AN: I finally decided…enough settling… Since its summer my parents think I have too much time. So…I might get a job…but other than that…I’m just addicted to anime ^_^ I got NO idea on how you guys use italics for FFN. OMG it hates me!! I S****. It truly doesn’t like me…and my pretty way of doing it on Word doesn’t work for FFN for some reason…grrr…any ideas?? Please?? Just treat this almost like a songfic?? Like..a poemfic!! Lol…not that it makes sense…

Coupling: Sasuke and Naruto all the way!!!

Disclaimer: I truly truly DO NOT own Naruto or any of their characters. I do hold responsibility for the poem…because…it is TRULY mine. So please ask before borrowing it.

Warning: Um…aghasty and a really important note at the bottom…if you have a heart…please read it…


Heartless World

By xxSilverWingsxx

Maybe it was his eyes, the ones that haunt me in my dreams. Or it could be because I’m sick, and having weird dreams about him. But either way…I know that he’s stuck in my head.

Everyday I sit alone in my room,

Anticipating my doom,

Depression is all I have,

And yet I can still laugh

Maybe because he had the same life as me, or maybe it’s because somehow along the way I fell for him because somehow thinking of him made me feel weird.

Whenever I see them, I always hide behind a smile; fox smile is the actually name, because when I smile…no one can see my eyes. I once heard that eyes are windows to the soul. If that was true then no one seen my soul because I depend on my fox smile.

I dreamed of a boy,

Who was also lost in an emotionless void,

No matter how much I pitied my life,

And knew that I could end it with a knife,

I hated him. That’s what I once said. But hated was past tense…so if that means I don’t hate him anymore…what do I feel for him then?

When he had saved me from Haku, I realized a fact, a very important one. I didn’t hate him as much as I thought.

After all…who cries when their most hated rival dies?? Who would try to catch them when they fall? I did.

And for that fact…I realize maybe I did hate him…but in a whole different way, because I realized I love him. And I hated him for that fact…because I’m a freak.

I rather live and grow,

To prove to the world,

That I can survive on my own,

And also to the innocent boy who is also alone,

He talks about revenge. What’s the point of that? Does it bring you the happiness you lost?

Maybe only I notice, but he’s very uncertain. Always changing his ways, and I hated him for that fact.

I also once heard…opposite attracts. Years ago I would have sneered at the thought, but who would have thought that it’ll happen to me?

I will prove to him that the world is heartless,

Even if it’s just to us,

And isn’t worth his tears of pain,

I tried to tell him that the world wants us slain,

He knows that he’s alone. He has many rivals and many crushes, but very few friends. And from that thought I realized how alike and yet different we were.

Years ago I would have hated him, because he’s the only one that she’ll be sweet to. But now…I hate her, because she’s bothering what’s mine.

I just realized how little she understood. With the way she treated me and him, and yet we were so alike. I then realized this world was heartless; because if you lose something…you’ll lose more than you’d gained.

I will show all,

That they’ll get what they deserved once and for all,

I will hunt down those who been cruel to me,

So that they can finally see,

I want to be Hokage for a reason. It was so then I’ll gain what I deserve. The world is really heartless. I lost my parents and have a demon sealed in me. Instead of being a hero; I became something that they despised.

I was once asked by a special someone.

"Did you want to become hokage to prove to the world you deserved respect or was it to prove to yourself?"

Only now did I truly understand my dreams. I wanted both. To prove to the world and to myself…I wasn’t evil.

What damage they’ve done to me,

To become a heartless enemy,

Just like the world we live on.

Because this time…I won’t be the pawn.


I hope you like? Writing this really made me sad. I guess it’s because just by the way you write and what you say…I can picture myself doing that. And then to me…that’s what made this world go round. Some people just ignore everyone else and act selfish only wanting things their way…they don’t care about everyone else.


Even if you don’t know what they’re going though think about their feelings before you say something. Take Naruto as an example and learn. For those of you who’s too stupid to understand, he does smile a fox smile. Have you ever seen him smile with his eyes open? It’s because he’s doing it to pretend. Take that example and plug it into real life. Even if it doesn’t seem to affect you when you disregard someone, it does hurt a lot. I remember every little nasty comment made to me or I heard. It does hurt even if it’s not for me…because I understand. This author…I can understand what they’re going through. How would you like it if you’re writing a fanfics just for fun…and then even though your grammar suck you just want people to ignore it. I read this author’s comment and it really made me sad. All his Reviews were stupid. They were saying things like “this story is shit” How would you feel if someone did that to you instead of telling how you can improve? If you even read this note…I hope you’ll listen to it and try to take a walk in someone else point of view…because only then you’ll see how much it hurts to be disregard like that. I might be over reacting…but I know I take pride in my reviews. That’s what keep me writing fanfics. I love it when I get a helpful review or a nice one. Wouldn’t you?