"The Newly Wed Couple"

Summary: A few years later Sasuke is married to Naruko, but he feels like she's keeping a secret from him. How will he found out and what happens when he does?

Couplings: SasuNaru. Tiny tiny tiny musings of SakuLee, ShikaIno, and KakaIru. Nothing for you anti fans to get roused up over.

Warnings: Crude jokes in later chapters.

By: AsnGothic


AsnGothic: Huttah! I’ve decided to follow in the SasuNaru Scheme! Join my yahoo group “SasuNaru Writers” if you’re interested in the scheme. ^_^

Kasumi: Well. Looks like Miss Writer’s Block decided to write a shounen-ai.

AsnGothic: Shut up. I haven’t seen up to farther than Temari and Tenten’s battle, so don’t flame me for incorrect information.

Kasumi: Loser.

AsnGothic: You're the loser. I own nothing. Masashi Kishimoto owns Naruto. Have fun reading! ^_~ At the end of this fic, I’ll also explain the SasuNaru scheme to all you eager beavers.

Kasumi: Eager beavers? What the hell?


A creak from a door echoed through a small apartment room, startling a blonde woman in her small kitchen. Their apartment was obviously small and drafty, but it was enough for this newly wed couple to call 'home.'

“Home, honey?” a feminine voice from the kitchen called.

“Yeah.” came a tired voice. He slowly shut the door and the orange-clad woman skipped into the room her husband was in. His voice was flushed from the coldness outside.

“Are you cold?” she asked sweetly, taking off her oven mitts.

“Yeah, a little bit. It’s very cold out today.”

“Aww. Let me warm you up.” the blonde cooed. She pressed her warm lips against the man’s and smiled against his lips. He smiled back.

“That helped a bit.” he laughed before she hit his arm gently. “Attempting to cook again, Naruko?”

“I’m a pretty good cook!” the girl named Naruko called from behind her back before walking into her small kitchen again.

“Yeah, if ramen is even considered a meal.” the man snorted.

“It is, and it’s very good, Sasuke-kun. Now get in here now.”

Sasuke chuckled as he slipped off his gloves and hitai-ate headband before tackling his wife from behind, earning a surprised laugh.


The early sun shone into the light of the couple’s musty bedroom as they lay in their bed together, only half-clothed. Sasuke grunted as he refused to look into the sun. He turned over on his side to stare at his beautiful wife. For some reason, she always seemed to end up in the same bed as him overnight, without him ever catching her. He didn’t want to ask her why she never joined him when he was getting in before he fell asleep, because she would hold a grudge over him for weeks if he tried. He even /did/ try once. She didn’t speak to him for weeks. He poked at her.

A slow moan came from her as she rustled a bit.

“Get up, honey. It’s morning.”

A grunt. “Only a few more minutes. . .”

“Get up! I have a mission today and I want to say bye to a fully-awake wife.”

This evidently woke Naruko up as she slowly and clumsily sat up in her bed. Her eyes were only half-open. Sasuke chuckled at this. He got up from his bed and slowly got dressed in front of his wife, to tease her.

“Where are you going today?” his wife asked as she rubbed her gleaming blue eyes.

“No where important. We’re still doing C-rank missions.” Sasuke answered. Naruko yawned and stretched.

“Good. I won’t want my husband getting hurt like that Haku in-” Naruko’s teeth clicked as she shut her mouth tight.

“What incident?”

“Nothing, honey. . .”

“No, really. What?”

Naruko sighed. Trying to keep something from Sasuke was like trying to get Kakashi-Sensei to quit his Come Come Paradise. Not like he wouldn’t for Iruka, though.

“The Haku incident.”

“I never told you about the Haku incident. . .”

“Yes, you did. You just don’t remember.”

Sasuke shrugged as he slipped his forehead protector on. Naruko walked up before giving him a small peck on his cheek, then giving him a longer kiss on his lips.

“Mmm, get off now before I’m late.” Sasuke pushed Naruko away slightly. Naruko giggled as Sasuke walked out of the door, waving goodbye.

Naruko leaned against the side of her door, waving to him dreamily. She could still remember her wedding a few months ago. . .


Naruko strode down the flower covered aisles of her wedding slowly, hearing comments about how ‘beautiful the wife looked’ or ‘what a cute couple.’ She spied Sakura and Ino out of the corner of his eye, both were still single, and they both had identical looks of defeat on their faces. He sent them both a cold glare and a ‘that’s right, he’s all mine’ look before meeting his husband at the end of the aisle.

Their priest said his usual routine, but all Naruko could concentrate on was her groom’s face. She stared into his dark eyes, full of emotion, so different from what he would normally glare at his friends with. She loved being the one he would open up to. The one who he would always go to when he was broken up. No one else knew the real Sasuke.

“Do you, Sasuke, take Naruko as your lawfully-wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Naruko, take Sasuke as your lawfully-wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“Then you may kiss the bride.”

Both of them were engulfed in a large passionate kiss, Naruko closing her eyes gently, and Sasuke’s closed shut tightly. There were cheers behind them, as Sasuke pulled away and Naruko excitedly threw her bouquet into the air. Naruko flung her arms around Sasuke and kissed him again once her hands were free.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Naruko.”

A while later, Naruko saw Sasuke busily looking for someone in the crowd. His eyes were squinted in seriousness.

AN: Is that a word?

“Sasuke-kun, what are you looking for?”

Sasuke turned around surprised before smiling at his new wife. “Just an old friend of mine.”

Naruko’s fingers wrapped around her small glass of champagne and she smiled cheerily at her husband. “Really? Who?”

“Uzumaki Naruto.”

Naruko’s fingers almost broke her glass, and she hoped dearly Sasuke didn’t see. She loosened her grip before answering back, “Oh, Sasuke, don’t worry. He’s probably busy.”

Sasuke huffed. “He’s been busy for years, I thought he’d actually come to his best friend’s most important day of his life. . .”

“Mmmf. . .don’t worry, honey.” Naruko said again, “He probably really wanted to come. . .”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Sasuke’s hands dropped to his side. Naruko smiled at him through her eyes. Sasuke had to grin back at her face. Her smile looked so familiar to him, though. . .

“C’mon. Let’s go get some cake!” Naruko yelled happily. Sasuke laughed before being dragged away with his wife.


Naruko walked quietly into her own house before shutting her door. Thanks to her, Ino had finally realized Shikamaru cared for her, and Sakura finally started noticing Lee.

She sighed as she rested against her own bed and a cloud of dust puffed up. She coughed lightly and pulled her hair down from her long pigtails, and pulled a brush through, leaving her hair down and plain. She walked over to her bathroom and stared at herself through her mirror, running a hand over her whisker-marks. Then she walked back out, before slipping into an orange-jumpsuit.

Suddenly, she vanished into a cloud of blue smoke, immediately being replaced with a boy.

A boy formerly known as Uzumaki Naruto.


AsnGothic: What do you think?

Kasumi: It sucks.

AsnGothic: Does n- oh hell, it does, doesn’t it. -_-; I’m a SasuNaru fan at heart, really I am!

Kasumi: You’re just insulting them.

AsnGothic: Well, I promised to tell you guys about the scheme so I will. Lately, me and Firedraygon97-

Kasumi: Firedrayon97 and I

AsnGothic: Nooo, me and Firedraygon97 noticed a shortage of SasuNaru and how SasuSaku is growing rapidly. Well, I started a yahoo group called “SasuNaru Writers” for all those eager of flushing SasuSaku out with SasuNaru fanfics. All those eager for it, join now! Go to my profile for the link because ff.net won’t let me post it here. ^_^ I contributed. Maybe I’ll write more later.

Next Chapter: Sasuke suspects Naruko is hiding something from him when he finds an old gift Sasuke gave to Naruto. Sasuke decides to look further into Naruko’s history and finds out something very unexpected.

Chapter 2