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Serial#: DCN031

Attack: Dive Missile

Debut: Megaman 4 (1991)

Subsequent Appearances:
Megaman 3(GB) (1992)
Megaman 2: The Power Fighters (1996)
Megaman & Bass (1998)*

TV Show Appearances: 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea

Notes: Diveman appears to have been constructed from parts of a submarine hull. A hatch open on his chest to fire Dive Missiles, deadly accurate heat seeking torpedoes, and he can also attack by slamming into his opponent.

Strengths: The Dive Missile is a heat-seeking weapon, and Diveman can dish out considerable damage by slamming into his enemy.

Weaknesses: While he has no structural weaknesses, per se, a defensive weapon is recommended to keep him at bay. Since he fights underwater, electrical weapons are also devastating to him.