Title of Pic: Yami...
Comments: ES: Gah, this is the last time I see myself drawing Yami so well. I drew this well in my Yami worshipping phaze.
Seto: But I thought you liked me!
ES: Believe me, Setty, it was a VERY short phaze. I hadn't seen the first episodes that you had been in until WB20 started showing reruns. -_-*


Title of Pic: Seto-sama
Comments: My try at the soul card from "Manacle of Ra". Took about eight drawing attempts to make feel good about it.


Title of Pic: Seto caught off guard.
Comments: This is actually a scene from Episode #42. The coolest part though is that my sister took it and put it on a shirt for me for Christmas. ^_^


Title of Pic: Side profile of Seto.
Comments: Another scene from Episode #42. I just couldn't help myself, Setty just looked really down in the scene. Oh, and the fire in the background I put in myself, 'cause I didn't think I could get the original background right.


Title of Pic: Seto, my style.
Comments: I've been messing around with different eyeshapes lately, and this is one of the results. ^_^


Title of Pic: A Slightly Battered Seto
Comments: Have no idea what made me do it.


Title of Pic: Seto in white trench.
Comments: Drew most of it from memory well at a craft show, but it's supposed to be the Seto part of that overlap frame between Obelesik and Seto in the Battle City Opening.


Title of Pic: Natural Hot Springs
Comments: KK: ES got this idea when we were talking one time. I've been bugging her for a while to finish it and let me have it! It's here now!! *drools over Seto*


Title of Pic: Hmm, Pegasus admires his captured pray
Comments: N/A


Title of Pic: Yami makes his move on Seto, but some one has something to say about that!
Comments: N/A


Title of Pic: Giving Comfort
Comments: N/A


Title of Pic: Meeting the Present and Past
Comments: N/A


Title of Pic: Slave auction
Comments: N/A


Title of Pic: Change in Clothes
Comments: ^_^ Got bored in Physics class, and I just doodled this onto some lined paper, which I then copied to white (KK-sama was getting annoyed at the lines from the agenda pics). A look at Noa's pick of clothes for Seto.


Title of Fic: VDAY
Page 1, Page 2
Comments: A special Valentines Day, 2 page doujinshi based on Yugioh.


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