AN: I’m sorry for not updating for a while…AFTER ALL!!! Someone reported me and got me banned all this time. IT WAS NOT MY FAULT. Damn bastard reported my story….^_^ I took a very long break from writing…I know. But after the ban I didn’t have the inspiration to write another story or update. So…you probably won’t get another update til after sept 2…when I go back to school…I’ll probably get another inspiration around then.

Disclaimer: I truly do not own Naruto or else Sakura would drop dead in episode 3 and everyone else will die for reporting my damn story!!!

Warnings: I feel bad for not having Kakairu yet…sooo I’ve decided to try to stuff it in this chapter…but more little tiny pieces of courageous romance between Naruto and Sasuke!!! MORE SAKURA BASHING and cuss words…you have been WARNED. Any flames towards this story and I will laugh at your stupidity because I am not in the mood to argue with your damn ass after getting reported and lost my story!!!!

Things to look out for:

“”- talking

Italics – thoughts


Heartless World, the Sequel Chapter 5

By xxSilverWingsxx


“Now, now…I see you two have improved greatly,” Kakashi coughed as he ignored the little flirting scene.

“Now Sakura, I want you to fight with Sasuke,” he said as he motioned Naruto to sit by him.

“Ok,” Sakura said smiling happily as she stood up.

Naruto smirked as he sat next to Kakashi, his fox already wide awake as she licked Kakashi.

“I do hope whatever is between you two that it won’t interfere with our group,” Kakashi winked as he smiled at Naruto.

Naruto blushed but nodded.

“I’ll try to make sure of that sensei,” Naruto mumbled as he scratched Ayumi.

Really nice catch Naruto!!! Ayumi cheered as she stared at Sasuke.

Now all we have to worry about is to get those two together, she thought grinning as she stared at the girl who will get in the way.

Sasuke sighed as Sakura bounced happily towards him. Naruto’s so much better than her, he thought as he stared at him out of the corner of his eyes.

I wonder if he does love me, he thought as he played with the spot that Naruto had touch and frowned when he felt his face heat up for the third time that day.

No, he thought as he shook his head. He needs to worry about his revenge before falling in love. Naruto can help me kill him, Sasuke thought; momentary forgetting his earlier thoughts.

“I won’t lose,” Sasuke growled as he stared at her.

“Of course not,” Sakura cheered as she agreed with him in a high pitch voice.

Sasuke sighed. What kind of opponents supports you before themselves…he thought.

“Here I come,” she squealed as she charged at him.

He frowned. No shit…he thought as he blocked her punch.

She sucks, Naruto smirked as he watched Sakura get her ass kicked.

Go Sasuke!!! Ayumi cheered as she rubbed her face against Naruto’s leg.

I wonder if Iruka knows what’s going on with Naruto, Kakashi thought as he stared at the boy next to him.

Guess I’ll just stop by tonight, he grinned beneath his mask.

“Good job both of you,” Kakashi nodded as he motioned them to sit down when Sakura lost.

“Ah…I’m sooo tired,” Sakura commented as she plopped down on the grass.

“Good job all of you, I want you guys to go home and rest…tomorrow we’ll begin another type of Chakra mastering,” he grinned as he stood up. (AN can u guess what kind?? Mwahahah Hint…Naruto just mastered it ^_~)

“Whoo” Naruto grinned as he kissed Ayumi on the forehead.

“EW GROSS FUR BALL!!!” Naruto coughed as he spat out the fur.

Ayumi growled at him before she sniffed lightly and turned away from Naruto sticking her tail at him.

“Heh…I’m just kidding furry,” he winked as he threw her up in the air only to be caught by Sasuke. She whimpered and clutched to Sasuke tightly.

“You could have dropped her,” he commented as he scratched her fur.

“She can land on her feet,” Naruto grinned when Ayumi growled at him.

I’m going to die if I live with him too long, she thought as she purred when Sasuke scratched her stomach.

“Hmph…I don’t see why you guys like her so much, after all she did bite me,” Sakura pouted.

“It’s an animal it doesn’t like you so it express it in its own way, you can’t blame her for hating you though,” Naruto teased as he took off running with a Sakura hot on his heels.

Kakashi smirked underneath his mask. He could feel Sasuke getting a headache from their childish acts.

Turning away from his group he leaped into the trees where he proceeded to find Iruka.


Watch out!! His other half warned. Without another thought Naruto leaped into the air where he twisted his body landing on the ground behind his attacker with a kunai at the stranger’s throat. A kunai was buried into the tree where his back was had he not gotten out of the way.

“What do you want,” Naruto growled his mask dropped minutes ago leaving behind a cold and hateful glare.

The stranger stuttered when it felt a kunai at his throat.

“I’m giving you 5 seconds before I kill you,” Naruto threatened as he tightened his grip on the kunai.






“Fine I’ll tell!!” he screeched when he felt the kunai cut into him.

“We were sent here to kill you,” he whimpered softly when Naruto moved the kunai a bit.

“Who!” Naruto growled.

“I don’t know! He was wearing a mask. All he said was that he’ll pay us immensely for your head,” the guy whimpered.

Naruto darkened at the thought. Cleaning his kunai he shoved the guy to the floor.

“Go tell him that the next guy who attack me who be leaving without more than a few drops of blood,” Naruto spat as he walked away.

“Naruto!! There you are,” Sakura called.

Naruto froze before he smiled lightly as he turned around to face his teammates.

“Did you finally agree to go out with me on a date?” Naruto teased lightly as the man got up and ran away.

Sakura twitched as she punched him upside the head.

“Ayumi,” Sasuke spoke as he appeared out of the shadows with Ayumi in his arms.

“Oh, I forgot,” Naruto said sheepishly as he grabbed Ayumi.

“Who was that man before anyways??” Sakura asked as she glanced at the retreating back of the man.

“Oh…he just wanted something and when I didn’t have it he attacked me. I just kicked his butt when you guys arrived,” Naruto lied as he scratched the fox in his arms.


“Well…I’m going to go home, I think Ayumi’s hungry for ham,” Naruto grinned lightly when Ayumi purred softly at the word ham.

“Ja,” he said holding up a hand as he left his two teammates behind.

“Ne…Sasuke, are you hungry also? We can go out for dinner,” she said excitedly.

“No,” he muttered as he walked away leaving Sakura pouting by herself.


That was close Naruto thought as he closed the door behind him. Too close, it agreed(AN: I’m just going to call his other half IT for now lol). Damn this stupid seal!! It cursed. Naruto smirked slightly as he walked into the kitchen to prepare some ham. What’s the problem? Naruto asked silently as he plopped the ham into a bowl and placed it on the table for her.

It seems that the 4th hokage knew I’ll try to break this one day and had made it impossible for us to break it alone. He made it so that only an outsider would be able to break it and seeing how we’re together it would be an impossible task, it growled. Naruto frowned at the thought. How strong is the seal? I think we can get Kakashi to help us, Naruto thought as he placed the ramen cup in the microwave. For Kakashi’s level to actually break this seal isn’t impossible but it’ll be hard. We’re going to have to find another way to break this seal, it said annoyed. Naruto nodded as the microwave beeped. As Naruto ate silently Ayumi stared at him.

We’re going to the library tonight, it commanded as Naruto ate. Aw man…don’t tell me we’re breaking into the library, Naruto whined silently.(AN: PRETEND we got a library there) He threw away the empty cup and placed the bowl in the sink before he grabbed Ayumi and placed her in her bed. Yawning slightly Naruto walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth before he plopped down in his bed falling asleep.


UP!!! It screamed at him. Naruto shot up in bed at the intensity of the silent scream. Whining slightly Naruto rubbed his eyes before he trudge into the bathroom to freshen up.

30 minutes he came back out and grabbed his newest outfit. A black shirt with silvery wordings ‘don’t hate me because I’m sexy,” and his new favorite baggy pants.

He stared at Ayumi and felt guilty if he woke her up since he was only going to break into the library. Taking a chance he opened his window slightly for her to slip out later when she wakes up. Feeling resolved he went to the kitchen to grab an apple before he left.

How am I going to get in? Naruto asked as he stared at the library that had good security for not making much money. Teleport you idiot, it said exasperated at his other half lack of common sense. Naruto grinned sheepishly before he concentrated and sent himself into the library.

So…what exactly are we looking for? Naruto thought as he stared at the huge library filled completely with scrolls and books. Look for seals or spells left by the 4th hokage, it suggested as Naruto groaned at the idea of spending hours in a library FINDING information. If you don’t you can live with having me by your side like this till you die, it grinned when Naruto finally reacted and started at the nearest bookshelf.

Be a bit more careful, it scolded hours later when Naruto almost ripped a book in half. I’m looking not you so shut up, Naruto snapped as he shoved the book back on the shelf. Hearing a noise Naruto tensed up when the door started to unlock. He quickly grabbed a book from the middle of the shelf before he quickly moved them outside the library.

Close!! Naruto thought as he tried to calm his irregular beating heart. I hate to say this now…but meeting, you are going to be late again, it said as Naruto scowled. Not taking another chance of transporting themselves there he quickly jumped onto the roof and ran to the bridge as quick as he could with a silvery dark blue book tuck safely in his pocket.

“So much for being late,” Naruto grumbled as he sat down against the bridge post.

Now’s a good time to look at that book, it advised as Naruto took out the book to stare at it.

“I don’t even know why I took it,” Naruto mused quietly.

He opened to the first page and smirked slightly when he found out it was a list of seals, what they do, and how to perform them. Good job on finding a good clue, it compliment as Naruto quickly turned the next page and started scanning the seals.

“I didn’t know you like to read books,” a voice commented.

Naruto quickly shut the book and hid it underneath his arms.

“Oh…heheh…hi Sakura,” he said nervously as he slipped the book into his pocket.

“What was it?” she asked curious.

“Oh…um…I don’t know…I found it in my house and decided to keep myself busy while waiting for sensei,” he said as he rubbed his head lightly.

“Oh…” she said before she went over to Sasuke and tried to start a conversation with him.

Signing slightly he took out the book and opened it again and blinked. He closed it and reopened it only to blink in confusion. Wasn’t it different a minute ago? Naruto asked silently. Maybe…it said equally confused. Shrugging slightly Naruto read on. There! It said and Naruto quickly looked at the part that it was commenting on. He wasn’t sure how he knew what part his other half was talking about…he just did. But for some reason…it didn’t have a name.

When a person performs this seal, it will not be able to be unlock unless if something triggers it deeply. For examples if you seal away memories, once it’s seal the only want to reopen it is to have the right key for the right lock. The best way to trigger memories is to make it happen again hoping that it’s the right trigger. Different people depend on different triggers. If you use this seal to seal away parts of a personality they will not be able to regain it unless if their will is strong enough to break the seal or until it wears off, which will depend on the strength used to perform the seal. Naruto growled lightly as he slammed the book shut. What you mean a strong will? Aren’t I already strong willed?? What more did it want?? Naruto growled silently as he ignored the surprised look on his teammates. Easy there…it’s a good clue so far, it commented.

“NOT GOOD ENOUGH,” Naruto spat as he threw the book against the tree.

“Naruto…” Sakura trailed off when she saw the angry Naruto.

“I’m alright,” he grounded out as he went to pick up the book.

It’s best to keep that book, we could use it still, it suggested as Naruto shoved the book in his pocket and glared at the lake underneath the bridge.

“Yo,” Kakashi greeted as he appeared crouching on the edge of the bridge.

Once again he was greeted with silences. He stared at Naruto and sweat dropped when he felt the anger aura that surrounded his student.

Kakashi coughed and smiled happily when the attention of his fellow group members turned back to him.

“Today we start water walking,” he smirked.


too lazy to add more…we all know that Naruto already learned how. Fun fun next chapter!!