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This is the rpg fanfic section (duh). Here, you can send in your fanfics about Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon, etc. All you need is your imagination, right? Below are the rules for writing your creation (um, does that make sense?...)

Rules for writing your masterpiece:

must be YOUR creation- not the regular story line
you can only do the story line if you have a couple new characters
your own rpg is FINE! I'm writing an rpg story line (kind of) and am gonna post it!
you can have a little bit of adult stuff, but it has to be like pg-13 and under- my younger siblings, okay?
send in your name and email (username on neopets too, if you have one!) with the story, if you don't want feedback on the stories, then tell me at the beginning of your story
that's really all...

none right now, I'm making pages for mine... COMING SOON!!!

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