AN: After reading my own fanfic I got inspired to write a songfic…Hope you like.

Disclaimer: I do not own the song…nor do I own Naruto because frankly…I hate Sakura…

Warning: Sasunaru. Yaoi all the way. SAKURA BASHING.

Setting: AU set in the year 2003 :P (that’s now) Modern time

“” - people talking

Italics - thoughts and song lyrics


He Loves You Not

By: xxSilverWingsxx


Either it’s just me or she still doesn’t have a clue, Naruto thought as he watched her flirted with HIS boyfriend.

He loves me, He loves you not.
He loves me, He loves me not.
He loves me, He loves YOU not.

“Hey Sasuke,” I grinned as I waved towards him.

He turned around and smiled, waiting for me. I smirked when I saw Sakura looked hurt and yet angry at me at the same time.

“Hey love,” I said softly as I pecked him on the cheek.

“Hey Naruto,” Sakura said lips twitching trying hard to keep her smile.

That’s right brat, stay away from MY boyfriend, I thought as I gave her a small smile.

Give it your all girl, give it all ya got.
Take your chance at a second hand shot.
Say what you want girl, Do what you do.
He's never gonna, gonna make it with you.

“Oh damn,” I swore when I looked at my watch.

“I have a meeting today…I’m sorry I’ll see ya tonight though,” I said as I waved goodbye to them.

I’m going to prove to you that he’s going to stay loyal to me, I thought. If you think he’s after looks over personality…then you’re dead wrong, I grinned.

Pulling petals off a flower trying to get your way.
Keep pulling till it says what you want it to say.
Girl you can pick a field full of daisies,
But he'd still be my baby.

I know you can hardly wait till I’m away from him,
Instinctively, I know what you're thinking,
You'll be giving him an open invitation,
But my baby won't be taken in.

“I’m sorry I’m late, I got caught up in things,” I said giving my boss a smile.

He nodded and motioned me to sit down.

You have 4 hours Sakura, before he’ll be mine forever, I thought quietly.

I quickly ran home, getting a quick shower and getting ready for my big date. I grinned. If he wasn’t going to purpose tonight then I will, I smiled when I grabbed the box off of the dresser and stuffed it in my pocket.

You can pout your cherry lips,
Try to tend him with a sweet kiss.
You can flirt your pretty eyes,
He ain't got his hands tied.

I smiled as I arrived at his house. I was dressed in a dress shirt and slacks. Who cares about dressing up, I thought as I knocked on the door.

“Wow,” I grinned when I stared at him.

Blue really does look nice on him, I thought as he stood aside and let me in.

“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” I asked as I gave him a kiss.

“I feel really bad for Sakura,” he confessed as he closed the door behind me.

“What did you want to do about it then?” I asked as I tensed up.

Did she succeed? I asked myself.

“Nothing, but it won’t stop me from feeling bad for her,” he commented his lips barely brushing my ear as he held me against me.

No she hasn’t, I sighed in relief.

“She got what she deserved,” I said bitterly.

“Still angry about it love?” he asked as he buried his face in my shoulder.

“Why should I be? She had no right to treat me like that,” I growled remembering the way she used to treat me.

“It’s in the past though,” he mumbled.

“No it’s not…I know for a fact she still hates me, she’s just putting up a face for you, because she doesn’t want you to hate her,” I said quietly.

“I’m sorry for putting you through all this…”Sasuke said quietly as he buried his face in my hair.

“It’s ok, let’s just enjoy each other’s company tonight,” I grinned as I turned around and kissed his forehead.

That night, I slept with him for the first time since the two years I’ve been going out with him.

“Wake up love,” I grinned as I pecked him on the lips.

He mumbled something and held me closer. I giggled as I played with his hair.

“You can have more when you wake up,” I said lightly as I kissed his forehead, slowly making my way down towards his mouth.

“I like this kind of wake up,” Sasuke grinned slightly as he opened his eyes.

“I do too,” I whispered before I dipped down and kissed him.

This is heaven, I thought as I nibbled on his bottom lip lightly, asking for permission before I attacked his mouth. I wrapped my arms around him tightly when I felt him opened up. Shyly I slipped my tongue into his mouth lightly caressing his tongue with my own. With a passion I didn’t know I had, I explored his mouth, fighting against his tongue, fighting for dominance. I lightly played with his hair as my tongue explored deeper; my tongue accidentally stroke the back of his throat earning a moan. I smirked against his mouth as I leaned over him, straddling his hips, the blanket falling down, showing my bare back.

No chains to unlock,
So free to do what he wants.
He's into what he's got.
He loves me, he loves you not.
No matter what you do, he's never gonna be with you.
He loves me, he loves you not.

“Naruto,” Sakura hissed.

“Sakura!” I blushed when we broke off the kiss from the interruption.

There in the doorway Sakura had a look of horror on her face from seeing us in bed together without a shirt. Mind you…we weren’t naked…but she didn’t need to know that.

“Um…do you mind getting out while we dress?” I pretend to blushed knowing that she probably thought we had sex.

She nodded as she closed the door, while I giggled as I gave him another sweet kiss.

“That was mean,” he smirked as he got out of the bed, clad in only boxers.

“Of course…but she should have knocked before she entered your house,” I muttered darkly.

“Jealous love?” He asked as he pulled me into an embrace.

“Of course, you’re handsome and you got girls falling for you left and right…while I’m just a common boy,” I said bitterly.

“But I only love you,” Sasuke muttered as he held me tightly.

“You’ll leave me one day…but no matter what I’m going to follow you,” he said as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

“I love you,” I said smiling.

“I love you too,” he answered as he sniffed my hair.

“And I love the smell of your hair,” he grinned making me laugh.

“Let’s go out before she thinks we’re getting it on,” I giggled as I wore my shirt from yesterday.

You're the kind of girl that is always up for do or dare.
Only want him just because he's there.
Always looking for a new ride,
The grass is greener on the other side.
You're the kind of girl who's not use to hearing no,
All your lovers try to take you where you wanna go.
It doesn't matter how hard you try, you're never gonna get with my guy.

“So what are you doing here so early in the morning?” Sasuke asked as he pulled me into his lap as we sat on the couch together.

Sakura tried to smiled and failed miserably.

“Didn’t you say we’ll spend time together today?” She asked; her eyes full of mischief.

“Oh yea…I forgot,” he said regretfully.

“Well…you can go out with her right now,” I said as I kissed his cheek.

“Well…since it’s morning, lets all go out for breakfast,” he said smiling.

“Like this?” I blinked as I looked down at my wrinkle shirt.

“It looks like I got harassed,” I giggled as I tried to smooth out the wrinkles.

“You can borrow one of mine,” he said as he set me down and brought me into his bedroom.

“You just wait there Sakura,” Sasuke called behind him as he dragged me into his room.

“I don’t want to wear this though!!” I wailed.

“It looks good on you!” Sasuke growled as he tried to drag me out of the bedroom.

“No it doesn’t!! I look stupid!!” I wailed as I clung onto the door for life.

Somehow he managed to get me into this tight black shirt he got somewhere. And I thought it looks stupid on me.

“We’re just getting breakfast! No one will dare stare at you,” he growled as he tugged lightly on my arm.

“You owe me…” I whined as I let him tugged me out the door.

“You look nice,” Sakura said smiling slightly.

“See told you; you’ll looked good in black!” He grinned as he dragged me out the door.

“Did we just switch personalities,” I grumbled as I crossed my arms against my chest.

“Maybe,” he said smirking slightly as he pushed me through the door and into his car.

Sakura followed behind at a slightly slower pace.

No chains to unlock,
So free to do what he wants,
He's into what he's got( that's me )
He loves me, He loves you not.
No matter what you do, he is never gonna be with you.

He’s into what hes got,
He loves me, he loves you not.

“So Sasuke what are you doing today?” Sakura asked sweetly completely ignoring Naruto.

“Oh…just spending the day at my house with Naruto,” he said winking at me.

“Oh,” she said looking a bit queasy.

“We’re eating here?” Naruto asked as he stared at the restaurant in front of them.

“Of course, they have the best sausages and pancakes,” he smiled as he locked the car.

“Sounds good,” I smiled as I opened the door for them.

“Table for three please,” Sasuke asked, as the waiter smiled and led us towards the end, where they had a nice view out the window.

“Oh wow, we have hotties today,” the waitress smiled happily as she winked at Sasuke and me.

I smirked as I leaned over Sasuke’s shoulder to read the menu.

“Why yes…I do believe my boyfriend is a hottie,” I smiled as I peck his cheek softly.

The waitress got starry eyes and smiled at us again.

“How cute!! So what can I get you guys,” she asked winking at us.

“Um, combo number 4 with coffee please?” He asked as he handed back the menu.

“I’ll take a number 7 with orange juice,” I said smiling as I gave her back the menu also.

“And I’ll also take a number 4 with just water please,” Sakura said as she handed back the menu and glared at me.

I smiled as I sat back and closed my eyes.

I gave you so many chances to get him…but you failed, now don’t blame me for taking him away forever, I thought as I held his hand under the table.

“Here’s your drinks,” the same waitress smiled as she placed them on the table.

“Thanks,” I said giving her a small smile.

She winked and went towards another table to get their orders.

Doesn't matter what you do, he's never gonna be with you.

Give it your all girl, give it all ya got.
You can take your chance at a second hand shot.
Say what you want girl, do what you do.
He's never gonna make it with you.

You can pout your cherry lips ( yeah )
Try to tend him with a sweet kiss ( sweet kiss )
You can flutt your pretty eyes ( pretty eyes )
He ain't got his hands tied.

No chains to unlock,
So free to do what he wants.
He's into what he's got,
He loves me, he loves you not.
No matter what you do, he's never gonna be with you.
He is into what he's got,
He loves me, He loves you not....

I smiled when Sakura finally left.

"Do you think I was too mean to her?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around him.

“Nope, it’s not your fault she still hadn’t given up yet,” he said as he kissed me.

“Before we continue what we were doing this morning, I have something I want to ask,” I said as I looked up his eyes.

Eyes that belonged only to me…eyes that held love only for me…eyes that will only soften for me.

“I love you…and I want you to stay with me forever,” I said softly as I felt in my pocket for the ring I brought.

“So I want to know if you’re ready to settle down with me,” I said as I took out the ring.

He tensed up for a moment looking shocked.

“I don’t know what to say…” he said quietly as he stared at the ring in front of him.

“Just say yes and make me happy,” I said as I tried to smile.

“Well…then I guess I just have to say yes,” he said as he leaned down and gave me a kiss.

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around him.

“Here,” I said as I slipped the ring onto his finger.

It was a simple band, white gold with a medium size diamond in the middle. Carved inside the ring were the words, I’ll love you forever.

“Let’s continue where we left off,” I grinned slyly as I dragged him laughing into the bedroom and closed the door.

That night I gave my body to my love, and never once did I regret it.


FINISHED!!! It took me 2 days because I wanted to make it perfect!!! Hope you like!! RR please!!! If I get about 25 review I’ll do a sequel :P I doubted I’ll get that many tho.