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Thursday, 10 June 2004
[H1]SailorMoon4Evr</H1> [H3] Welcome to SailorMoon, a site dedicated to the GREATEST ANIME EVER, Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon is a show centered on girls saving the universe. There are five main Sailor Scouts, Sailor Moon(Serena), Sailor Mercury(Ami), Sailor Mars(Rei), Sailor Jupiter(Lita), and Sailor Venus(Mina). Serena has a cat, Luna. Luna can talk. She was sent from the past to help Serena and the other scouts. Luna's friend, Artemis, is also from the past. Serena and the others were also sent from the past, by Queen Serenity. Serena has a boyfriend, Darien, who is also known as Tuxedo Mask, who is the protector of the Scouts. Later in the series, a small girl known as Rini enters the Scouts' lives. She turns out to be Serena and Darien's future daughter!!! She can transform into A Sailor Scout, too! She is known as Sailor Mini-Moon. There are other scouts, but I can't go into them all! Okay, here's whats new: the site! I will post new updates here, like when I add profiles on scouts, or anything new!

Posted by anime5/sailormoon4evr at 2:31 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 10 June 2004 2:35 PM EDT
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