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MegaMan X

Reploid leader of the 17th Unit, Maverick Hunters. His creation is a mystery; no one know why he was built and then buried. Can X learn? X is famous among Maverick Hunters for defeating Sigma and leading to its ultimate demise. X understands his role, and believes in the need to protect reploids and humans. But an inner conflict with violence makes him hesitant. X is the first reploid created by Dr. Light in the year 20XX. X is the first robot ever who could think for himself, as well as having his own feelings and emotions. Dr. Light had feared that the world may need a new champion, and so he created X. Once uncovered by Dr. Cain thirty years after X was in the capsule, he was amazed at X's capabilities and so Cain began to create a new race of robots - the Reploids. Unfortunately, some of these new reploids went "maverick" for some unknown reason and began to threat the existence of the human race. X feels that it is up to him to rid the world of the Mavericks and bring peace for both humans and reploids.

MegaMan X in his X4 Armor, found on the game "MegaMan X4" for playstation.

MegaMan in his original suit of armor.

Here he is again with his X4 Armor.