TealDragoness: Hey minna-san! Thanks for all the reviews! I’m gonna enjoy writing this chapter *snicker*

Sasuke: *sweatdrop* And what exactly do you mean by that?

TealDragoness: Oh, don’t be stupid. I’m a BIG shounen-ai fan. You should know what I mean ^_~

Sasuke: Oh no………you better not………

TealDragoness: And what will you do if I do? :D

Kurama: Err………please read!

Kenshin: *watches hopelessly as TD-chan and Sasuke are fighting once again*



Summary: Sasuke and Hinata switch bodies accidentally when their sharingan and byakugan meet. Now they have to cope with the harder things in life as someone else. Hinata just found out she had an inner self. Perhaps all the girls have one and not just Sakura? Lol, if they do, that’ll be a different story. =P

Disclaimers: I do not own Naruto, sadly. If I did, I would have tweaked things just a *little* bit………:D

Reminder: Things are gonna get more shounen-ai-ish in this chapter. I’m sorry if I don’t keep them too in character………you know how Sasuke is: not the affectionate-showing type.


Inner Hinata was egging Hinata on. ‘Come on! It’s not that hard!’ Sighing, Hinata looked the other way. ‘What the hell was that about? You were perfect!’

‘Gomen, Sasuke-kun wouldn’t like it………he would definitely kill me once we switch bodies again,’ Hinata replied. Inner Hinata slapped her own forehead.

‘Are you nuts??’ she cried. Crossing her arms, she reluctantly decided to let it drop.

“Earth to Sasuke! Anyone home?” Naruto asked, waving a hand in front of Hinata’s face. She stumbled back a bit.

“Um………” Hinata started, stuttering. She had said ‘gomen’ too much. Not exactly a ‘Sasuke’ like thing to do. “Yeah whatever,” she mumbled, trying to act tough. Actually, inside, she was crestfallen. ‘I can’t believe I missed my chance…………’ Hinata thought.

‘I told you………’ Inner Hinata sighed. So Naruto and an uneasy Hinata crept into the tent. Naruto slept like a pig, snorting and snoring, making matters worse for Hinata. She tried to fall asleep and wake up the next morning without feeling uncomfortable sleeping in the same tent as Naruto.


“You know Hinata-chan………you should let me style your hair for you………I bet you’d look cuter like that,” Sakura smiled, putting curlers in her hair.

“No………thanks………” Sasuke muttered, his arms crossed. Sakura frowned at Hinata’s attitude.

“Ok………but if you change your mind-………” Sakura started, sounding too perky to be normal.

“Trust me, I won’t,” Sasuke butted in. He sighed, closing his eyes, wanting to fall asleep soon.

“Are you roleplaying?” Sakura asked.

“What?” Sasuke’s eyes snapped open. Sakura giggled.

“You’re acting just like Sasuke! It’s so freaky,” Sakura laughed.

“Oh………” Sasuke sighed. He was unconsciously acting like himself. He would have to start acting like Hinata sooner or later if he wanted everyone to stop asking if he was ok. “Gomenne, Sakura-chan,” Sasuke said, stammering over his words just to get them all out.

“Apology accepted. No need to be shy, Hinata-chan,” Sakura smiled, making Sasuke feel sick in the pit of his stomach. “You must be hungry………we kinda skipped out on dinner………but from the groaning of the guys out there, I think it was better to have missed it,” Sakura giggled. “Poor Sasuke-kun though………” Sakura heaved a heavy sigh.

‘Yeah………poor Sasuke………oh great, now I’m talking to myself,” Sasuke mentally slapped himself. “I guess I am kind of hungry………” Sasuke mumbled shyly, doing his best Hinata impression. To top off the act perfectly, he started doing Hinata’s usual finger twitch around Naruto.

“Well, we can get something to eat in the morning. I doubt you’ll want that they had,” Sakura shrugged, laying down in her sleeping bag. Sasuke didn’t know what Sakura would’ve done if she knew Sasuke was sleeping in the same tent as her………scream bloody murder………jump around excitedly………blush and be totally embarrass………it was hard to imagine that he hadn’t even known his teammate well enough yet. She did act shy around him at times………yet she, of course, adored him.

Sakura fell asleep easily while Sasuke, on the other hand, hardly got any sleep at all, not a wink.


Hinata’s eyes were wide. It was weird; she had never expected Naruto to snore………well………at least that loud. She turned around, facing him as he snored away. “Naruto-kun………if only you loved me back………if only you’d notice me,” she sighed softly, mainly talking to herself. “I really love you. I have for a while. You just don’t seem to………see it,” Hinata continued, expressing her feelings to the sleeping boy. “You’re so hyper and funny and talented. What I’d give………” Hinata slowly brought her hand out, touching Naruto’s head. Naruto groaned, turning a bit, making Hinata’s hand retreat back quickly. Fortunately, he was still asleep.

Hinata could continued her compliments; it was only an hour until the rest of the teammates were suppose to be awake. “Naruto………” Hinata said with a tiny smile. “I’d never have the courage to say that if you weren’t asleep,” she said with a small giggle.

“You really are dense, Sasuke,” came a small mumble. Hinata gasped, taken aback by the suddenness of Naruto awakening.

“Na-Naruto………you were awake all this time………?” Hinata asked.

‘Aw crap! You’re in for it now!!’ Inner Hinata chanted. ‘Sasuke’s gonna kill you!!’ Inner Hinata laughed wickedly.

‘You’re me! He’s going to kill you to!’ Hinata thought back angrily.

‘Oh crap………I didn’t think about that………’ IH aid, stammering a bit.

“Yes, I was awake………the whole time………not a wink of sleep with you muttering about me,” Naruto sat up, facing Hinata with not an angry look but a confused look. “Sasuke………you love me?” Naruto asked, sounding a bit stupid.

“Well………” Hinata started. It wouldn’t make sense if she tried to explain it to him. He had heard everything she said. She was doomed. “H-Hai………” she gulped, staring at the floor. There was an eerie silence following the small reply. What had happened next, Hinata had not expected………even Inner Hinata was shocked. But she had burst into cheers.

‘You did it, Hinata!’ she shrieked.

‘No………no, I didn’t………he did it,’ she felt like fainting. What had happened? Naruto had leaned forward, taking a hold on Hinata’s chin and pressed his lips against Hinata’s………or Sasuke’s. Hinata hadn’t noticed but Naruto pulled back, looking shocked. “Naruto-kun………” she said, breathlessly, not able to suppress the ‘kun’.

“You’re not Sasuke………who are you………” Naruto demanded, more than asked. Hinata flinched.

“Not………Sasuke………” she repeated his words. “Y-Yes, I am………” she stuttered, not even convincing.

“No, you’re not, who are you?” Naruto demanded in an even more dangerous tone, slamming ‘Sasuke’ to the wall of the tent.

“Gomen………I am,” Hinata repeated, tears slowly forming in her eyes. Naruto sighed, pulling back.

“Ohayou minna-san!” Sakura’s cheery voice had broken the silence. Everyone had been up. “Sasuke-kun, Naruto, how was your sleep?” Sakura asked, walking to the tent. Hearing the footsteps come closer, Naruto dropped his arms that were enclosing Hinata. “I see you two are up bright and early,” Sakura smiled, opening the tent. Naruto angrily stomped out of the tent. Sakura stared after her yellow-haired teammate. “What’s up with Naruto?” she asked Hinata. Hinata merely shrugged, heading out of the tent also.

“What happened?” growled Sasuke, pulling Hinata harshly on the shoulder away from the rest of the group.

“He………I didn’t do anything………it was Naruto who did everything………” Hinata said, thinking about the kiss.

“So you’re telling me you didn’t say or do anything at all?” Sasuke asked, arching a brow.

“I………I thought he was asleep,” Hinata stammered. Sasuke’s eyes widened in terror. He knew, as well as everyone besides Naruto, that Hinata has a deep crush on Naruto. That can’t turn out good.

“And………?” Sasuke asked.

“He kissed me,” Hinata squeaked, running away from Sasuke’s grasp. It wouldn’t have worked if Sasuke wasn’t stunned from surprise.

“He………kissed my body………my face………” Sasuke said quietly to himself. If he had been Hinata, he probably would have fainted. Fortunately, he was strong enough to hold himself up. Quiet form astonishment, Sasuke made his way to the area where the bon-fire was last night.

“Ohayou Hinata,” Kiba waved. Akamaru gave a lively bark before jumping into Sasuke’s arms. Immediately, Akamaru sensed something wrong, jumping back out again. “Akamaru?” Kiba asked, startled. Akamaru yipped, running over to Hinata. Hinata glanced down at the dog, giving him an ear scratch. “Notice anything weird?” Kiba asked Shino. Shino simple nodded, not saying anything else.

“Our scents………have probably worn off since we’ve been in the forest so long,” Sasuke lied. That morning was an awkward one indeed. An angry Naruto, a shy Sasuke (Hinata in his body) with cheeks totally red, and a quiet Hinata………well that wasn’t really too weird but she was more quieter than usual. She wasn’t eating, looking actually depressed.

“What’s up?” Sakura asked, standing up suddenly. “Everyone’s acting all freaky today,” Sakura crossed her arms.

“Nothing,” Naruto spat angrily. Sasuke sighed, having enough of this.

“Come here,” he said a bit too menacingly for Hinata. He grabbed Naruto’s arm, pulling him away from the other four ninjas.

“Hi-Hinata-chan? Are you ok?” Naruto asked, obviously startled by Hinata’s change of attitude.

“Why are you mad at Sasuke?” he crossed his arms, calming down a bit. Naruto tilted his head, a smile forming on his face.

“So you know eh? Well, it’s really none of your business, Hinata,” Naruto shrugged.

“Yes it is………you don’t understand………you’re too stupid to understand………dobe,” he finished, a smirk playing on his face.

“Dobe?” Naruto said again, eyes widening slightly. “You’re-“ Naruto started, interrupted by Sasuke’s mouth. They stood there, lip-locked for seconds.


TealDragoness: That was a sweet ending ^-^

Sasuke: *blech* Too fluffy for my own mind.

TealDragoness: -__-;; Heh, I’m obsessed with Shaman King now. Especially YohxAnna and HoroxRen heehee. I’d like to right an SK fanfic but I haven’t seen enough episodes.

Sasuke: Hello? This is a fanfic about me, ya know! Stop talking about Asakura!

TealDragoness: For your information, I’m the authoress here. I have the power. Shut your trap before I repeat that kiss scene.

Sasuke: But-

TealDragoness: That’s it! *pops Naruto into muse from out of the blues and pushes him to Sasuke while they conveniently lip-lock* :D

Yoh: You’re evil.

TealDragoness: I know I am ^-^