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Serial#: DWN013

Attack: Crash Bomb

Debut: Megaman 2 (1988)

Subsequent Appearances:
Megaman 3 (1990)*
Megaman 2 (GB) (1990)
Megaman: The Wily Wars (1994)
Megaman: The Power Battle (1995)
Megaman & Bass (1998)**
Megaman Super Adventure (1998)

TV Show Appearances: Mega Pinnochio (for a whopping 5 seconds :( )

Notes: It's clear that Dr. Wily designed Crashman off of Bombman, only with a few modifications. The Crash Bomb is a very powerful explosive that attaches to surfaces before detonating. Crashman himself is quite agile and is well armored.

Strengths: Crash is agile and his Crash Bombs pack tremendous power.

Weaknesses: Crashman is powerful, but he is built with very light armor, making him susceptible to high winds, like from the Air Shooter. Since he spends a lot of time in the air, a weapon with a wide range may also work, like the Rolling Cutter.

* As one of Doc Robot's powers
** Appears in the CD Database