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Sailor Moon



Season 1:

Moon Prism Power, Make-Up - First Transformation

Moon Tiara Action - throws her tiara at the youma

*Moon Frisbee - Manga Version of Moon Tiara Action

Moon Tiara Stardust - sprinkles dust over possessed people, helaing them

Sonic Waves - amplifies her screaming to glass shattering volume

Moon Twilight Flash: Manga attack where bright light flashes from her tiara

Moon Healing Escalation - Healing power

Moon Power, Ni nare - transform into other people

*Moon Power - manga version of Moon Power Ni Nare

Moon Prism Power - Used against Beryl

Sailormoon Kick - specially named kick

Season 2:

Moon Crystal Power, Make up - Second Transformation

Moon Princess Halation - attack using Cutie Moon Rod

Moon Crystal Power - Healing power, alo used against Wiseman

Sailormoon Body Slam - Throws herself at the enemy

Season 3:

Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up - Third transformation

Moon Crisis, Make Up: Transform with Holy grail

Moon Spiral Heart Attack - creates a big heart to smash the enemy

Rainbow Moon Heart Ache - Supersailormoons attack

Double Rainbow Moon Heart Ache: manga Attack with Chibimoon

Double Sailor Moon Kick - Kick with Chibimoon

Season 4:

Moon Crisis, Make Up - Transform with Chibimoon

Moon Gorgeous Meditation - Attack using Moon Kaleidoscope

Season 5:

Moon Eternal, Make Up - Final Transformation

Silver Moon Crystal Power Make Up - Manga version of Moon Eternal, Make Up

Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss - turns the phage back into human

Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss - power recieved from Chibichibi

Double Starlight Honeymoon Theraphy Kiss - Manga attack with Chibimoon

STATS as Depicted on the back of the Sailor Moon collectors cards

Attack: 8.83

Accuracy: 9.17

Endurance: 7.75

Control: 8.67

Speed: 9.25

Moon Tiara Action: 7.8

Moon Healing Escalation: 7.9 (how a healing attack can do damge is beyond me...)

Moon Princess Halation: 8.6

Moon Spiral Heart Attack: 8.9

Rainbow Moon Heart Ache: 9.3

Moon Gorgeous Meditation: 9.5 So basically that means taht in Duble Moon Gorgeous Meditation, Moon's doing almost all the work