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Vivi Stuff

Welcome to Vivi's (Final Fantasy IX) profile!!!
Full Name:Vivi Orunitia
Saying:"How do you prove that you exist? Maybe we don't exist..."
Vivi is a clumsy black mage who joins the group early on. He's clumsy because he's always tripping over his own feet! He worries alot! He doesn't like the fact that he may have been manufactured instead of born into this world. He also worries about if he even exists at all. He can't prove that he does he? Zidane helps him get over most of that stuff though. Oh yeah...he was raised by his Grandpa (although they're not really related) who is a Qu like Quina. Because Vivi is a black mage, he can use black magic. Black magic includes attacks like fire, fira, blizzariga, comet, etc...(no healing magic). He's a great person to have on your team because he's strong. If you have both Steiner and Vivi on your team for battleing, they can make a deadly combo. Vivi uses a power (lets say firaga) and Steiner takes his sword and they combine them to make firaga sword (this is done on Steiner's turn in battle, Vivi still gets a turn). One of Vivi'ss only weaknesses is his HP (hit points). His and Eiko's HP don't go near as high as the teenagers/adults on the team. Oh well...

Fire Vivi

He's casting a fire attack...duh.

Lost Battle

Vivi along with Zidane, Freya, and I believe Quina lost a battle to Beatrix just now.

Lost Battle

Just a picture of Vivi standing.