AN: I have some time before my sis comes home…so I decided to surprise you guys with another lil 1 shot fanfic!!! Heheheh hope you like…also by me…After my first romantic fanfics I like writing kissing scenes!!! So here’s another for those of you who didn’t mind it…:D

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or else everyone would like Naruto AND Sasuke.

Couples: Sasunaru

Warning: Fluff, Sakura bashing like always…^_^; and cuss words!!

Things to Look out for:

“” – talking.

Italic – Thoughts and my short poem lol.


The Stars Are Cloudy Tonight

By: xxSilverWingsxx


Training had been extra hard that day. Kakashi sensei didn’t go easy on them; instead he seemed to push them towards their limits especially with the Chuunin Exam coming up.

“That’s enough for today, we’ll continue where we left of today,” he said giving us a smile.

“Lets go eat dinner then!” Sakura cheered as she pulled Sasuke with her following Kakashi.

“Oi…aren’t you coming dobe?” Sasuke asked as he stopped and turned around.

“I’ll come back later,” he said as he turned away from his teammates.

“Just forget him Sasuke, he’s just stubborn and use to his own ways…after all, he doesn’t have any parents,” Sakura commented in a high voice.

Naruto clutched his hand tighter as she dragged them home.

“Yea…leave me, I’m used to being on my own,” he chuckled bitterly as he ventured deeper into the forest ignoring the fact that he was leaving the trail.

Sasuke sighed as he let himself be dragged back to the cabin that they were staying at.

“Don’t you think so Sasuke?” Sakura asked as she turned towards him.

“Hm?” he asked as he finally listened to the conversation.

“I was saying we should have rice with fish tonight silly,” she said smiling her annoying smile.

“Whatever,” he said as he shrugged off her hold ignoring Kakashi’s look of amusement.

It was after dinner when Sasuke finally got peace and quiet to himself in the bedroom that he shared with Naruto. Speaking of which, he was still not home, and the sun had already went down.

“Stupid idiot, just wasting his energy so he won’t have enough tomorrow,” Sasuke growled as he stared out the window ignoring his worriment.

“He’s late,” Sasuke muttered when the idiot still didn’t appear around midnight.

“Doesn’t matter, I don’t care,” Sasuke growled convincing himself as he stared at the stars.

Of course you don’t…you just fell in love with him, his voice teased.

I don’t love him, Sasuke thought.

“The stars don’t seem very bright tonight,” Kakashi smirked as he appeared in the doorway.

“Sensei,” Sasuke muttered acknowledging him and forgetting his earlier mental conversation.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Kakashi asked as he stared at his student.

“I’m just watching the stars,” he answered.

“Seems to me like you were looking out in the forest,” he said as he took a seat on his bed.

“Why would I?” he lied as he ignored him.

“Only you would know the answer to that,” Kakashi answered in amusement.

“The stars seemed clouded tonight, not as bright as they usually are,” Kakashi commented as he stared at his student.

“They seem normal to me,” Sasuke answered still staring at the forest.

“Are you trying to convince yourself or me?” he asked as he stood up.

“Stars are only bright to people who doesn’t worry, or it’s because they’re too worry they don’t notice. And I’m sure in your life, it’s the latter,” he said as he walked towards the door.

“If you want to go after him, go by the window, Sakura might be asleep but she’s not sleep that deep,” he said as he closed the door behind him.

Sasuke ignored him, continuing to stare out the window.

“I wonder why he’s not back yet,” he muttered as he touched the window.

The window felt cold to his touch, chilling him to the bone

“The idiot is probably cold,” he sighed as he got up, grabbing a jacket before he jumped out the window.

He landed on his feet and ran towards the forest not noticing the stare he got from the window next door.

“About time he left,” Kakashi grinned as he laid on his bed.

“Where can he be,” Sasuke growled as he ran on; shivering in the cold.

“I’m going to kill you for making me worry when I find you,” he muttered as he explored the forest.

He would have ran past the pond had he not seen something glimmer in the moonlight.

“Naruto?” he asked as he stopped and carefully walked toward the shadow.


“It’s getting dark,” Naruto muttered towards himself as he walked on ignoring the scratches he got.

He grinned slightly as he stared up at the stars.

They’re cloudy tonight, he thought as he walked on.

“Damn,” he muttered as he lifted his foot out of the pond he had stepped in

“I guess this will do,” he grinned as he sat down on a log in front of the pond.


“He’s annoying” Sakura said as she made a gross out face.

Annoying? Naruto thought as he hid in the trees.

“He doesn’t have any parents and doesn’t show any respect. He can do whatever he wants without getting in trouble,” she said as she smiled a bit.

“But you’re different, you show respect and sides you’re so smart and strong,” Sakura commented as she stared at him with heart shaped eyes.

“So you would hate someone because they don’t have parents?” Sasuke asked as he turned away from her.

“What? No…” she trailed off as she stared at his back.

“I hate people who judge everyone by their looks,” he said as he turned to glare at her.

“And I hate people like you who talk about them behind their backs,” he said as he walked away.

“If you think being alone is cool, then leave your parents and see how you feel,” he growled as he turned the corner.

*end flashback*

“Yea…annoying…that’s me,” he smiled sadly.

He sighed bitterly as he stared up at the sky.

“I want to be love too,” he said softly.

“It’s not like I want to be hated,” he commented as tears fell from his eyes.

“Naruto?” a voice asked softly from the woods.

Naruto stiffened as he wiped his tears.

“What you want?” he growled.

“Why are you still here?” Sasuke asked as he walked up to him.

“Why should I tell you?” he asked bitterly as he faced away from his rival.

“You’re going to catch a cold idiot,” he muttered as he sat next to him.

“Why don’t you go back to the cabin…I’ll come back before morning,” he answered.

Maybe, he added mentally.

“’s cold out here,” he commented as he wrapped a jacket around him.

“Why do you care?” he growled as he shrugged it off.

“You’re our teammate, and we can’t afford to have you sick,” he sighed as he wrapped the jacket around him again.

“I won’t get sick so just go away,” he growled as he got up and tossed the jacket back at him.

“Quit being stubborn and just wear the damn jacket,” Sasuke growled.

“Your not my mother so just fuck off,” he yelled as he ran into the forest.

“Damn you,” Sasuke swore as he ran after him.

Spotting a cave Naruto quickly hid his chakra and ran in ignoring all common thoughts.

“Where the hell he go,” Sasuke growled as he looked around.

He had a few more hours before the sun rise to go back to the cabin before they asked questions.

“You better be in there Naruto,” Sasuke growled when he found a cave

With calm steps he walked deeper into the cave, his hands trailed lightly against the cold walls.

“Will you just leave me alone??” Naruto growled when Sasuke came in site.

“Not until you come home with me,” he muttered as he walked closer.

“I don’t want to,” he said as he slid towards the ground hugging his knees.

“Why not?” Sasuke asked as he stopped in front of him.

“Lonely,” he said quietly.

“You got us,” he said as he bent down to stare at him.

“Too much hatred,” he whimpered as he curled into a ball.

“We don’t hate you…” Sasuke trailed off.

“Well…Sakura might…but me and Kakashi sensei don’t hate you,” Sasuke said softly.

“Don’t lie…you and your damn put downs,” Naruto growled as he shrugged off the touch on his shoulder.

“Just teasing, I don’t mean to hurt you,” he said as he squeezed his shoulder lightly.

“Really?” he asked as he lifted up his face, his eyes full of tears.

“Of course,” Sasuke smiled softly as he lightly wiped his face.

“Come on…lets go back now,” he said as he held a hand to Naruto.

Naruto sniffed quietly before he took the hand and pulled him forward, bringing him into a hug.

“Thanks,” he said as quietly as he held onto Sasuke tightly.

“Your welcome,” Sasuke muttered as he wrapped his arms around him.

Well admitted the truth didn’t you? His voice teased.

Shut up…Sasuke thought as he held onto Naruto tighter.

Just confess the rest and you’ll live happily ever after, his voice commented lightly.

Soft snoring brought him back to earth, as he glance down at the body. He laughed softly as he untangled himself from the boy.

“Lets get you home,” he said as he picked up the boy and carried him home.

Sasuke ignored the feeling in his stomach instead he tried to figure out how to get back.

“Damn you for not using the road,” Sasuke muttered towards the sleeping boy.

Soft snores were his only answers.

Sasuke sighed as he sat down under the tree, with Naruto in his lap.

“I guess I’ll just have to wait till morning before we can get out,” he said as he wrapped his arms around the boy tightly.


How you like?? I got 8 mins before she comes home…GOOD TIMING!!! Hope you like!! Sequel will be up when I have time.