Tears of a Dragon- Part 1

“The sun peeked through the mist as the birds sung a peaceful song among the trees. The sky was a dense gray as the clouds rolled in on the mystic shrines of Isaac. It was a quiet day for many villagers, the first harvest storm was coming in, giving the village merchants’ crops life. Fairies frolicked among the old rosebuds, shining in awe. Isaac was a land of many wonders, people from many countries said so.”
For thousands of years, Isaac had an enemy. “Malimore” struck terror in the hearts of millions as it reined over Isaac. When boys turned 20, they had to train for war; legend said that a dragon had cursed both lands when it cried silver tears. Ever since that, Orcs and many other creatures have lived in Malimore, coming for the land of Isaac. The legend tells of two souls who will change this rule with their will of true love-

This story tells of the two…


“The storm’s coming in pretty quick,” Rain looked at the sky, a raindrop slightly touched her nose. She pulled her hood over her head, tucking her short dark brown hair into the velvet cloak. She was on her way to the academy where she learned magic; the wind was picking up quickly, throwing Rain back and forth. She was 13 so she wasn’t very good at her flying yet, only the elders knew how to do that perfectly.
The academy was only a mile away, so the walking didn’t take long for her. It was in the middle of a dense forest that was along a beach. Unicorns were scarce here, fairies and wolves stalked it with wonder; much mischief was made here.
Rain hurried along the forest, many were on broomstick or air; she looked above to see people flying with a wisp. A hum was picked up from some ocarina that was heard in the distance, and a shining of tiny light sprung out from the sleeping roses, getting ready to pass away so they could blossom again next year. Rain saw a billowing white- she knew she was close.
The academy shone brightly against the green and gray that surrounded it, the rain was getting heavier; Rain hurried up the steps. She stepped in majestically, watching the eyes of many as she walked along. A boy caught her eye, which made her slam into another, making that person drop their books. “sor-” she stopped. Black/brown hair sprung from the head and the angelic brown eyes looked at her with wonder. Rain dropped down to her knees to help the boy with his books. They accidentally touched hands reaching for the same book. The boy stood up and started walking away, leaving Rain on her knees in the hall.
Bong, the gong sounded for class; new classes were brought up in conversation as the students made their way to their new rooms. Everyone sat down; the wizard walked in and gave an “I am” speech for 15 minutes. After, role was taken. The boy that Rain had bumped into in the hallway was named Nathaniel; he had a narrow face and the most beautiful brown eyes Rain had ever seen. Rain couldn’t stop staring at him, her friend Jack was curious about this.
That night, she wrote about him in her journal, “Love at first sight,” she whispered to herself then blew out her candle, falling into a dreamy sleep.


The next day, the rain had gotten worse, Rain rushed through the forest; the rain wetted her head, making her curls show through the freshly straitened hair. In class, she tried talking to Nathaniel, he laughed a couple times; she could tell that a new friend was among her midst. She giggled when he made a funny comment. Her friends expected that she liked him when she wouldn’t talk to them at break time.
“Hmmm, I think I’d like to get in a fight with a dragon more than an orc,” Nathaniel laughed at the comment that he made. “Well, what do you think about hanging out by the abandoned building with a couple friends on Saturday?” Rain looked at Nathaniel and breathed deep as he looked at her. “I’d like that,” he replied then started to walk away. The next day, Rain told her friend, Azari about it; “Why don’t you ask him to target practicing on the plains? That sounds better,” Azari bit into a ruby red apple. “Would you go?” Rain looked over to Nathaniel and his friends. “Um, my parents are strict, I have to clean the house on Saturday,” Azari made a face at the closest window that was drenched with rain. “Then, I’ll get Jack and a couple others to come along,” Rain waved to Azari as the gong sounded for 2cd period.



“So are you going target practicing with your girlfriend on Saturday?” Levi laughed at Nathaniel as they walked through the hallway to class. “She’s not my girlfriend, she’s just a friend,” Nathaniel took his wand out from his sack. “Well, it seems like you two like each other, why? She’s a 7th year and you’re an 8th year,” Phillip trotted along with the others as they all rounded the corner. “I DON’T like her in that way!” Nathaniel pushed out of the crowd and ran to class. Rain was sitting in her seat as he came in; she stared at him with a smile on her face. She longed to talk to him, her spirit sprung up from her soul.
That night, a distant star flew across the sky, making a leap of wonder in Isaac’s children’s eyes. Rain swept the floor in the basement and thought of Nathaniel. A scroll was pinned to the wall on her right; it talked about the legend of the Dragon of Malimore. “Silver tears? It sounds like me…” Rain thought of her parents. She had never met them, her foster parents told her of them before, mentioning how orcs had captured her mother and her father coming to save her. Rain wished to go to Malimore one day to see if the legends were true.
A dream filled her mind that night about Nathaniel going to war and never returning, the thought made tears form from her sleepy eyes. I wish I was the center of this all
The whole world depends on me,
I have to stop them…


“I’m sorry, but I don’t want to go,” Nathaniel and Rain met up after class. “Why?” Rain looked at Nathaniel as he shrugged. “I just don’t want to…” Nathaniel walked away, leaving Rain in front of the academy. Rain was sorrowful, the path that led to the village felt farther. How could he do this? They had been planning frolic among the plains and arrow practice on Saturday for weeks now. She saw a forest fox and two deer on the way home. I wish I was a creature who lived in the forest, then nothing would harm my feelings or me, Rain stopped. Smoke was billowing along the village; blazes could be seen from where she was standing.
Rain dropped to her knees, nobody was in sight. “Why?” A tear sprung from Rain’s face, its silver shine rose from it as it fell to the ground. Orcs walked along the path and were headed her way; she ran into the forest, not on the path now. Bramble bushes covered the area, cutting Rain’s pale arms. She ran deeper and deeper; she bumped into the gang. Jack, Azari, and her other friends were standing by a bush; they had seen the flames also. “Our families…” Rain started to cry again. Silver tears sprung from her face, more and more billowed out as she sat by her friends. Jack stared at her, “The legend… can it be?”


Weeks went by and Nathaniel avoided Rain. People spread rumors that Rain had been the one who summoned the orcs on the village, and that her friends helped her with the craft. It wasn’t true; Azari and Jenny tried to calm her when they were together. The academy was now a school of magic and a home to all of the people that survived.
It was now November and nobody felt like giving thanks to Isaac. The orcs who burned down the village returned to Malimore and the king of Isaac, Edward XII had sent out a charter to the people of Isaac that read:
To the people of Isaac,

Men of age twenty and older must attend the army for Malimore is attacking again. I have been informed that this will be a tough war to win for many died in the Northeast village burning, but the orcs only reached one village yesterday. I am dreadfully sorry for the children of the Northeast Academy; we will try our best.

Edward XIIM

Rain and the gang walked down to the huge dining area, the sun was setting, making purple orange in the sky. Children sneered at them while they made their way down the corridor. While in the dining room, Rain passed Nathaniel, she followed him for the longest time saying his name, “Nathan, Nathaniel, NATHANIEL!” He finally turned to see her face, she wanted to say something, but he turned again and walked away. “Jerk…” Rain started back to the gang; she stared at every face that dared to look at her. She faced Jack, “How do they know of my silver tears?” “A man that had gotten away was hiding by us; he had seen your tears, they shined like the moon, it was surreal…” “What about it? They’ve always been like that.” “No, a normal person’s tears are clear like glass, yours were a silver…” Jack hesitated, “Like the dragon’s tears in the legend…” He stood up and walked off, Azari, Jenny, Robecca, and Karen followed behind. Jenny, Robecca, and Karen were the rest of the group; Jack and Azari hung with Rain more. Rain sat at a table by herself the rest of the dining time, then rushed to her dorm to retreat from everyone else. She laid on her bed, her dress crinkled and creased along her body. Her hair was a mess, curly and straight at once, and her eyes were watery with shining tears that were now more vibrant and illuminated. Her window was open and the wind blew her blinds as wolves howled to the full moon. The sky was clear and the stars were aligning to make Libra in the sky; fairies frolicked among the skies, searching for another to dance with, and the smoked out village’s flag pole lit up excitement as the moon shined on it. A knock was heard on the door and a couple “Open the door, it’s me, Levi” was heard. Rain opened the door; Levi twitched his glasses a couple times then spoke. “Nathaniel wanted me to tell you that he wanted you to leave him alone and that he doesn’t like you.”
“What did I do?”
“Don’t know…”
“Could you ask him for me?”
Levi made his way out the door; he turned back for a minute, “Don’t kill the messenger…”
“Okay,” Rain replied, “you’re my friend, right?”
“Sure,” and with that, Levi was down the hall, running with all his might.
Rain closed the door and plopped herself down on the bed again. Why doesn’t he like me; what did I do? She heard the distant hum of the ocarina again; it made her think of Nathaniel more. She thought of the different things that were happening and of the legend.
Am I the dragon?
Am I the one who created this all?
I have to stop Malimore…
I have to…


The next morning, Rain woke up early and left the academy to think. The sun wasn’t up yet and the stars still dance in the sky. The fairies stared at Rain as she sat by a lily pond by the castle. One came down to her, “What are you?” It asked in delight. “I’m a human, haven’t you seen us before?”
“Yes, but we are too shy, like the unicorn, to come up to you.”
“Are there still unicorn in the forest?”
“Yes, but not much, your kind have hunted most of them.”
“Will they come out?”
“No, they don’t trust you.”
The fairy flew up high and whistled a high-pitched sound, which made more fairies fly closer to her. They danced around, a glittering awe filled her space and a handsome man came out of the darkness around them. Rain stared at the man and smiled. “I know what is harming you,” The man stood on a rock on the other side of the pond.
“You are.”
“I am?”
“You are the one in the legend”
“What are you talking about?”
“You have caused chaos in Isaac, go away.”
“No I haven’t”
“Go away…”
Suddenly, the man turned into a hideous creature; his carcass was ripped and one of his eyes were dangling from his head. He carried a dagger, and his arms were veins and bones. “Go away…” It echoed as it made its way towards Rain. Hands started popping out of the ground and loud moans came from the earth as Rain got up to run. The fairies flew off in a hectic crowd, screaming for mercy as dead people came out of the earth, stalking Rain. She ran through the forest, going deeper and deeper, getting lost and farther away from the castle.
More zombie-like people started following her, she was done for. She ran deeper and deeper, trying to get away from the hands that were popping out of the earth; some stayed, grabbing at her ankles as she stepped over them. One got her as she tried to make a jump; the Man stalked closer and closer. She tripped, more hands crept up and grabbed at her. She closed her eyes and wished for them to go away. When the man caught up, he drew his dagger, lifted it up, and-

Loud screams came from the forest; people from the academy were just waking up. The screams echoed, Jack made a face, “Rain…”


Nathaniel lifted up his backpack. He felt angry as he made his way down the hallway. Rain is soooo annoying, why can’t she see that I want to be alone or at least with an 8th year girl… Levi ran up to Nathaniel; Jack, Azari, Robecca, Karen, and Jenny were following behind. Nathaniel looked at Levi with disgust. “Nathan, Rain’s-“
“I know, she wants me to talk to her again…”
“No, why don’t you at least listen for once.”
“Rain’s missing, loud screams were heard in the Forest of Souls this morning”
“So?!? Rain was right, you are a jerk…”
Levi and the gang ran down the corridor, leaving Nathaniel in the dust. Nathaniel stared at the abandoned corridor, What was he talking about? Screams? Rain?
Rain shouted and screeched as a hidden power shot out from her. The dagger did hit her, but there was no wound when the man retrieved the dagger. Rain shook the hands off of her ankles and looked at the man. Anger sprung from her as her eyes lit, her hair was matted and tangled. The man started to hover above the ground and the remains of his skin turned an illuminated blue. He started to disappear and echoes of screams were heard from the earth beneath her. She was somehow destroying the man and the zombies in the ground!
Screams echoed one last time and Rain fell to her knees. She was exhausted. Her hands dripped with blood and she limped along as her ankles dragged along the earth.
Levi and the group couldn’t seem to find her, Azari felt like crying, but she kept it in. Robecca looked at the chirping birds and fairies that were hiding in the trees. “She went too far in,” Jack replied, keeping himself from sitting down. “We have to keep trying, we have to find her,” Levi looked over in a bush to see if there were any clues.
Rain was still lying on the ground when a horn touched her fragile body. She was close to dying, but a mythical power was healing her. She finally got enough strength to look up. There, standing by her with its head down was a young unicorn, it looked to be about a year old, but she wasn’t sure. This was the first time that she had ever encountered a unicorn. The unicorn healed her wounds and her sore ankles, giving her enough strength to stand.
That fairy that had been talking to her before flew down.
“The unicorns have accepted you.”
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you for ridding the forest of the demons.” “What did I do?”
“You have the powers of the dragon.”
“Yes, the dragon of the legends- he has given you his powers.”
“Am I from Malimore?”
“I cannot say, but God be with you on your quest.”
The fairy flew off, a light surrounded Rain and the Unicorn stared at her.
“Good luck Rain; good luck.”
Rain was transported to an area close to her friends; they were still searching for her. Jenny looked around then spotted a girl with a red velvet dress on. “Rain!” Jenny shouted as the others looked towards her. Levi helped her up and Jack dusted her off. “We were worried, what happened?” Azari looked at her friend with big eyes. “I don’t really know Azari, I don’t really know…”


Five years had gone by before the orcs attacked again. Rain had grown to be a beautiful 18-year-old with a sense of adventure. By this time, the village had been re-built and there were more people than ever living in the community. The academy was getting larger, now expanding on the ocean; the waves weaved in and out of the docks. Rain hadn’t spoke to Nathaniel since that day and he still tried to avoid her. Kolina and Pagoda had gotten married in the flower fields in the spring and they settled down for a while, a baby was on the way for them and everything was different now.
Rain was going to stay at the academy until she was a full-year witch. She couldn’t wait: one and a half years until graduation! Levi and Azari were older than the rest; they were one year in advanced than Rain. Everyone found out that Levi like Azari since that day that they were all in the forest.

“Wow, another year…” Rain hovered a vase with her finger around the room. Levi had his arm around Azari; she had her “get away from me” look on her face. Jack and Karen were sitting by each other, and Jenny and Robecca were playing sherades. The gong sounded for class and a herd of people scattered into the room, sitting down at the table they pleased. Nathaniel sat down at a table by Rain’s his eyes were fixed on her. It was a new year; their teacher was a witch instead of a wizard this year, pretty challenging for many.
This year was going to be fun, Rain knew how to fly a broomstick now; she was also one of the only ones that knew how to hover for a little. The classes were going to be challenging this year; including her favorite subject- physical education.
The rains were coming in a little too soon and the crops were getting too much to drink. The merchants were going to grow a lot this year, and there were no signs of orcs or ogres in the Northeast…

…Everything was perfect…


The academy had put a courtyard by the ocean, the grass had come in the spring and the flowers were going to sleep early. The fairies flocked the courtyard for the longest time until the children started catching them. Rain still visited the forest, but stayed by the steps, knowing that danger still lurked in its midst. The fairies believed that she had scared the demons off, but there was something that was still not right.
It was the end of October; it had been almost about 5 years since Nathaniel stopped talking to Rain. He had been giving her stares and grins, but she avoided it, trying not to laugh or smile. He had hurt her; she was heartbroken for the longest time. He still hung with Phillip, Edwin, Pagoda, and the others in that typical group. He had loved Kolina, but she liked Pagoda more, she’d joke with her friends about getting married to Pagoda, but also Nathaniel. He liked it, you could tell by the way he always blushed.
Rain hated the fact that she was the only one that he wouldn’t talk to; he’d talk to Levi and Jack, he’d also laugh at Jenny’s jokes like the sea witch from a mermaid legend that turned into calimari. She had always wondered if it was his brother that told him to hate her. So, after awhile, she stopped talking to him; her love grew fainter and fainter, like her candle along side her bed.
The storm was blowing over and the rain poured hard; it made the castle gleam even more with the prettiest light that any man could see. The sounds of the ocean calmed Rain as she walked through the corridor. The rumors had stopped three years ago when all seemed fine and the war was called off by the king. Sad to say, the king had died that last year after an infection in the nerves swelled up; the finest doctors looked at him, but it was too late to do anything. His son, Edward XIII that was 26, took over Isaac.
The hall was quiet; the pitter-patter of the rain made a calming noise on the windows. Rain wanted to go outside and visit the unicorns, which only came out when she was alone. She dreamed of a day when she would become one with the forest, her dreaming led to the death of Nathaniel in a war outside of Isaac; in the land of Malimore. She had strange visions in her sleep, she did not wish for any death or violence in Isaac, she just wished of freedom.
She heard the sound of footsteps in back of her with her delicate ears. She was being followed. She started to pick up her pace, trying to get to the dining room without any harm. The others had been waiting there for her; she wanted to be late. She reached the door; she had made it. Quickly rushing in, Rain stepped quietly among the people. Levi waved, his glasses slid down his nose. Azari had fixed her hair up in a chinese bun and Jenny was making her food turn into glass monkeys.
“Hey G-“ someone poked her back. For a brief second, Rain failed to notice, but then turned around. Nathaniel was standing there with a smile on his face. She couldn’t stand looking at his white smile and his angelic brown eyes. His soft black/brown hair looked pleasing to touch Rain finished her quote; “Guys…” She walked to the table to site down, her face lit up with expression. She never wanted to do this, but she had to. For some reason, she still had a feeling in her heart about him and she wanted it out.


Levi walked Rain to her dorm room and made silly jokes about Nathaniel’s love for playing musical instruments and how he had to get his way about everything that had to do with academics. “What a weirdo, he had to be in the spelling bee?” “Yeah, I know, I wanted to be in it and so did four others. I was picked first chair, but someone complained and boda-bing boda-boom…” Rain giggled, “You know it’s kind of funny because he was mean to me and I still liked him.” “Yeah, he made you giggle when he ran.” They both started laughing.
“Well, we’re here, see you tomorrow Levi,” Rain smiled. “See ya-“
There standing behind Levi was Nathaniel. “Can I talk to you out in the courtyard?” Nathaniel looked pleasingly at Rain. “Levi, come with me, I can’t trust this guy,” Rain winked at Levi. “K,” he surprisingly said. They walked down the corridor and out the garden door to the courtyard. The rain was billowing with fuss and the wind sounded like a lion dominating his land. The sky was an orange with a confusion of a rainy night. Levi looked at the two and ran back inside, leaving them alone…

The rain was coming down even fiercer. Rain drew her hood over her head, but Nathaniel tucked it back. Her hair felt the rain, expressing her curls in a big manner. “What do you want?” Rain had a grimace on her face.
“I needed to talk to you,” Nathaniel drew near Rain, she stepped back a few steps with anger building up inside of her.
“What? Oh, could it be that you never want to see me again, or that you hate me, or-“
“Look, it’s none of those, you see I-“
“Hate me?”
“No, I don’t hate you…”
“Then why did you avoid me for all those years?”
“I don’t know you-“
“Don’t know? Hah! I wonder how many lies you can tell in one night…”
Rain hesitated to speak; her heart was beating faster and faster. This was her biggest wish ever and it had just came true. Then, she felt the hatred again, “I bet Edwin put you up to this, just to see how I’d feel; yes, duck-loving Edwin…”
“No, it’s true I do-“
“Too late Nathan…”
With that, Rain stormed through the doors, leaving Nathaniel in the rain.
She rushed through the halls and corridors until she reached her dorm room. She opened it up and ran inside, her silver tears struck her face without any consequences. She cried for Nathaniel and thought of how stupid she was out there. She dreamt of a better way that would have happened; she was so confused. She had loved Nathaniel, but she wanted to get him back for all those times that he avoided her and broke her heart. The silver tears illuminated, bringing havoc upon Isaac that night.


To the people of Northeast Isaac,

I am sorry to inform at this time of the season, but Isaac is being attacked again. Villages are being burned down and many are losing lives. All men aged twenty to forty-five must attend the army. It looks like this will be the final war for Isaac. It will win over Malimore; victory will be cheered throughout our land.

Edward XIII

The charter hit the academy on a clear sunny day. Rain had locked herself in her room. Levi was waiting there for her to come out. Nathaniel came by and checked up on everything. Levi looked at him displeasingly, “What did you do to her now?”
“I didn’t do anything…”
“Oh ya?”
“Tell me, what did you say?”
“I can’t tell…”
“Tell me or I’ll assume something bad.”
“Okay, uh…”
“I told her my feelings and she thought I was lying… I love her Levi and I can’t get her out of my head…” Nathaniel lowered his head, “I’m going to war and I wanted to tell her that before I left.”
Rain was up against her door. He was telling the truth, and he had feelings for her. How horrible! Nathaniel did just turn 20 and he had to go to train for war. She creaked open the door a little bit and peeked outside. Nathaniel stared at her; tears were running down his cheeks. Phillip and Edwin were right around the corner when they stopped in their tracks. “Nathan…”
“Shhh, don’t make any comments, I know.”
“I forgive you… and I’m sorry for avoiding you for the longest time.”
Nathaniel smiled at Rain as she started to cry. Clear tears sprang from her eyes this time; the dragon’s tears had stopped. Levi looked at her and whispered, “The curse is gone.” Phillip and Edwin walked towards Nathaniel, smiles on their faces. “Ready bud? You should have saw Kolina, she wouldn’t get away from Pagoda, poor her…” Edwin gave him a wink. “I’ll see you again, won’t I?” Rain looked at Nathaniel. “You will, I’ll be there when you are in that crowd, waiting for me by the forest. I’ll be right there on my horse, I promise.” Nathaniel waved as him; Phillip, Edwin, and Levi set down the hallway. She looked at them as they disappeared, her hands felt weak.


The day came. War finally struck Isaac, the troops were sent to Malimore to fight the brave battle. Rain, Jack, Robecca, Jenny, Azari, and Karen waited by the courtyard. Everyone was saying their good-byes to each other; Kolina wouldn’t let go of Pagoda. “I love you, I love you!” she yelled as he set off on horseback. Azari wished Levi good luck with a wink that made him blush. By the ocean’s shore Rain and Nathaniel said their good-byes. “You promised me that you’d come back,” she gave him a playful nudge. “And I will,” he replied, grabbing her and hugging her. He got on his horse and started walking off. “Wait,” Rain ran up to him, the horse jumped. “You’ll be in my dreams,” she said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He galloped off with the others past the shore onto the plains. The forest seemed to wave also; the trees billowed their way. The fairies and the unicorns frolicked amongst them; whinnying and giggling as they passed. There was a war to be fought, and that’s what Nathaniel was good at.

Rain stayed as all headed inside, still staring at the dark clouds that hung over Malimore. “You’ll be in my dreams,” she whispered, “and I’ll be there when you’re in trouble…”

“…I’ll be there…”