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Sailor Neptune Shrine Page

Michirus Profile Page

Sailor Neptune Pictures

Sailor Neptune and Uranus couple page

Neptune and Uranus's cute couple Lines

I made this shrine becuse Neptune is my Favorite senshi. I Love her elagent and lady like behavoir. I also love her personality. She really seems to care about others and she is very Talented, Able to Paint and play the violen very well. Her lady like composure and the fact that she collects make up reminds me of myself a bit.

Sailorneptune and Sailoruranus are lovers, which some people misconceive, espeshelly DIC and cartoon network and SOS who all tried to say they were not actually Lesbiens, but back on topic. They are very devoted to each other, but their mission always comes first, even if it means sacrificing one without the other in order to complete the mission.

Michiru once said that a world without Haruka in it is a world not worth saving. One of their most memorable scenes, in which Sailor Neptune had proven herself was in the first Sailorstars episode, where henchwoman (weird Glass like monsters that came from falling mirror shards from a mirror Neherenia broke) of Neherenia and Sailor Uranus where fighting, and then Uranus was about to fall, and Sailorneptune saved her from death but not before making one of their cuter Obvious couple remarks. (Check the Cute Coupels area in Misc for their comments), It showed their love becuse Neptune is not Physicelly strong, But found the strangth within her to save Uranus becuse of their love.

Rarely is Michiru or Haruka seen in the series without each other. They are a couple in love, Despite what SOS may think or DIC says, and you can see their relationship easily, I know DUbbers who figured out they were Lesbiens. Hotaru also refers to Haruka and Michiru as papa and mama, which can be very amusing at times.

Michiru is a very reserved person, silent, and kind-natured. She is actually a very proper person. She is a Very intelligent and mature person. I think she is prolbely as intellagent as Ami. Since they both love the water, their paths crossed at a pool, where they challenged each other to a duel. They tied though which Michiru assumed was becuse Ami let her win.

Michiru is very Talented in art and music, playing at concerts with her violen with the 3 lights once. And Also Painting pictures like one titteled end of the world. Her violin seems to be a large part of her life, and represents her personality very well. There was a scene in an S episode where Michiru was playing her violin in the moonlight, and Haruka was there to hear and comfort her. It was a very dramatic, and very beautiful scene. I Loved it.