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Youkoso to Anime Revolution, I just remodled the site, and it needs some more finishing touches! More of the pages will come soon and I NEED PICTURES AND STORIES!!! If you have any, please send 'em to that address is just for stories and art- NOTHING ELSE... anything else will be deleted! I'm going to scan all my art and I have one big story that's going on, if you need any more info, go to those parts of the web site... me too lazy to put links right here, right now...^-^

NOTE- *Anime Revolution is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.5+ with your monitor set at 800 X 600 with medium text size. This is what 80% of the people on the internet use, so this layout will reflect that. This layout will look alright on Netscape 4.7 + but will need quite a few alterations to be viewed well on MSNTV.*


NEW EMAIL ADDRESS!!!!!! or DONT mind the other one because that's a thing i the past- all that are sent to will be deleted, so DONT

Check out this site before leaving- dasiavou's cafe

this one too!

draac's table place, thanks for the help!!!

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