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Links Elsewhere
Sengoku Jidai
An excellent source of information. One of the two best one-shop stops for all your Inuyasha knowledge needs.
Inu-Yasha Companion
Also an excellent site. They had some of the information I have on Ginta and Hakkaku here. A must-see!
Anime Wallpaper & Anime Pictures @ Anime Cubed
An awesome site with great images. Definitely worth a look-see!
Love as Flowers Among the Thorns
My friend's site. Quite comprehensive, and very nicely set-up. Also a must-see!
InuYasha- Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi
Manga translations for up to Volume 30. Very nice!
Fangirl Friday
An EXCELLENT site for Inuyasha fansubs via BitTorrent. Has episodes 107 and up on the site. They've done translations for 85 and on.
Undying Devotion
A site dedicated to the relationship between Bankotsu and Jakotsu of the Shichinin-tai. Not really Ginta/Hakkaku related, but a fun site to visit.
Shichinin-tai Chaos
A very good information site for the Shichinin-tai.
Shinjitsu no Shi: Inuyasha Yaoi and Yuri
Yes, I am a little pervert. I adore this site. Wonderful fanfics, wonderful doujinshi... and open-minded people to boot! Yay! :D
Hell Is Beautiful
Jezzica Shirokori's site. A Naraku shrine. Link trade. ^^
Rabid Kouga Fangirls
A page dedicated to the Kouga fangirl in all of us! VERY nice site!
Cliques, Collectives, and Fanlistings