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::Adopt A Character/Keeper::

YAY!!!!! Inthis section, you can pick any character(s) as your
own! If you want someone not on this page,feel free to ask for 
that person anyway!But there are a few rules though!!

1. Only 3 keepers per character, no more
2. You can only adopt up to 5 characters
3. You must be patient with me...I'm planning
   a lot more things for this site and I have
   a lot going on, so please be patient. I might
   not reply quickly, but I will get to you soon.
   But What I will do is that I will email you
   as soon as I get your email notifying if you are
   the keeper or that all the spaces are already filled.
   (some other person might of emailed me before you and 
   haven't put his/or her name on the site yet) I will also
   as quickly as I could, add your name to the list below of
   keepers, just so that no one else will take your character!
4. If you have a website, please link me and give me credit   
Keeper Pickup

I will have the banners here down below. Just click on your
name and it'll bring you your banner! If you want me to 
just email it, then do it! ^_^ it would make things so much 
easier and quicker. Again...please be patient!
Yami Yugi-
Yugi Motou
Seto Kaiba- Evenstar
Joey Wheeler-
Tea Gardener-
Mokuba Kaiba-
Yami Bakura-
Yami Malik or Marik-
Malik Ishtar- Evenstar
Duke Devlin-
Mako Tsunami-
Weevil Underwood
High Priest Seto-
Pharoh Yami-
Isis Ishtar-
Serenity Wheeler or Shizuka Katsuya-
Tomb Robber Bakura-
Dark Magician- 
Dark Magician Girl-