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Serial#: DLN006

Attack: Hyper Bomb

Debut: Megaman 1 (1987)

Subsequent Appearances:
Megaman Soccer (1994)
Megaman: The Wily Wars (1994)
Megaman & Bass (1998)*
Megaman: Powered Up (2006)

TV Show Appearances: The Beginning, Terror of the Seven Seas, Mega Dreams, Crime of the Century

Notes: Bombman was initially made as a demolitions robot. He creates black-ball bombs that could easily turn a building to rubble within moments.

Strengths: Bombman has a pair of powerful legs, enabling him to make impossibly high jumps.

Weaknesses: Bombman's bombs are filled with simple gunpowder. Fire can set the powder off prematurely, doing significant damage.

* Appears in the CD Database.