AN: Second and last part to this story!! I hope you like it. It’s a tie. I was planning on doing this from the beginning...but I thought hey…let the readers choose instead. Read on to find out who won. WHOEVER REPORTED ME!! U ARE A STUPID PATHETIC IDIOT WHO HAS A LOUSY ASS LIFE!!! Because ^_^ I don’t like being reported especially when it banned me from uploading for this long. If you got the guts then tell me who the fuck you are and take my violence instead of hiding!!! After this update I probably won’t update til sept or something like that.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or else Saruka would have died in episode three when she called Naruto annoying. And also Itachi wouldn’t have killed his clan *sighs*

Warning: Yaoi!! FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO FLAME ME I WILL WRITE BACK TO YOU ON HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE FLAMING ME WHEN I WARN YOU. Sakura bashing and cuss words maybe….*~~*YAOI, SAKURA BASHING*~~*. Is that large enough for it to sink in your mind that THIS IS NOT A HETEROSEXUAL FANFIC?!?!?!?!


Dreams and Reality Aren’t Really Different Part II

By: xxSilverWingsxx


“Well, well, what do we have here,” the voice grinned as the man came out of the shadows.

“What do you want,” Sasuke growled as he held Naruto closer.

“Only you and your friend,” he leered as he stared at the two boys in front of him.

Sasuke growled as he gently placed Naruto on the ground; leaning him against a nearby tree.

“So what a cute little boy like you doing out here in the woods without anyone except for your sleeping friend?” the guy asked; smirking against the tree as he eyed his two prized.

“Shut up, that doesn’t concern you,” Sasuke snapped as he got in an offense position; ready to jump the bandit in front of him.

(I suck at battle scene so if you’re still reading then too bad, you’re stuck with my writing)

Without a sound Sasuke lunged himself at the man, swinging a kick at his chest only to have the bandit block it and held onto his leg. With a grunt he twisted his body and aimed a punch at the head; only to be block again. He growled and aimed a hard kick at the ribs with his free leg only to be block again.

“You know just because I’m not a shinobi doesn’t mean I’m going down easily,” the man’s eyes twinkled in amusement as he watch the boy struggle.

With careful precision; Sasuke twisted his body until he was upside down and kicked the head, only to feel himself drop to the ground when the bandit let him go to block the kick. With a flip he twisted his body in the air and landed several feet away from the bandit.

“Pretty good for a kid,” the bandit said as he flexed his muscles.

With his right hand he took out three shuriken and with a flick of his wrist he sent them flying at the bandit only to have him catch it and sent it back at him. Sasuke growled as he ducked and avoid the flying objects only to remember that Naruto was behind him. Sasuke hurriedly threw 3 kunai at the shuriken, forcing them off course and hitting the tree instead.

“Nice reflexes, but it seems that you forgot about me,” the bandit tisked behind Sasuke.

Sasuke froze as he felt the knife resting against his back.

“Never ever take your eyes away from your opponents, they might not be as nice as I am,” he smirked when he heard the boy growl.

“Well…seeing how there’s two of you, why don’t I give you a choice. You can either save your own life and give me your friend’s or you can save him in return…I get you,” he smirked.

“Take me then,” Sasuke spoke without a thought and winced when he felt the dagger poke deeper into his back.

“You kids are so stupid, why save someone else’s skin before your own? And seeing how he’s sleeping there, I doubt he cares a lot about you,” the man taunted.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as he’s safe then nothing else matters,” Sasuke spoke softly.

The bandit laughed and removed the dagger.

“Tell me why you care so much about him then,” he motioned at Naruto who was still sleeping, unaware of all the attention he was getting.

“I…I…don’t know,” Sasuke muttered as he stared at the ground.

“So you risk your life to save a boy you don’t know why you care?” the bandit chuckled.

“I don’t know…he doesn’t treat me the same as everyone else, he always opposes me, and stand in my way, but I don’t know why I care,” Sasuke whispered softly as his eyes clouded over.

“I once saved him, risking my life for him, and it was then I remembered all these memories of us together…of us arguing, competing, and yet…it felt right. And I had said the truth…I didn’t know why I got in front of him…knowing that it was a trap, I just did it without a thought…forgetting all my hard work to get stronger and getting revenge. I gave up my dreams for him, and yet it felt right,” Sasuke muttered.

The bandit smiled softly as he stared at the boy in front of him. He knew what was going on.

“He always hated me and yet I care about his well being,” Sasuke mumbled as he looked up and at Naruto who was sleeping peacefully with drool coming out of his mouth.

“Just having his attention is good enough for me,” Sasuke sighed as he memorized the features of the boy.

“I don’t know what to do with a soft hearted boy like you… can stay,” the bandit grumbled as he took a step forward.

“But maybe I’ll take your friend…seeing how you describe him, he can probably be more worthy than you,” the bandit smirked as he felt the boy tensed up and turned around to face him.

“You promised,” Sasuke growled.

“A bandit doesn’t have honors, or else why would we be bandits?” he smirked as he took another step forward.

“I’ll let him go if you stop talking around circles and answer the question,” he said with glee when he saw that Naruto was waking up.

“I don’t know!” Sasuke growled as he stared at the bandit in front of him.

“I don’t know why I care about the idiot!! I don’t know!!! I just do!!! What’s wrong about caring for someone!! I don’t know why I care about him, I don’t know why! He’s just a stupid idiot who always opposes me and yet I care enough to die for him over and over again. I don’t know,” Sasuke yelled.

“Sasuke…” Naruto whispered softly.

Sasuke whirled around when he heard his name.

Naruto smiled sadly as he stood up; walking to the boy who was breathing heavily from his outburst.

“Why don’t I help you out then,” the bandit asked as he walked towards Naruto who stopped and stared.

“What if I kill him, how would you feel?” the bandit asked as he held a knife in his hand.

“I’ll be sad,” Sasuke muttered softly as he focused back onto the ground.

“Why,” he asked as he took another step forward with the knife, chuckling softly as Naruto stepped back.

“I don’t know!! It’s not like I love him!! He’s a guy, I just care about, isn’t that enough??” Sasuke growled.

“Why don’t you love him?” he asked as he hid his knife.

“He’s a guy!! I can’t love a guy, I just can’t!” Sasuke growled as Naruto stared in shock.

“What if you can?” a familiar voice asked.

“Kakashi sensei?” Naruto asked as he stared in confusion at his teacher who stood in the place of the bandit.

“Sensei?” Sasuke asked as he looked up at his teacher.

“You didn’t trick me did you?” Sasuke growled as he glared at Kakashi.

“You needed a push, and I doubt I can wait that long, so why not give it to you while Naruto’s around to see,” he asked his eyes twinkled.

“Sasuke, life isn’t very long, and as a shinobi, none of us should have emotions. But would you give it all up when you can experience happiness?” Kakashi asked.

“I’ll leave you to think…I think Sakura is going crazy as to where we are, so why don’t you two talk it out while I head back,” Kakashi said before he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Sasuke?” Naruto asked softly as he walked towards the boy.

“No!” Sasuke growled as he stepped back.

“No what?” Naruto asked confused as he slowly took another step.

“We can’t, I can’t…I’m an avenger, I can’t settle down yet…and must less with another guy!” Sasuke growled.

“Yes you can…” he said as he faced Sasuke.

“We can make this work…unless if you’re too scared,” Naruto said softly.

“We won’t be happy for long,” Sasuke said stubbornly.

“We won’t know till we give it a try,” Naruto said as he slowly wrapped his arms around Sasuke lightly.

“Just once,” Sasuke sighed as he rested his head against Naruto’s shoulder.

Naruto smiled and he tightened his grip on Sasuke.


There…finished…happy?? Thanks whoever reported me ^_^ I got a good rest for not writing and a real reason too!! Heheheh. Now I go back to my damn orange juice…seeing that I won’t be able to eat til Sunday *sighs* damn fasting…no food for a week…