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Zero is a powerful reploid who's origins are shrouded in mystery. His current status is the new leader of the Maverick Hunters after his battle against the once-reploid Sigma. He joined up with X in the fight against the Mavericks and they soon became best friends and partners. Zero has confidence in X and can see X to be a powerful warrior against the Mavericks. He helps X out often during the game. Unit 00, Zero is Mega Man X's best friend and past partner. His creation is a mystery as well, shrouded in much speculation. Once destroyed to protect X, Zero has been revived to continue the aid he has offered X previously. He is very strong with his attacks and has infinate of attacking power, unlike X, He has to master the ability before having infinate.

Faithful and a friendly rival to X, Zero can be a humorous character.

Zero with his Z SABER