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Sailor Venus


English Name: Mina Aino

Japanese Name: Minako Aino (Beautiful Little Child of Love)

Other Alias: Sailorvenus, Supersailorvenus, Princess Venus

Element: Love, Metal

Associated Name Day: None

Age: 14(beginning); 16(end)

Birthday: October 22

Astrological Sign: Libra

Height: 5'0"

Bloodytype: B

Likes: Shopping, Chasing After Idols

Dislikes: Police, Her Mom

Favorite Color: Yellow, Red

Favorite Gemstone: Topaz

Favorite Food: Gyouza, Ramen, curry

Least Favourite Food: Shiitake Mushrooms

Favorite Subject: Physical Education

Least Favorite: Everything Else

Goal: To become an idol

Sailor Venus Attacks