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Miroku's Room

(1/14/04)-- Miroku recieves a new set of preyer beads from ChibiMars5. Miroku says "I thank you...they're wonderful. By the way....are you single?"

(2/26/04)--Miroku recieves a kiss on the cheek from Ranma1_4! Miroku says: "Aww...thank you...Will you bear my child?"

(2/27/04)--Miroku recieves A new staff and a long kiss from Mara Chan! and a note saying "I am as single as they get" Miroku says: "Hmm...the staff is very nice...i like! will you bear my child?"

(2/27/04)-- Miroku recieves a kiss on the lips from Crystalkitten with a note that says "Your the cutest guy I've ever seen. I love you! #^.^# *blushing like mad*" Miroku says "::blush:: Thank you...Will you bear my child?"