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Digimon Adventure Good Guys (Digimon),

Digimon Adventure Good Guys: Digimon

Evo Level: Child
Sig Attack: Baby Flame
Agumon is Taichi's partner digimon. Like his human counterpart, he is a very hot-blooded individual who won't hesitate to jump into action. His loyalty to Taichi is unwavering.

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Mega Flame
This fire-breathing T-Rex is Agumon's adult stage.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Giga Destroyer,Trident Arm
Agumon's perfect stage is a cybernetic version of Greymon, with a sharp metal claw and missile launchers.

Evo Level: Ultimate
Sig Attack: Gaia Force, Brave Tornado
Agumon at the ultimate stage. This humanoid dragon warrior is immensely powerful!

Evo Level: Child
Sig Attack: Petite Fire
This is Yamato's partner. A rather soft-spoken fellow, but a more loyal partner couldn't be found. Even if he doesn't always agree with him, Gabumon will always fight at Yamato's side.

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Fox Fire
Gabumon's adult stage; a big blue wolf that breaths blue flames.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Kaiser Nail, Garuru Kick
Gabumon's perfect evolution level resembles a werewolf with razor-sharp claws.

Evo Level: Ultimate
Sig Attack: Cocytus Breath, Garuru Tomahawk, Grace Cross Freezer
A cybernetic wolf is Gabumon's ultimate level. His breath freezes his enemy on contact, and he has a complete arsenal of missiles all over his body.

Evo Level: Ultimate
Sig Attack: Grey Sword, Garuru Cannon
This 'super-ultimate' is the result of the fusion of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon. With a huge sword on one arm, and a powerful cannon on the other, there's little that can stand in his way!

Evo Level: Child
Sig Attack: Magical Fire
Sora's partner. She may not look like much, but this little bird is willing to go all the way for her partner. Sora even comes to learn a few things from her along the way...

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Meteor Wing
Piyomon's adult form looks like a giant flaming bird. When she flaps her wings, her enemies are incinerated in a shower of fireballs.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Shadow Wing
A gigantic bird is the result of Piyomon's perfect evolution. Her Shadow Wing is a great energy wave that resembles a bird's silhouette.

Piyomon's ultimate stage is believed to be Hounumon, but this can't be verified since she never appeared in the anime.

Evo Level: Child
Sig Attack: Poison Ivy
This somewhat oddball-looking plant is Mimi's partner. Like Mimi, though, Palmon is a lover, not a fighter. She prefers not to fight unless it's absolutely necessary to protect Mimi.

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Prickly Bang-Bang
Palmon's adult stage reminds me of Final Fantasy's Cactaurs. Her attack is also similar; showering her enemies with a barrage of cactus spines.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Flower Cannon
Palmon's perfect evolution looks like a cute fairy, but she can still hold her own quite well, in spite of her gentle and delicate features.

Palmon's ultimate stage is believed to be Rosemon, but this can't be verified since she never appeared in the anime.

Evo Level: Child
Sig Attack: Petite Thunder
Koushiro's partner. He may never understand Koushiro sometimes, since he keeps to himself so much, but he has great respect for it, as well as his constant thirst for knowledge.

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Mega Blaster
Tentomon evolves to a large blue insectoid creature with a horned helmet. He attacks primarilly with crackling blue spheres of electricity.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Horn Buster
A massive red beetle is Tentomon's perfect stage. The horn on his head can fire impressive thunder rays, as well as gore his enemy to a pulp.

Tentomon's ultimate stage is believed to be HerculesKabuterimon, but this can't be verified, since he never appeared in the anime.

Evo Level: Child
Sig Attack: Marching Fishes
This is Jou's partner. While Jou starts out as not very brave, and very introverted, Gomamon helps him bring out many of his best qualities that have been locked away for so long.

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Harpoon Vulcan
Gomamon's adult stage looks like a big furry walrus with a horn on his head. The horn is fired from his head, which opens up into a lethal missile.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Hammer Spark
A massive creature brought about by Gomamon's perfect evolution. He wields a gigantic hammer that can crush his opponents, or emmit a powerful beam when it strikes the ground.

Gomamon's ultimate stage is believed to be Plesiomon, but this can't be verified since he never appears in the anime.

Evo Level: Child
Sig Attack: Air Shot
Takeru's partner may look somewhat unreliable, but Patamon's small body hides a big heart, and he is still able to be a great help when times are tough.

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Heaven's Knuckle
Patamon's adult stage is this celestial digimon, who can blow enemies away with a beam of holy light emitted from his fist. Demons beware!

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Heaven's Gate, Excalibur
The ultimate stage of Patamon has the power of the gods in his sword, and his Heaven's Gate vaporizes any evil that enters.

Patamon's ultimate stage is Seraphimon, but I'll discuss him in the Zero Two section, since he doesn't appear until then.

Evo Level: Child
Sig Attack: Puppy Howling
This is Hikari's partner, but she tends to spend more time in her adult stage...

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Neko Punch
Awww...what a cute kitty-cat...until she decides to use you as a scratching post. She was once a henchman of Vamdemon, until she found the love and companionship from Hikari that Vamdemon never gave her.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Holy Arrow, Heaven's Charm
Tailmon evolves to this lovely angel, similar to Angemon. She wields a holy arrow that can pierce the heart of any demon.

Tailmon's ultimate stage is Holydramon, but I'll discuss her in the Zero Two section, since she doesn't appear until then.

Evo Level: ???
Sig Attack: ???
Not a human, but not quite a digimon either. Gennai shows up from time to time to give the Chosen advice and guidance. While incredibly wise, this old man can get a tad senile at times.

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Beast King Fist
This lion-man has a noble heart, and is willing to fight at the Chosen's side. But he must first be released of Devimon's evil spell.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Spiral Sword, Gatling Missile
This robotic digimon was also under Devimon's control, but he also has a good heart, and later helps the Chosen in their battle against the Dark Masters.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Jet Arrow
A huge whale that gives the Chosen a ride to Server after they remove a black gear from his innards. He later makes the ultimate sacrifice to help them defeat MetalSeadramon.

Evo Level: Perfect
Sig Attack: Psy Bomb
This furry little sprite offers to train the Chosen. While most of the 'training' consists of household chores, he teaches Taichi and Agumon the most important lesson of all...

Evo Level: Adult
Sig Attack: Thunder Cloud, Magical Game
A master of black magic, but Wizardmon has no interest in Vamdemon's ambitions. His loyalty belongs with Tailmon, after saving his life long ago.

Evo Level: Ultimate
Sig Attack: Howling Crusher, Twin Fang
The power of the digivice has enabled Leomon to evolve to his ultimate stage, which he now uses to help the Chosen any way he can.