hard on my bottom lip before pulling back completely to take in the sight of his bound prey.

Snapped back to the present by his movements, I swear at him angrily, saying a phrase I had overheard during a business trip over seas recently that had been directed at me before I had left. From his surprised then truly pissed off expression, I figure the translation’s pretty good and graphic. I’ll have to find out what it means next time I get a chance.

Another backhand ends with my head reacquainting itself with the metal bars, only harder than last time leaving me slightly dazed and gasping in surprise. This left me open and unresisting as he forced himself into my mouth again, holding my face in one hand as his other pulled my shirt roughly out of my pants. He slipped his hand under and trailed it tantalizingly up my skin to my chest, causing me to moan lightly into his mouth. Damn involuntary reactions!

The hand on my face traveled into my hair even as Pegasus continued to use the bars behind me to keep my head aligned for his kiss. It was completely unexpected when he disengaged his mouth from mine, allowing me to finally gasp in needed air staring fixedly into the red business shirt in front of me. I think I was in a slight daze now, because I barely took notice of the hand running through my hair and the other that was skimming with increasing pressure slowly from one side of my chest to the other.

Pegasus’ hand suddenly gripped hard in my hair and yanked back, bringing my eyes to look into his face. All I could see was the heavy lust coupled with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. That was the only warning I had before the fingers of the hand trailing across my chest pinched hard on one of my nipples and twisted roughly, causing a low keening cry of pain to issue from my throat.

"I must say, Kaiba-boy," he started speaking with a tone a normal person would use for walking through a park as he let go of my hair and retrieved a knife from an inside lapel pocket. His other hand moved to give the same treatment of pain to my other nipple. "You’re being delightfully vocal! Now don’t move, Kaiba, or this will hurt a lot more than it needs to," and Pegasus proceeded to bring the knife’s blade down to slide it beneath my shirt and jerk up well twisting his wrist, effectively cutting the material of my shirt and a shallow wound into my skin above the navel.

The heated knife came down and I screamed into the cloth gag, trying to jerk away from the blade that sliced through my skin like it would through butter. My eyes were opened wide and locked with those of my tormentor.

The unadulterated glee in those eyes coupled with the repeated flare of hot white pain made my stomach lurch, but I clamped down on the reflexive urge to let anything in my stomach come up. I didn’t want to choke to death on my own regurgitated food, after all.

Taking both ends of the cut material, Pegasus pulls them apart till my entire shirt is now severed from neck to waistline, revealing the pale, naked, scarred skin of my torso and chest. I hissed at him, wincing slightly from the cut. "Why the hell did you do that?!"

A deep throaty chuckle was my response as Pegasus shifted position, forcefully parting my legs to kneel between them. "Ah, but koi," I hissed at that, jerking backwards as far as I could. Me, koi to him?! I’d rather Yugi beat me in a humiliating defeat thousands of times over and shattered my heart again at each repetitive failure! "Oh, you don’t like that name to much, do you? At least, not when it connects you to me. No matter, koi," he leaned in and purred into my ear as he shifted the knife and started to cut off my slacks. "You’ll be needing the extra padding a cut shirt will provide."

Since his position had him straddling one of my legs now, I tried to pull my knee up to hit him where it would hurt, but he had anticipated my move. The familiar feel of intense pain spiked across my senses as Pegasus shoved the knife quickly into the gap between the front and back clavicles.

A short scream escaped me before I could choke it back, my eyes watered as I clamped them shut. I could literally feel it as my body fell into shock and the tatters of my pants were removed.

At the sudden absence of weight I forced my eyes open, as the sound of a metallic click echoed through the cell. Amber eyes half lidded with lust stared at me, obviously taking delight in the pitiful sight I made as he deftly stripped his belt and pants off, discarding the latter as he bent down with the former still in hand.

"I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, koi," Pegasus whispered as he stroked one of my paler then usual cheeks.

I snorted hard at this, trying to twist myself away from his touch, but I couldn’t help the little mewl of pain that escaped my lips as I jolted the shoulder wound and caused the metal of the handcuffs to bite deeper into my skin. Damn him, he hadn’t even taken the fucking knife out!

"Naughty naughty, little kitty," Pegasus tsked, steeling another kiss as he slipped his belt around my neck and slid the leather through the buckle. Tightening the makeshift collar with a jerk towards him, he forced the kiss deeper and made me choke.

The rasping coughs I had after he released me had no effect on his demeanor as he positioned himself, snaking his arms under my legs to grasp my hips in his hands, lifting them off the ground, "Saa, time to play, koi." I barely had braced myself as with one swift thrust he entered me.

A familiar yet not missed pain blossomed in my mind and I felt my body thrash instinctively, trying to get away from the instigator only to find myself pushed back and pinned to the bars by another thrust.

I could feel the hand trail down my naked back, coming to rest lightly on my ass as the man behind and above me moved to straddle the back of my thighs. I whimpered slightly, earning a dizzying clout to the head. My hips were roughly pulled up and my legs spread. I couldn’t keep in the scream of pure agony as something much to large entered me through something way to small.

A small groan escaped my lips as another particularly painful thrust jarred through my body once more, aggravating everything. Hands slipped from their hold, one going to the small of my back well the other traveled upward, following the trails of scars. A brush against one sensitive nipple caused a tremor to be added to the motion my body was being rocked to. Another mewl of pain was dropped as the slight bit of pleasure only caused to intensify the sensations I was being submitted to.

[Kami-sama... Yamero.]

Long artist fingers wrapped around the strap of leather posing as a leash to the makeshift collar. Another jerk and my lips were once again opened carelessly as Pegasus initiated another dominating kiss as his pace and rhythm increased, hinting towards the end of this torturous ordeal.

Just before I felt I would pass out from the combination of the feeling of tearing and lack of oxygen, another jerk had my head tilted to the side, exposing the curve of my neck to licks, nips, and bites. I was panting hard at this point, my eyes closed to stop the dizzying sight of black spots in my vision. The tension in the collar ceased and instinctively I tried to curl up, thus resting my forehead against Pegasus’ shoulder.


I could hear the chuckle in his throat. "That’s right, little koi," he whispered into my ear. His hand had wondered down to my chest again and was rubbing lightly at a nipple. "Plead all you want, I’m the only one who can hear you, kitten." My eyes cracked open in a tired glare.

[There’s no way... No way in hell I’ll give him that pleasure!] I could feel the slick substance of my blood already coating my inner thighs and slipping slowly down my back from the stab wound, coating my ripped shirt no doubt with its stain. [Damn it all...]

"Saa, I’ll make you beg me to stop in the end, koi..."

My old pride reared its head. [My ass I’ll beg him!] A growl built in my throat only to turn into a sharp cry of pain. The clatter of metal on stone sounded as Pegasus threw the extricated knife away. [Fucking shit...] The slow trickle of blood down my backside increased heavily with the absence of the object that had blocked the wound, making me feel even dizzier as I was excruciatingly slowly losing consciousness due to loss of blood and trauma.

Hands slipped back down to my hips, fingers digging into skin in a tight hold as Pegasus started to tense. He must be close now... [Kami-sama, yamero...]

"There is no such thing as God," was hissed into my ear during a very forceful thrust.


"Come, koi, all you have to do is beg me and I’ll stop..." he whispered enticingly into my ear, pumping harder, obviously high on whatever sick twisted pleasure he was getting out of this.

[yame... ro...]

Suddenly Pegasus stiffened and arced, releasing his seed deep in me, searing the abused and ripped channel with its sting. A high keening note issued from my throat at the sensation akin to salt water poured then rubbed on an open wound.

[Onegai, yamero!]

A jerk on the leash brought my head up, for the smirking molester to look into my face with triumph. The black spots in my vision were enormous now, the lethargic feeling of drowsiness spread through out my body even as I tried to resist it. "As you see, Kaiba-boy, I win." And with a last hard kiss, I couldn’t help it as I sunk back into the semi-comforting darkness...


YnK: Yatta! I finally got it done! Seth, do the Japanese translations, ‘k?

Seth: Hai, hai...
Onegai – please
Yamero – stop it
Koi – love
Kami-sama – God

YnK: *nods* Yes, I believe that’s all. This ends Part 1 of my Nightmare Arc, which is followed up in Part 2, VR Nightmare, which has been previously posted. I’ve predicted on finishing Part 3 version 1, Nightmare’s End, by the end of the summer vacation at the earliest, end of the year at latest. Version 2 of Part 3 will be worked on afterwords, which will be an alternate ending to the events in Part 2 from the events happening in Part 3 version 1. Now Seto, ask for reviews.

Seto: Hai, hai. YnK would like a comparison between Part 1 and Part 2, because she wants to know if her second complete lemon scene ever was better then her first. So if you could review and do that for her, she’d feel really happy and might work on some other story then. Yea. *Looks over at YnK.* You’re sick, you know that?

YnK: So I’ve been told! ^_^

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