Collision TealDragoness: Alrighty! Just to let everyone know, it’s my birthday today! I turn 14! *hopes someone will wish me a happy birthday in the review* So anyways………what happened to my bishies?

Kurama, Kenshin, Sasuke, Haku: *jumps out from behind something large enough for four people to hide in* Happy birthday, TD-chan!

TealDragoness: *sheds tears of joy* You all remembered! *huggles bishies*

Sasuke: Um………the fanfic………

TealDragoness: Oh yes, of course. Anyways, you guys will explain for me right? It *is* my birthday today :D

Summary: Somehow (will be in story), Sasuke and Hinata managed to switch bodies. It’s a humor and shounen-ai fanfic. No, it’s not the pairing SasuHina =P Btw, this fanfic was an idea created up by both AsnGothic and I.

Pairings: SasuNaru………so far. I’m not sure yet if there’ll be others. I guess you could say NaruHina a little………oh, you’ll find out.

Disclaimers: I do not own Naruto………it would be a nice birthday present though………*hinthint*

Kurama: *brings out giant cake*

TealDragoness: ;_; You’re too kind. So anyways, please R+R………me and mah bishies will be eating cake ^.^


“We’ll be teaming up with Kakashi’s kids for a mission tomorrow?” Kiba repeated his sensei’s words. “I don’t see why………” he muttered. “We’re capable, Kurenai-sensei,” Kiba complained. Hinata, fidgeting with her fingers, starting flushing.

“Naruto-kun………” she stuttered.

“Gomen Kiba, but think of it more as a training session with another team around,” Kurenai shrugged. “That’s all. Everyone’s dismissed,” she finished, walking away.

“What a pain,” Kiba growled. Akamaru started growling too. “We don’t need them. Naruto barely passed ninja academy anyways,” Kiba snickered. Shino had his hands in his pocket, silent as ever. “I’ll see ya guys tomorrow,” Kiba said, walking in the direction of his home.

“Ja ne, Kiba-kun,” Hinata waved back. “I better go too,” Hinata said barely audible to Shino. “Ja ne Shino-kun,” Hinata bowed quickly. Shino nodded, turning the other direction.


“Kurenai’s students?” Naruto repeated, a confused look on his face.

“Hai,” Kakashi nodded nonchalantly.

“Baka, you know, Kiba, Shino, and Hinata,” Sakura rolled her eyes.

“The weird squad………” Naruto muttered. Sasuke, with his arms crossed, huffed.

“Great, I don’t see why we need to train with them,” he said boredly.

“Teamwork, Sasuke. When you’re a real ninja, you’ll be partnered up with other ninjas you don’t know sometimes. You’ll have to get along with them,” Kakashi replied. “I’ll give you all a good night’s rest, go home now,” Kakashi said, shooing the kids away. Naruto continued muttering as he walked alongside to Sakura and Sasuke.

“Oh stop complaining, Naruto. This’ll be good for you,” Sakura pointed out.

“Whatever, for once, Naruto has a point. We all grew to somewhat get along right? And if that happened, anything’s possible,” Sasuke said darkly.

“Sasuke-kun, you’re absolutely right,” Sakura smiled, hearts for eyes. Naruto sighed.

“See you tomorrow, Sakura-chan………Sasuke………” Naruto muttered the second name with venom. Sasuke smirked.

“Later, dobe,” Sasuke said, walking the other direction towards his house. That remark has popped a vein in Naruto.

“Don’t call me that!!” he yelled back. Opening the door, he slammed it hard. “Sasuke no baka,” Naruto yelled, plopping down on his bed. Though he yelled it, he was actually thinking otherwise. His last thoughts were on Sasuke as he fell asleep.


“Ohayou, Sakura-chan,” Naruto waved brightly as he jogged onto the meeting place.

“Naruto, you’re late again,” Sakura said crossly, planting her hands on her hips. Naruto looked around.

“Iie,” he objected. “I’m not late since Kakashi-sensei isn’t here yet,” Naruto pointed out testily. Sakura sighed.

“True,” she agreed quietly.

“Ohayou,” Kakashi waved from above.

“Sensei, what’s your excuse this time?” Sakura asked, casually. She had grown use to his tardiness, just like Naruto and Sasuke.

“Oh you see this little girl wanted me to help her pick apples from her tree………” Kakashi said, thoughtfully placing a finger on his chin.

“Enough with the lies! Are Kiba, Hinata, and Shino gonna show up or what?” Naruto shouted.

“I was kinda wondering the same. They’re not meeting here, are they?” Sasuke asked. “Or they would have been here before you,” Sasuke smirked.

“Bright as always, they’re coming over right now,” Kakashi said. He coolly took out his book again. Sakura sweatdropped.

“You shouldn’t be allowed to read that in front of us, sensei,” she remarked.

“But it’s not illegal so I am allowed,” Kakashi smiled, flipping the page.

“Hey, can I read?” Naruto asked, trying to take a peek. He had his foxy grin on again. Sakura’s eye started twitching.

“Baka! Don’t read it! That’s crude!” she cried, smacking his head as a welt started appearing on his head.

“Ohayou,” greeted a voice and a bark. Sure enough, Kiba and Akamaru were approaching them with Hinata and Shino following close behind. Kurenai was trailing behind a bit.

“Finally, Naruto was starting to get so desperate that he almost read Kakashi-sensei’s book,” Sakura sighed with relief. Kurenai smiled.

“Kakashi-sama, you shouldn’t be reading that,” Kurenai smiled in a playful fashion.

“That’s what I said,” Sakura stated proudly.

“Oh-ohayou………Naruto-kun,” Hinata said, her fingers fidgeting again.

“Good morning, Hinata-chan,” Naruto smiled brightly, making Hinata blush and turn away. ‘That girl *is* weird………’ Naruto thought, strangely.

“So where are we going to be training?” Sasuke asked the two senseis.

“The Death Forest,” Kurenai-sensei answered.

“Again?” Kiba shouted. “But………we were already there! In the Chuunin exam,” Kiba argued.

“True but this time, you’ll have to work as a team of six instead of three. Besides, you were there a few months ago, you probably don’t remember it at all,” Kakashi-sensei shrugged.

“Ok! Let’s go!” Naruto shouted, marching the other five towards the forest. They arrived no later than an hour later.

“Go on the count of two,” Kakashi stated. “One………”

“Two? Why two? Why not thre-“ Naruto started, turning around to protest to Kakashi.


“Eh?” Naruto turned around to see every a few yards ahead of him. “Wah! Matte!” Naruto shouted, hopping from tree to tree, trying to catch up with the others. He screeched to a stop once everyone had stopped before him. “Thanks for waiting,” he grinned at the group.

“Dobe, we weren’t waiting for you. We’re just having a discussion,” Sasuke muttered, a smirk glinting in his eyes.

“Don’t call me that!” Naruto shouted back.

“Naruto! Are you trying to get every deadly thing in this place to find out where we are?” Sakura hissed back.

“Here’s what I think,” Kiba started, giving a glance to his two silent teammates. At least their team never really fought. Sure Kiba got mad at Shino never talking much but that was it. “We’ll split up into teams. One person on one team partners up with someone on the other team,” Kiba finished.

“But why?” Sakura asked, depressed. She had wanted to be with Sasuke after all.

“As the senseis said. To get to know other people better,” Shino answered for Kiba. Hinata started blushing again.

“So how we’re going to choose are by picking sticks. There will be six sticks, each two sticks will be the same length, and those people who have the same length sticks will work with each other. Got it?” Kiba asked. Naruto tilted his head, showing slight confusion. He heard Sasuke mutter dobe under his breath, and that immediately set him straight.

“Of course, I’m pumped,” Naruto said thrusting his fist in the air.

“Then you go first,” Kiba smirked, extending his arm out with three sticks poking out from his clenched fist. “The other three are for our team,” Kiba explained. Naruto looked dumfounded at the sticks for a moment. Then he slowly picked out a stick. Sasuke picked next, and then, Sakura. Kiba, Shino, and Hinata also picked sticks after.

“Who has the long stick?” Naruto burst out. Hinata looked disappointed.

‘Naruto-kun didn’t get the short stick?’ Hinata thought, frowning. She glanced at Shino who stepped forward.

“Great………I got bug boy………” Naruto grumbled.

“Don’t underestimate our team,” Shino muttered. “Anyone of us could easily defeat you, Naruto,” Shino smirked. Sakura spoke up before a war broke out.

“Who has the medium stick?” she asked. There was a bark from Akamaru. Kiba rolled his eyes and stepped forward.

“So I guess Hinata and Sasuke are working together,” Kiba noted. After the partnering, the teams split up. Naruto and Shino went in search of food. Sasuke and Hinata went off for water. Sakura and Kiba went off for firewood.

“So your Neji’s sister?” Sasuke asked. Hinata nodded, mumbling a tiny ‘hai.’ “Then you have the byakugan also?” Sasuke asked. Hinata nodded again. Sasuke sighed; he had never really asked anyone for a favor. “Can you use it right now? So it might find water easier?” Sasuke asked hesitantly. Hinata flinched back, hesitating a bit also. She eventually nodded.

“Byakugan!” she cried, her face transforming into a serious _expression. Unaware to Sasuke, his sharingan had slowly crept up. Both Chuunins fell backwards, smoke starting to appear.


“Sasuke-kun!” Sakura cried, shaking Sasuke’s form. Hinata’s eyes slowly opened.

“Sakura-chan,” Hinata said unevenly. The voice, though, wasn’t her’s but Sasuke’s rugged one. “Why………are you calling me Sasuke-kun?” she asked, confused.

“Amnesia,” Kiba said to his partner. “They both have amnesia, Sakura,” Kiba said.

“I told you, I don’t have amnesia,” Sasuke replied harshly. Sakura glanced nervously at Hinata, then at Sasuke.

“Gomen, Sasuke-kun, that is your name,” Sakura started at Hinata. “But we have to go for the firewood. We’ll come back soon………don’t go anywhere,” Sakura smiled wearily at Sasuke’s figure as she and Kiba left.

“That’s………my body………” Hinata gasped, pointing at Sasuke.

“I told the fools we don’t have amnesia………it must have been some effect when the sharingan and the byakugan met,” Sasuke sighed. It was full known to Hinata now; Sasuke and Hinata had switched bodies!

“What are we going to do?” Hinata gasped, staring at the ground, controlling her tears.

“They wouldn’t believe them if we told them………we should go to the Hokage when we get back,” Sasuke replied. “But for now, we’ll just have to try and pretend to be each other,” Sasuke sighed. Hinata nodded sulkily.

“Sasuke-kun, are you better?” Sakura asked, approaching Hinata.

“Hai, Sakura-chan,” Hinata replied, placing a hand over her mouth. Sasuke sighed. They were bound to find out soon with the way things were going.

“Are you better, Hinata?” Kiba asked Sasuke.

“Fine,” he replied shortly. Kiba turned to Sakura, shrugging.

“Ok………well Naruto and Shino found food and shelter………mostly Shino, so we should head over,” Sakura stated, helping Hinata up.

“Hinata,” Kiba nodded, sticking his hand out for Sasuke to take hold of. He roughly got up, smacking the hand away. Akamaru barked a little. “Yeah………she is acting weird………” Kiba said back.


TealDragoness: Ok, that’s it for chapter one! *blow party blower and pops party popper* I’ll make chapter 2 real soon! I swear!

Sasuke: Like your other fanfics?

TealDragoness: *booms* You dare insult me on my birthday??

Kenshin: Oro *squeaks* That wasn’t smart ^^;; Insulting her on any day isn’t smart actually………

TealDragoness: ;_; No respect. No presents………

Kurama: *gives TealDragoness a rose*

TealDragoness: Aww ^-^ *huggles Kurama*

Haku: *hands TealDragoness a senbon*

TealDragoness: Err………thanks………^^;; *glomps Haku also*

Chapter 2