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Sailor Stars MK, Season Info!  

Sailor Stars Season info

here i will Highlight the diffrent Seasons of Sailor Moon, in all their are 5, no more and no less. Each having a fairly good plot line. Anyway Here is whare i will tell you some things on each.

Season 1

Sailor Moon is an Anime about a klutzy, crybaby, 14-year-old junior high school girl named Usagi (Serena in NA dub). She receives special powers from a Cat named Luna, the powers activate by her locket making her become Sailor Moon, luna can talk and tries to advise Serena. Her new Powers aid her in her quest to fight evil and to find the "Moon Princess". Over time, she finds the other five Sailor Senshi (scouts in dub) and another cat Artemis, who join her as a team, called the Sailor Senshi. She also gets help from a guy called Darien/Mamoru or when he transforms, though Usagi does not learn of Tuxedo masks true identity till late in the series, Tuxedo mask throughout the series, he mostly rescues Usagi and later the the other senshi as well, useing a rose and a staff as weapons. In the series the fight the Four Heavenly Kings, who start out wanting to steal energy but then go After the ginzuishou/Imperium Silver Crystal (Dub). Usagi and the other Senshi also learn of the Silver melennium and of their pasts in this series. They Move on to Find Usagi/Serena is the Moon princess. They Beat the Four Heavenly Kings one by one, eventually going up again Queen barryle, the sneshi are killed off one by one, As Sailor Moon makes her way to the final battile and finnaly she fights Queen Barryle and with the aid of her freinds spirits, they win, though their alter ego Senshi forms die, they live on as if they were never senshi.

Season 2, Sailor Moon R

In season 2 everyone but Mamoru gets their memories back, much to the great frustration of Usagi, Also to transfer students arived name Ail and Anne, they are really ALiens trying to get energy to help revive the Doom tree, They Use cardiens to get this energy, their form of monsters. A new person arives to aid them called Moonlight Knight/Tsukikage no Knight. This is Unknown to the girls Dariens alter ego. Near the end Ail and Anne invite usagi and Mamoru into their home, and get them into a room with the doom tree, after a battile the doom tree tell Usago to take the dark energy out of it, she does and Ail and Anne leave with their Tree to, well im not sure to whare.

Part 2

Just as things settile down, a strange kid who looks an awful lot like Serena/Usagi falls out of the sky with a quest to find her mother and the Imperium Silver crystal/ginzuishou. She is Chibi Usa from the future, Soon after the Black moon family comes and begins trying to take over some points to afect the future, The Snehsi never kill the four weird sisters instead taking the evil out of them, Rubeus kidnaps them onto his ship, which in a fight with Sailor Moon, and Mini moons gets destroyed, after the senshi telaport away from it. They go to the future and see the Future Queen serenity, incased in crystel, Chibi Usa then is turned into Black Lady by Wise man who alters her memory, Prince Demandos brother tells him of Wisemans true plan and is killed shortly after, Prince Demando then dies, by taking an attack for Sailor moon. Black lady goes back to being Mini moon and Sailor Moon and Mini moon, use both ginzuishou crystels (Chibi usa's one from the future and Usagis)then Kills Wiseman.