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Serial#: DWN010

Attack: Air Shooter

Debut: Megaman 2 (1988)

Subsequent Appearences:
Megaman 3 (1990)*
Megaman 2 (GB) (1991)
Megaman Soccer (1994)
Megaman: The Wily Wars (1994)
Megaman 2: The Power Fighters (1996)
Megaman & Bass (1998)**
Megaman Super Adventure (1998)

TV Show Appearances: Ice Age

Notes: This unusual robot has a gigantic turbine built into his chassis. A smaller one is built into one of his arms. Both allow Airman to create devestating blasts of wind. He's not very mobile, but that's okay as his wind blasts are strong enough to deflect his enemy's shots.

Weaknesses: Airman’s turbine generates great amounts of power. But it can break down easily if leaves or stones get jammed in it...

* As one of Doc Robot's powers
** Appears in the CD Database