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Sailor Moon


English Name: Serena Tsukino

Japanese Name: Usagi Tsukino(Rabbit of the Moon)

Other Alias: Odango Atama, Bunny, Sailormoon, Supersailormoon,

Eternalsailormoon, Priness Serenity, Neo Queen Serenity

Element: Purity

Associated Name Day: Monday

Age: 14(beginning); 16(end)

Birthday: June 30th

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Height: 4'll"

Bloodytype: O-

Likes: Shopping, eating, and video games

Dislikes: School, thunderstorms

Favorite Gemstone: Diamond, Pearl

Favorite Food: Icecream, Cake

Least Favourite Food: Carrots

Favorite Colors: White and Pink

Favorite Subject: Home Economics

Least Favorite: Math

Goal: To marry Mamoru

Sailor Moon Attacks