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Aya Brea

Aya Brea
Star: Tenko

Race: Human


Lvl. 1-6: Revolver
Lvl. 7-12: Punishment
Lvl. 13-16: Lionheart


HD: Water Rune
RH: Fire Rune
LH: Wind Rune

Physical Description: She has short blond hair, wears a black shirt with a blue denim jacket over it. She wears a black skirt and black knee high boots as well with a brown belt with her gun.

Unite Attacks:

Spyro: Gunblade - Aya and Spyro aim their gunblades at the enemy and begin to fire multiple bullets at it.

Reason to join: Aya joins on two separate occassions in the fanfic. The first time she joined was when she was teleported by Kuja to Toran Castle. The second time she joined the group was when Drake was wounded by a virus and she came by to assist the group.


Strength: B
Defense: B
Magic: A+
Magic Defense: A
Speed: B
Luck: B
Technique: A
Repel: C

Rune Cannon:

= 30
= 30
= 30

Castle Quote: If you ever want to help me train you for battle, I'll help you out.
Party Quotes:

In: Agent Aya Brea reporting for duty!
Out: I shall take my leave then.

War Quotes:
Charge: Freeze, punks!
Hurt: You'll have to do better than that!
Death: Well........... looks like I'll be joining you soon...... Maya.....
Cook-off Profile: She likes a good beef jerky and a Coca-Cola to wash it down.

Acting Profile: She would be good as a heroine for a show, but she takes the law stuff too personal.

Slappy Report/Detective Inquiries:

Profile: Once a Detective of the NYPD, now a member of the FBI unit, M.I.S.T.
Inquiry 1: Her sister and mother were killed in a car accident and her sister became Parasite Eve in cells.
Inquiry 2: Aya achieved her powers through a cornea transplant from her sister.
Inquiry 3: She bought the gunblade from the M.I.S.T. squad before leaving to Arizona on her last mission.
Extra Background: After the loss of her sister and mother, Aya was put into many different foster homes. The death of her mother and sister made her determained and gave her the desire to become a cop. Aya discovered she had mitochondrial powers from the Eve incodent in NY. Maya was a multiple donor, and her kidneys were donated to a girl named Melissa Pearce. Instead of the mitochondria living peacefully within Aya's body from Maya's cornea, when the kidney was donated to Melissa, the mitochondria revolted. Years later the mitochondria in Melissa's body dominated her nucleus, transforming her into the being "Mitochondria Eve." The night of Christmas Eve, 1997, Melissa was performing at the Opera, which Aya attended, at Carnegie Hall. Suddenly Eve had awoken, and took over Melissa's body, threatning to destroy the human race. Since Aya had the mitochondrial powers in her from Maya's cornea, Aya was able to defeat the superevolving being known as "Mitochondria Eve" who had taken over Melissa's body. Aya went through six horrifying days of memories, and finding out about her past. She realized that Eve was her sister, making Maya, the original Mitochondria Eve. Aya found her sister in a nest she had made for herself at the Chrysler Building. She then defeated the real Eve, and Maya died her true death. Aya is currently a member of the FBI's Mitochondrion Investigation & Suppression Team (M.I.S.T.), an elite team of hunters tasked with safe-guarding the nation against future mitochondrion incursions. Her encounters with mitochondrion-creatures in New York as a rookie cop three years ago, and her subsequent encounter with neo-mitochondrion-creatures in Los Angeles have honed her survival instincts to a fine edge, and made her proficient in a variety of weapons. Due to Agent Brea's relation to the mitochondrion being Eve, she began manifesting unique powers after her encounter with Eve in New York. This combination of experience and parasite powers makes her a most formidable weapon against the mitochondrion threat. Members of M.I.S.T. are a unique breed. Many of them have forsaken families and friends to defend mankind against a threat most of the world isn t even aware of. Lone wolves by nature, these mitochondrion hunters are often send into the field alone against overwhelming odds. The fact that they return to do it over again is a testament to their dedication and skill. Aya Brea is no different in many of these respects, except having grown up in foster homes for most of her life, there were no familial attachments for her to give up. Yet despite the hardships she has had to endure, both from the loss of her family, and the prejudice because of her parasite powers, she still maintains a level of compassion that is rare in normal people. In fact, rather than becoming withdrawn and aloof to the world around her, she actually seems to draw strength from the good she has done, despite getting no credit for risking her life.

Voice Actors:

Voice Actor: Kathy Sokol
Seiyuu: Yumiko Shaku