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This is the rpg fanart section- If you'd like to send any in, please send em' to: Check below for drawing rules, if you don't follow 'em, then I'll delete it! NOTE- my scanner is on the frits, so the pictures don't look as good as they are...

Rules for rpg fanart is simple:

draw your own creation, do NOT trace!
can be from any rpg game/thing
you can also send in your own creation! just say where the character came from or the rpg's name you created
include your name and email address (sometimes my computer doesn't read it) with the name of the show that you drew it from
no porn n stuff like that- I have younger siblings that like to visit this site too!
if you're a neopian, SEND in your username! I want to have a drawing contest that will award the best drawing with a fabulous prize! (neostuff though)
that's really all, if you have any questions, NO comments, send em to

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