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Tetsu Keatsue

Age: Looks to be 26
Sexual Prefrence:Bisexual
Standing before you is a prime example of death, yet his eye tells a different story. Long silken hair, resting at the small of his back gleams in the light. The features of his face soft, and warming, almost perfect, if it was for the eye patch on his right eye. His form, though muscular, held a certain feminine quality to it, though it was hard to tell considering the armor, and choice of clothing he wore. Pieces of mithral, strapped together by pieces of leather belt covered the majority of his left side. The part of his chest, that his armor did not cover, was wrapped tightly in black leather. His lower half was covered in baggy white pants, which were held up by a black decorated belt. His shins, and feet were covered with mithral as well, and finally, a highly decorated sword resting on the small of his back. Despite his form, and disposition, something about this elf half breed told you that he had a submissive nature about him, and would only harm others, if provoked, only attacking others, to defend himself from harm.

Tetsu’s past is sketchy, he himself not really knowing too much of his past, or his real name for that matter. What is known is that when he was 15, the elven high council of “Long Moon” exiled Tetsu so the island of “Tuskan”. Tuskan was an island for convicts, those that went against society, to delve in their own pleasures of homosexuality, or simply murdered others for their own profit. Tetsu was exiled because the high council figured out that Tetsu was not a pure elf, in fact he was a half-breed, being half elf, and half demon. Tetsu lived his life here being at the whim of stronger men, being used on a regular basis by both men and women as a sex slave. Eventually he learned to enjoy their torment, and use of him, yet still hated each man, and woman that used him. Eventually Tetsu snapped, his mind twisted, and his docile soul becoming evil, and twisted. The sight, and smell of blood excited him, and the though of taking a life made Tetsu feel like a god. At the age of 19, Tetsu became a god on the island of Tuskan, everyone treated him with respect, and no underhanded deal went down without his say so. Though Tetsu ruled this island with an iron fist, and had whatever man, or woman he desired, he still hated this island, and thought himself to be higher than any of them, he longed for freedom, he longed to see the world, and most of all, he longed for revenge against the council that banished him here. When Tetsu turned 21, he began devising a plan, to not only leave the island, but to take his revenge.
Every month, their was a supply ship that came to the island, so that the convicts may have food, and items to trade for their economy, on this day, Tetsu took his plan into motion. He waited at the docks, shrouded in cloaks. Once the supply ship had unloaded its cargo, he slipped behind a royal guard, slit his throat, and took his armor. Now in his new armor, he slipped on the boat with ease, and without suspicion. When the boat had set sail, he slaughtered the captain, as well as a few crewmen, after all, he couldn’t navigate this boat by himself, now could he? Tetsu sailed to his homeland, once there, he finished off the rest of his crew. He then searched for the demon hordes that were nestled in this land, he came to them asking to see the chief of the hordes, and with some “convincing”, he met with Eito Kietsoe, who happened to be a half breed himself. Tetsu told the chief his story, and convinced Eito that his cause was true, and was no trick.
Over three years, Eito, and Tetsu worked hand, in hand to recruit more demons to their cause, demons who had been in hiding for years. At first they had trouble, thinking that the elven high council was tricking them, Eito, and Tetsu convinced them that it was no trick, and eventually had a powerful army, yet was still not strong enough to take on the high council. During this mission Tetsu had set for himself, he grew vary close to Eito, and eventually fell in love with him, and of course they became lovers. As well as being lovers, Eito taught Tetsu how to channel both his elven powers, and demon powers to coincide with each other, in order to release an even greater power, over the next 2 years, Tetsu became even stronger the Eito, and surpassed him greatly, which surprisingly pleased Eito, and even still this did not detour there love, yet somehow made it stronger.
Eventually the elven high council got wend of this growing armor, and devised a simple plan to suppress this armor, and in the end, Tetsu had recruited an escaped convict, from “Tuskan”, The night that he recruited this convict, Tetsu got on his horse, and went to a local bar to see if he could find any more demons, while Eito slept, the new recruit slit his throat. When Tetsu returned, and saw his lover dead, Tetsu lost it, he gathered his troops, and road all night to the capital of “Lus’Dar”, and a brutal war broke out. The war lasted several days, and nights, non-stop, and even when every last demon was slaughtered, and Tetsu was literally the only one left on the field, Tetsu did not give up. Something took over him, something sinister, and he was filled with even more hatred then he could ever imagine. Not much is known what happened considering the capital was somehow reduced to rubble before the night’s end, but it is said that Tetsu released a demon from the underworld that destroyed the capital, but others say that his army simply overpowered the elven army, no one really knows. Hundreds of years passed, and Tetsu has made his way here, Furcadia.

Pieces of mithril strapped together covered the majority of his left side, which so happens to be the side he faces his enemy with. Along the armor down his left arm, are ruins of the four basic elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Sky. There is also a ruin of shift, which allows him to shift the governing attribute to whatever he so wish, when ever he wants, without using any outside influences, other than a thought. The rest of his chest is covered in form fitting leather, and baggy pants cover his legs. It seems that he is dressed for speed, and stealth.

Tetsu simply carries a short bladed katana, highly decorated. Just like his armor it is made of mithril, and has the same five ruins as his armor, as well as the ruin of dark. This blade rests on the small of his back, and like his armor, Tetsu can shift the attribute of his weapon with a mere thought. Hanging from his right shoulder is a simple dagger, nothing magical about it, simply used to slit other’s throat, or catch that quick strike whenever the opportunity arises.

Unholy Hand: Changing the mithril on his left arm to unholy, allows him, not only to block an attack with his left arm but absorb any unholy attributes of the attack.

Icey Hand: Changing the mithril on his left arm to ice allows him, not only to block an attack with his right arm, but absorb any ice attributes of the attack.

Burning Hand: Changing the mithril on his left arm, to fire allows him, not only to block an attack with his left arm, but absorb any fire attributes of the attack.

Shocking Hand: Changing the mithril on his left arm, to wind allows him, not only to block an attack with his left arm, but absorb any wind attributes of the attack.

Stone Hand: Changing the mithril on his left arm, to earth allows him, not only to block an attack with his left arm, but absorb any fire attributes of the attack.
All skills above require one charge

Elemental Sword:1 Charge:Duration of battle:Tetsu can shift the element on his sword to any one of the ruins he has on his blade, allowing a strong elemental attribute to every attack.

God Hand:3 Charges:1 Turns: Tetsu releases the energy he has stored in his mithril to create a powerful ball of energy. This energy is the attribute of whatever attributes he has absorbed from any attack that had an element attached to it, but the attribute is amplified creating a more powerful attack.

Illusion:3 Charges:2 Turns: This skill forms two replicas of Tetsu. This skill allows him to replace an illusion of himself, with his actual self, making it harder for an attacker to pin point Tetsu. In this state Tetsu is fully capable of attacking.

Shadow Strike:4 Charges:1 Turn: This skill absorbs any ki within a five-foot radius of Tetsu, as the ki is absorbed it is converted into Unholy energy. He then uses the energy and forms it into a second sword at which he strikes threw the air, at which point creates a black shadow dragon which speeds towards his enemies destroying anything in it's path.

Blurring Strike:2 Charges:1 Turn: This skill allows Tetsu's speed to be greatly increased, at least 100%. Using his new found speed he dashes forward at speeds that make it seem that Tetsu is teleporting, he strikes once at the gut.

Amplify Atribute:2 Charges:2 Turns: This skill allows him to amplify the current attribute on his sword, allowing him to cast a low level spell a pone contact adding more damage to the attack.

Null:5 Charges:2 Turns For a short period of time all magic effects, this including magic spells, and attributes become nulled, making spells useless. Even Tetsu's own magical attributes.

Shadow Sphere:3 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu creates a sphere of unholy, dense energy, in his hand, at which he hurls creating an explosion a pone impact in a radius of a 4 square box.

Unholy Needle:2 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu forms unholy energy into a shuriken, in which he throws, a pone impact the shuriken becomes excited, and accelerates threw an object causing a piercing attack 3 feet deep.

Unholy Ground:3 Charges:1 Turn: This skill calls a pone the depths of hell to create fishers in the ground spewing cinder, and flames at Tetsu's opponent. At a distance the attack is week and easily avoidable, but in close range the attack can be devastating.

Perception:3 Charges:2 Turns: This skill allows Tetsu to become aware of an attacker's attack 3 seconds before attacker executes the attack, this allows him to dodge, and counter the attack more easily

Wings:2 Charges: Duration of battle: He simply call a pone his demonic wings allowing him to hover for a short amount of time.

Demonic Armor:6 Charges:Duration of battle: Tetsu is covered in living armor, increasing all aspects of himself, speed, strength, magic, perception, by at least 20%


Ether Fire:2 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu calls a pone the flames of hell to summon a fire ball to strike his enemy.

Ether Fire II:3 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu summons a flaming dragon to burn his enemies to ash.

Ether Fire III:4 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu creates several golf ball sized flames, he then throws them in the air. The balls of flame produce a concentrated beam of heat to rip his enemies to shred.

Ether Ice I:2 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu summons a large icicle to hurl at his enemy.

Ether Ice II:3 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu summons several larger icicles to hurl at his enemies ripping them to shreds.

Ether Ice III:4 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu creates several large boulders of ice over head, allowing them to crush his enemies.

Ether Bolt I:3 Charges: Summons a large bolt of lightning to strike his enemies.

Ether Earth I:3 Charges:1 Turn: Summons hundreds of pebbles to stone his enemies.

Ray:5 Charges:2 Turns: Parts the heavens above to summon two angels. One turn an angel sends a beam of piercing light toward his enemy damaging his enemy. The other angel executes several strikes.

Unholy:5 Charges:1 Turn: Tetsu summons a grave keeper, at which the keeper lends his powers to Tetsu for one turn allowing devastating damage.

Absorbs Unholy
Deflects Fire
Increased Unholy attributes

Strong Ice Attacks.

Demonic Armor
