TealDragoness: Thanks everyone for the reviews ^.^ I feel so happy that some people actually wished me a happy birthday. I won’t go on ranting about my pathetic life lol. And btw, it’s not a late birthday, I just posted the fanfic one minute before August 2 lol.

Also, crap. -__-;; Well………I did know they were cousins but some people told me they were brothers and sisters and I got totally confused @__@ But thanks for the people who told me. Well anyways, please R+R!

Gee. *blink blink* I wasn’t planning on making anything special that Shino found for food. But I guess I’ll take that suggestion to add a twist to the plot. I’ll try my best to make the characters stay in character ^^

Sasuke: *mutters* Make me the victim of this fanfic huh?

TealDragoness: Put a lid on it. Hinata-chan’s is in this too, remember? Anyways, I pity her more than you.

Kenshin: Oro ^^;; I wouldn’t test him out, TD-chan.

TealDragoness: Who asked you? *snarl*

Kenshin: Oro *gulp*

Kurama: *sigh* Oh boy, this can’t turn out good………

Summary: Sasuke and Hinata have an accident in which Hinata’s byakugan and Sasuke’s sharingan collide. This causes quite an effect in their bodies being switched. Now they have to cope with it until the return from their mission with their team.

Disclaimers: Don’t own Naruto or any of the sort. It I did, Sasuke and Naruto would definitely be an item ^__^

Reminder: This is suppose to be a shounen-ai fanfic with the pairing SasuNaru. It may seem like NaruHina or SasuHina though it is intended to be SasuNaru. Also, if I say something like ‘Hinata blushed,’ it would technically mean Sasuke is blushing since she is in Sasuke’s body right now.


‘What? No way!’ Hinata thought. “Err………could you repeat that please, Naruto-kun?” Hinata asked shyly. Sasuke, in Hinata’s body, was standing in the corner, mentally slapping himself.

‘Naruto-kun? Damnit, Naruto’s going to think I’m gay,’ Sasuke crossed his arms furiously. Naruto raised an eyebrow at Sasuke’s form, backing up a bit.

“Err………I said we’re going to be sharing a tent since we’re both guys. Unless you want to share a tent with Sakura and Hinata,” Naruto said hesitantly. “Matte, it’s not like I want to share with you ok?” Naruto said quickly, making sure Sasuke knew that. Sasuke choked.

“What’s wrong, Hinata?” Shino asked. Sasuke shook his head.

“Nothing,” he muttered. Shino and Kiba gave each other a look, followed by a bark by Akamaru.

“So you’re going to be sharing a tent with Sakura, ok Hinata?” Kiba said to Sasuke.

“Nani??” Sasuke cried, his eye twitching. Naruto stared at who appeared to be Hinata. “Damnit, I’m just glad Sakura doesn’t know I’m Sasuke,” he gulped. “Fine,” he breathed sharply.

“You know,” Sakura put in, stepping forward. “This working with another teammate thing isn’t working out too well………I don’t think so at least. I think we should start working with our own teams again. At least for tonight,” Sakura said, staring at the floor.

“Ok,” Hinata agreed quite quickly. She wasn’t going to miss her chance to get closer to Naruto………even though she was Sasuke right now. ‘Gomen-nasai, Sasuke-kun,’ Hinata thought. She knew how Sasuke acted around his team, but she couldn’t act that way. She couldn’t act cold towards Naruto or Sakura. So everyone agreed to Sakura’s plan.

“We should scout the area since there’s nothing better to do,” Kiba suggested. “We’ll go to the east, and you guys go west ok?” before waiting for a reply, he was off, Kiba and Sasuke following close behind.

“Sasuke, why did you call me Naruto-kun?” Naruto asked, looking confused.

“Gomen, Naruto-kun………I mean………Naruto………I won’t call you that anymore if you don’t want me to,” Hinata blushed, staring at the floor. Sakura blinked.

“Sasuke-kun, are you feeling ok?” Sakura asked, worriedly. Hinata nodded. Naruto rubbed the back of his head with one hand, still confused.

“………” Naruto didn’t speak. He felt really uncomfortable; this was his rival that was blushing and getting humiliated. It didn’t feel right. ‘Is Sasuke gay?’ Naruto thought, eyes widening. Sakura slipped off the ground, falling face first into the floor.

“What’s gotten into you two??” she cried, hysterically.

“Gomen, Sakura-chan,” Hinata said apologetically. Naruto was sure he had seen everything now. Sasuke just suddenly flipped his personality. Of course, he was still distant from his other teammates but in a………strange way.


“Does Hinata seem a little………off today?” Kiba asked Shino quietly, as he glanced at Sasuke behind him. “Kuso, what did that Sasuke do to her?” he asked, clenching his fist angrily.

“Leave Hinata alone. She should probably have some time alone. And don’t go picking on Sasuke either. You’d get beaten up,” Shino said, a smirk glinting in his eyes. Kiba sighed and reluctantly agreed.

“Hinata, do you think you can use your byakugan to see if there’s anything dangerous ahead?” Kiba asked, turning to the girl behind him. Sasuke flinched.

‘Wonderful,’ Sasuke thought sarcastically. Unfortunately, the byakugan was less like the sharingan then he could imagine. He turned a shoulder towards them. “Don’t feel like it,” Sasuke replied casually. He felt hands grab onto his shoulder, forcing him inches away from the owner of those hands face. As usual, he didn’t seem the least bit phased.

“Hinata, what the hell’s gotten into you?” Kiba shouted. He looked furious. Shino was a few feet behind, just watching.

“Noth-“ Sasuke started, trying to push Kiba away from him. Kiba’s grip remained firm.

“Hinata, we’re your teammates. You’re supposed to tell us what’s happened. Now how and why did you change all of the sudden? What happened while you were with Sasuke, and what did he do to you?” Kiba asked, questioning Sasuke.

‘If only you really knew how little we’ve actually been teammates,’ Sasuke thought, frowning. “Nothing is going on, alright? I swear. I just want to be alone for a bit,” Sasuke replied, hoping Kiba would get off his case. Kiba’s grip loosened.

“Gomen, I was just worried for ya,” he grinned, returning to his relaxed self again. This time, Shino had started talking to Hinata.

“What really did happen with you and that Uchiha boy?” Shino asked, quirking an eyebrow. Sasuke sighed. He hated how they referred to him as just another kid in their class.

“So there’s no point in trying to hide anything anymore eh?” Sasuke asked with a smirk. Shino blinked. Hinata with a smirk was new………and a bit creepy. “I’ll admit, something did happen but it’s none of your business,” Sasuke said, walking away from a bewildered Shino.

“Yo Shino,” Shino turned around to face Kiba. “What did you bring for food? I don’t think Naruto would have the brains to get anything………so you got………?” Kiba asked, waiting for Shino’s reply.


“They’re late,” Sakura said, stating the obvious.

“It’s not like Kiba-kun and Shino-kun to be late………” Hinata said, nervously.

‘I guess Sasuke likes Shino and Kiba,’ Naruto thought. He sighed, slumping his shoulders a bit. ‘Hey? What the hell? Why am I upset of all emotions?’ Naruto asked himself angrily.

“Naruto, what’s with you? You hardly ever space out,” Sakura said, waving a hand in front of his face.

“Oh I was just thinking………why Kiba, Shino, and Hinata are so late,” Naruto bluffed, grinning brightly at Sakura, making her curious.

“Hmm?” Hinata’s head perked up, hearing her name.





“Ok.” This was the weirdest conversation Naruto ever had with Sasuke. “Ohhhh………I get it,” Naruto grinned. Hinata gulped, feeling the blood rush to her face.

“Nani?” she asked. Sakura raised an eyebrow at Naruto.

“You like Hinata-chan, don’t you?” Naruto grinned, leaning in. And he couldn’t be more wrong.

“Naruto, you baka!” Sakura screeched, slapping Naruto’s head. “Of course Sasuke-kun doesn’t like Hinata………do you?” Sakura asked sweatdropping.

“You’re always looking up when I say something about Hinata,” Naruto said, explaining his reasoning.

“I don’t like Hinata,” Hinata blushed. “I mean, I don’t hate her but I don’t like her either………I mean………” this was harder than it looked. Fortunately for her, two pairs of feet plopped onto the ground softly from trees above. Hinata beamed seeing her teammates. “Kiba-kun, Shino-kun,” Hinata smiled. Kiba flinched, hearing ‘Sasuke’ call him ‘Kiba-kun.’

“Now I’ve seen everything, what’s going on? Is this a prank?” Kiba asked, crossing his arms.

“It must be. Sasuke called Naruto, Naruto-kun too,” Sakura put in.

“What the hell is going on?” Naruto asked, just as confused as everyone else. “This is making my head ache,” Naruto said, gripping his head sarcastically.

Hinata opened her mouth to answer though not before Sasuke replied. “Like I said nothing. We were just in the sunny area of the forest too long. The sun’s gotten to our head,” Sasuke said nonchalantly. “So if you don’t mind, I’d like to get some shut eye,” Sasuke finished, heading for the pink tent Sakura had set up. It’s not that Sasuke wanted to sleep in the same tent with Sakura but he did want them to stop making a fuss. He was going to have to start acting more like Hinata. Sakura shrugged, heading in after Sasuke. Hinata turned crimson as she stared at the tent she was going to be in with Naruto.

“Well I guess Hinata’s too tired for food,” Kiba said. Sasuke and Sakura had missed out on dinner.

“I’m not,” Hinata replied, covering her mouth. “Hinata might but I’m not,” she corrected, trying to sound gruff like Sasuke.

“Me too,” Naruto said. “Did you guys bring ramen? Because I don’t want to eat what Shino got,” Naruto said disgusted. To Hinata, it sounded as if Naruto didn’t want to eat whatever Shino had because it was Shino who had actually found food. But actually, that wasn’t it.

“What did you get for food anyways?” Hinata asked, somewhat worried. Shino never really had been normal………none of the genins were, to be honest but Shino was too mysteriously quiet to ever get really close too.

(A/N: Because of my lack of creativity -__-;; I haven’t thought of a food item yet so I’ll skip this part ^^;;)

Thirty minutes passed. They were all starved and desperately needed something to eat. In those thirty minutes, they felt like gagging. “That wasn’t too bad………ne?” Hinata squeaked while clutching her stomach.

“Are you crazy Sasuke?? I could have found something better than that!” Naruto screeched, making Hinata sweatdrop.

“Your lucky we were hungry,” Kiba commented, eye twitching. Shino shrugged; the meal didn’t seem to phase him much. “You think we can sleep it off?” Kiba asked, desperately trying to find a way to look less pale.

“Sleep? It’s too early to sleep! Plus, I gotta share beds with this bum over here!” Naruto yelled. Number one hyperactive? Yep, perfect nickname.

“You gotta sleep sometimes………don’t you feel sick? Did that ‘dinner’ affect you at all?” Kiba asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Ya tayo (No way), are you kidding? I’m just getting pumped!” Naruto lied. Of course, he felt just as ill as the others.

“Well you go bother Sasuke. We’re going to bed,” Shino said, heading for his tent with Kiba. On the way there, Hinata could have sworn she heard Kiba say ‘It’s a good thing we placed our tents far………far away from those two goons.’

“Sasuke!” Naruto called suddenly, shocking Hinata. She glanced up; her blushing was uncontrollable at the moment.

“Even I’ve noticed………what’s wrong with you? You’re acting different,” Naruto said, crossing his arms.

“Oh………well, like Hinata said, we’ve just been out in the sun too long,” Hinata bluffed. They sat there in silence for a little bit. “We should get some sleep,” Hinata said suddenly; the silence was getting to her. Not that she was a pervert or anything but she didn’t like how more shy she was than usual around Naruto.

‘Kiss him already!’ Hinata glanced up, shocked by the voice. The voice sighed. ‘I’m you, baka,’ it replied.

“Me?” Hinata asked.

“What?” Naruto glanced up, hearing Sasuke speak.

“Oh………nothing………” Hinata replied hastily. ‘You’re me?’ she thought mentally this time.

‘Yes, I’m you. I’m Inner Hinata.’ Hinata coughed.

‘Inner………Hinata? How come I didn’t know about you before?’ Hinata asked.

(A/N: Lol, I thought Hinata needed an Inner self too ^^;;)

‘Because, I didn’t want to show myself. Now kiss him!’ IH screamed. Hinata shook her head, blushing furiously. Naruto was staring at her like she was crazy. ‘If you don’t do this, you’ll regret it………’ she said in a threatening voice.

‘I………I’m not that forward, and besides, I’m in a different body right now………’ Hinata gulped.

‘I know that. I’ve watched you all your life. But if you don’t do this, I will make you do something more embarrassing eventually,’ IH smirked. Hinata gulped again, gazing at Naruto, who in turn was as confused as ever.


TealDragoness: Leaving it a cliffhanger ^^

Sasuke: You better not do anything that I’ll make you regret………

Kurama: *chuckles* I find this a most interesting story.

Sasuke: So you’re admitting your gay??

TealDragoness: Of course he is. I hear moaning and groaning from his room every time he invites Hiei over ^_~

Kurama: You spy on me??

TealDragoness: Hush up………I’m keeping this a PG-13 fanfic. I don’t want the little kids to get ideas in there heads O__o

Chapter 3