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Kouga's Room

2/26/04)-- Kouga recieves a hug and friendship from Kagome! Kouga says "Aww ::hugs:: I always love getting new friends!"

(2/27/04)-- Kouga recieves New furs and a kiss from Mara Chan and a note that says "hope you like these" Kouga says: "Wow these furs are soft thank you very much" (2/26/04)--Hiei recieves a new black bandana to cover his jagan from Kagome! Hiei says "Thanks! ::puts it on::"

(2/27/04)--Kouga recieves some wolf pelts from Ranma1_4 and a message that reads: "These Artic wolf pelts will keep you warm in the winter and they'll look good on you." Kouga says "thank you i do believe you're right ^_^"

Kouga recieves a picture of Keiko (the gift giver)with a message that reads "To Kouga: Hope you like this picture of Keiko, she adores you!" Kouga says "Aww thanks!"