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Sailor Lecora


Name: Kimberly Delkar

Gender: Female

Nick Names: Kimmy, Raven-chan

Element of Influence: Air

Ruling Planets: Uranus

Birth Date: January 30, 1985

Astrological Sign: Aquarious (Spelling?)

Height: 5'11 in.

Weight: 117 lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Skin tone: White

Blood Type: unsure

Current Status: Taken

Hobbies: Playing Magic the Card game, Roleplaying,

Colecting Anime, Helping my freinds.

Favorite Colors: Pink, White

FAvorite Senshi: Sailor Neptune

Favorite Gemstones: Ruby

Favorite Flower: White Rose

Favorite Foods: Bacon

Least Favorite Foods: Spagettie

Favorite School Subject: Creative Writing, World History

Least Favorite School Subject: Math

Strengths: loyalty, compassion, kindness, Able to help people in need

Weaknesses: Low Self esteem Self Hatred

Dislikes: Betrayel, , having to get up early in the morning, judgmental people, impersonators, fakes, Bad Role Players, those who think themselves superior, close minded people, conceited people, and people unable to see anothers veiw.
